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04: Living a 50/50 Life: the Key to Happiness


Release Date: 02/16/2023

06: Thoughts on Mental Health (what I wish I would have told my brother) show art 06: Thoughts on Mental Health (what I wish I would have told my brother)


Mental Health is such a prevalent experience for so many people, but I don't think we talk about it enough! I'm sharing some thoughts and experiences from losing a brother to suicide and dealing with anxiety myself. Hopefully, these ideas will help you or help you help someone else experiencing mental health issues. Let's lead with curiosity and find compassion!  Join me on Instagram: 

05: Teaching Kids About Food show art 05: Teaching Kids About Food


A lot of what we know, do, and believe when it comes to our body and food is based on what we observed growing up. Learning and teaching the basics of nutrition can feel overwhelming at times! In this episode, I am sharing 10 suggestions when it comes to teaching our kids (and ourselves) about food.  Join me on Instagram:  1:1 Coaching: 

04: Living a 50/50 Life: the Key to Happiness show art 04: Living a 50/50 Life: the Key to Happiness


Half of the time we are awesome, and half of the time we aren't. Listen to this episode to find out how applying the 50/50 rule in your life can create a lot more positivity and happiness! Join me on Instagram: 1:1 Coaching:  

03: Diets & Tanning Lotion show art 03: Diets & Tanning Lotion


Get my take on diets and how they can be a temporary solution for a bigger problem. I share an example in my own life when I thought that I just hadn't found the "right" thing. Getting curious and asking ourselves what's really going on can give us the clarity we are looking for! Join me on Instagram: 1:1 Coaching:    

02: My Fitness Advice show art 02: My Fitness Advice


I'm sharing a couple of lessons I've learned when it comes to health and fitness.  Join me on Instagram:  Get on the waitlist for 1:1 Coaching: 

01: What is Emotional Health? show art 01: What is Emotional Health?


I used to think that if I could control everyone else's emotions, then I would be ok. Boy, was I wrong! In this very first episode on the START THERE Podcast, I share when I started to lean into emotional health and realize the power I have over my feelings. It may sound crazy, but it IS possible to be ok, even when other things in your life aren't.  Join me on Instagram: Get on the waitlist for 1:1 Coaching:

More Episodes

Half of the time we are awesome, and half of the time we aren't. Listen to this episode to find out how applying the 50/50 rule in your life can create a lot more positivity and happiness!

Join me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ambereverycoaching/

1:1 Coaching: https://www.ambereverycoaching.com/product-page/start-there-health-coaching