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EP 197: Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay with Cyndie Spiegel

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Release Date: 10/12/2023

EP 227: What’s Saving My Life Right Now + The Best Summer Ever show art EP 227: What’s Saving My Life Right Now + The Best Summer Ever

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: May was a LOT. I am so happy to be heading into the summer season to make some memories, finish some projects, read a lot and spend time with my family. Around here we call this season the Summer of Intentionality. I learned about it from my pal Rosie Molinary.  Rosie met a boy at a college party who could recite long poems from memory. She was impressed and asked him how he was able to do it. His answer is what became the SOI.  I tell more of the story on this week’s podcast along with things that are saving my life this season.  

EP 226: Everyone Has Stories to Tell with April Pertuis show art EP 226: Everyone Has Stories to Tell with April Pertuis

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: In this week’s podcast I am talking all things storytelling and speaking with someone who has decades of experience. Meet April.

EP 225: Failure, Addiction and the Long Game with Jess Lahey show art EP 225: Failure, Addiction and the Long Game with Jess Lahey

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: One of the most pivotal life choices I ever made was changing my career from politics to teaching. [You can read about my unconventional career path]. Before studying to be a teacher I had a very fixed mindset. I believed that people were smart or not. I believed that you were born with it or you weren’t. I believed failure was the end of the line and the worst thing that could happen.  The philosophical nature of my yoga practice coincided with the timing of my career change. I was seeking something…better. I was choking on the black and white thinking I was used to....

EP 224: Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with Melissa Llarena show art EP 224: Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with Melissa Llarena

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: I have been meeting with tons of interesting women doing amazing work in the world, taking a class on branding, preparing for a couple of speaking events and handling some big parenting challenges. In other words, I am ready for a little R&R this weekend for Mother’s Day.  So many have told me lately that all they want for Mother's Day is some silence and solitude, perhaps a meal they don’t have to think about or clean up after.  Me too! So that’s what I requested from my family. I will also be reading by a pool and swimming. Nice way to spend a Sunday if you...

EP 223: Life Beyond The Classroom with Sara Torpey show art EP 223: Life Beyond The Classroom with Sara Torpey

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: Welcome to Maycember! If you are a parent or teacher you know that (thank you Holderness family). It’s also the season when we start looking towards summer break and beyond. Are you a teacher, helper or giver with something to teach? Would you like to make income from your ideas? This week’s podcast guest Sara Torpey can teach you how to do just that.  

EP 222: What Self-Care is Decades Into Your Life with author Jennifer Louden show art EP 222: What Self-Care is Decades Into Your Life with author Jennifer Louden

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: Have you read You Can Heal Your Life? I only understood about every third word, but one big takeaway is: change is possible and you have the power to make it happen.  I was sold on the concept, but I needed something a bit more practical to help me in my everyday life. Then I found this book, and everything changed. It set me on the path I am on today. The Women’s Comfort Book: A Self-Nurturing Guide for Restoring  Balance in Your Life  by Jennifer Louden. Fast forward a few decades and I had a major epiphany: authors are people. People are on social media. ...

EP 221: Five Years! show art EP 221: Five Years!

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: Five years ago I published my first 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care episode. I promised myself I would release a season because I knew I had ten things about self-care I wanted to share with you. I had no idea what the show would grow into. 🤯 Over the five years, we have learned from so many authors I admire. We have seen how self-care impacts women in all kinds of industries and professions.  Deep dives into Enneagram and Getting Good at Grief gave me a chance to collaborate with my pals and learn more about myself (and you) in the process.  Self-care for the 9-5er came...

EP 220: Organizing The ADHD Home with Kat Green of Badass Homelife show art EP 220: Organizing The ADHD Home with Kat Green of Badass Homelife

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: Today's guest is Kat Green, she's a perpetually curious and laid-back individual, a minimalist, and the proud owner of Badass Homelife. She is an ADHD Organizing Specialist and absolutely loves helping neurospicy folks find systems that work for them. I hope you’ll give my interview with Kat a listen.

EP 219: Sharing Our Stuff and Adult Friendships with author Laura Tremaine show art EP 219: Sharing Our Stuff and Adult Friendships with author Laura Tremaine

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: After I attended an author's panel last year I introduced myself to Laura Tremaine. It was a super nerdy moment for me because I love her books and podcasts. I love her storytelling.  I am super intrigued by her. Our backgrounds are very different—she grew up in very conservative Oklahoma, and I grew up in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area. But she moved to Los Angeles in her 20s and has talked about how that has impacted her. Because I wanted to learn more about her, I asked her to be a guest on my podcast; she said yes!  Then I made it weird. I didn’t reach out to...

EP 218: More Equity for Everyone with Fair Play author Eve Rodsky show art EP 218: More Equity for Everyone with Fair Play author Eve Rodsky

100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

Show notes: For more than a decade, I have been talking to people about self-care. Some would say I am a self-care evangelist because it saved my life. It is the only thing that keeps us from being burnt out. It is the fuel for feeling good enough in your life to keep going in our desire to make the world a better place. “I don’t have enough time” is one of the most often expressed reasons why women aren’t doing the self-care that they need. They are too busy because of work, child raising, keeping up with the housework, and doing all the things for all the people in their lives....

More Episodes

Show notes: https://www.tamihackbarth.com/blog/episode-197

In this week’s podcast, we are taking an intermission from the Fair Play Fall Series and diving into the concept of Microjoys with Cyndie Spiegel.

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