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32. Failure: Sometimes It's Not So Bad

This Is For Us

Release Date: 05/06/2024

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This Is For Us

Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us," and a very Happy Memorial Day to everyone! I’m excited to dive into today’s episode where we not only celebrate this special holiday but also the joys of gathering with loved ones. As we enjoy our beers and hot dogs—or Diet Coke and cheeseburgers—let’s reflect on the moments and people that make these celebrations memorable. Link to FREE Quote Journal: Follow me on Instagram here: To order Clearstem visit: Code for Clearstem: NOELCOLEY Drop a note on my website: Join the Facebook group here:   Celebrating Keely's Birthday...

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This Is For Us

Hey y’all, and welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're here, especially as we dive into a topic very close to my heart—the pressure we feel as women to be all things to everyone. Today, I want to share some insights and personal stories about how we navigate these pressures and strive to be our best selves. Link to FREE Quote Journal:  Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website: Order your own and use code: NOELCOLEY   The Everyday Pressure    - Sharing a personal story about trying to surprise Alan on his birthday, only for it to go...

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This Is For Us

Hey y’all, and welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're here, especially as we dive into a topic very close to my heart—embracing life's unpredictable turns. Today, I want to share how my recent experiences have reshaped my perspective on life’s unexpected challenges and the lessons learned along the way. Link to FREE Quote Journal:  Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website: Order your own and use code: NOELCOLEY   The Swift Passage of Time:    - Reflecting on the past six weeks of competing and how quickly they've passed, I’m struck...

32. Failure: Sometimes It's Not So Bad show art 32. Failure: Sometimes It's Not So Bad

This Is For Us

Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're here, especially as we dive into a topic very close to my heart—failure. Today, I want to share some personal experiences and insights on dealing with setbacks and using them as stepping stones to growth. Link to FREE Quote Journal: Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website: Order your own and use code: NOELCOLEY   Understanding Failure:    - Discussing how failures are a natural part of life and success. Exploring why it's essential to accept setbacks without letting them define us....

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This Is For Us

Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're here, especially as we dive into a topic very close to my heart—relationships. Today, I want to share some insights into my own relationship with my husband, Alan Coley, affectionately known as AC. Link to FREE Quote Journal:  Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website: Seven Years with AC Alan and I recently celebrated our seventh anniversary together. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions and experiences that truly feel like we’ve lived multiple lifetimes together. Like many couples, we’ve had to fit...

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This Is For Us

Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're joining me today, especially as we dive into a topic close to my heart—embracing life's transitions. This episode is inspired by my recent interactions with the University of Tennessee cheerleaders and my high school seniors at Diamonds All-Stars, who are facing the daunting uncertainty of graduation and the next steps in their lives. Use code: NOELCOLEY for a 15% discount on Link to FREE  Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website: Life at a Crossroads During a team dinner with the Tennessee...

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This Is For Us

Hello, y'all! Welcome back to "This Is for Us," the space where we come together as a community of friends to share, learn, and grow. I’m genuinely thrilled and grateful to have you here, joining me in another episode where we dive deep into real, raw conversations about life. Link to FREE Quote Journal - Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website   Reflecting on Personal Struggles Lately, I've felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, something I've shared in previous episodes. Despite my best efforts to stay positive, I've been struggling with feelings of negativity...

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This Is For Us

Hello, y'all! Welcome back to "This Is for Us," the space where we come together as a community of friends to share, learn, and grow. I’m genuinely thrilled and grateful to have you here, joining me in another episode where we dive deep into real, raw conversations about life. Link to FREE Quote Journal - Follow me on Instagram here: Drop a note on my website It's funny how often I find myself thinking about you all. Whether I'm at my kitchen table, doing my makeup, or driving somewhere, you're on my mind. I constantly wonder about our similarities and differences and if you're feeling...

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This Is For Us

Hello, y'all! Welcome back to "This Is for Us," the space where we come together as a community of friends to share, learn, and grow. I’m genuinely thrilled and grateful to have you here, joining me in another episode where we dive deep into real, raw conversations about life. This week, I decided to do something a bit different. Inspired by the questions you've sent through my website and Instagram DMs, I'm answering three of them that struck a chord with me. Your privacy is paramount, so rest assured, that all questions are presented anonymously. Link to FREE Quote Journal -  Follow...

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This Is For Us

Hello, y'all! Welcome back to "This Is For Us," where authenticity and heartfelt conversations pave the way for our journey together. Today's episode ventures into a realm that's deeply personal yet universally resonant: navigating the complexities of grief and loss, alongside the unexpected beauty that can emerge from our darkest times. As we explore the profound contrasts of life, remember, everything shared comes from a place of truth and experience, hoping to reach someone who needs to hear it. Link to FREE Quote Journal -  Follow me on Instagram here:  The Journey Through Grief...

More Episodes

Hey, y’all, welcome back to "This is for Us." I’m thrilled you're here, especially as we dive into a topic very close to my heart—failure. Today, I want to share some personal experiences and insights on dealing with setbacks and using them as stepping stones to growth.

Link to FREE Quote Journal: Quote Journal

Follow me on Instagram here: Noel Roberts Coley Instagram

Drop a note on my website: https://noelrobertscoley.com/

Order your own Clear Stem - Mind, Body, Skin and use code: NOELCOLEY


Understanding Failure:

   - Discussing how failures are a natural part of life and success. Exploring why it's essential to accept setbacks without letting them define us.

   - Reflecting on the idea that sometimes timing isn’t right, and despite our best efforts, things don’t go as planned.

 Emotional Impact:

   - Addressing the emotional toll that failures can take on us. How feelings of disappointment and frustration are normal but don’t need to dictate our responses.

   - Strategies for managing these emotions constructively, avoiding the trap of dwelling on what went wrong.

 Failing Forward:

   - Introducing the concept of failing forward—leveraging failures as opportunities for learning and growth.

   - Providing practical tips on how to shift perspective from viewing failure as a setback to seeing it as a catalyst for development.

 Learning from Mistakes:

   - Sharing personal stories that illustrate the importance of extracting lessons from our missteps to avoid repeating them.

   - Emphasizing the value of self-reflection and the role it plays in personal and professional growth.

 Resilience and Recovery:

   - Discussing the steps to build resilience and the ability to recover from failures stronger than before.

   - Encouraging proactive planning and preparation to better face future challenges, informed by past experiences.


Encouraging listeners to view failures as opportunities for growth and emphasizing the importance of self-compassion and perseverance in the face of adversity.

Thank you for joining me today. If you’ve resonated with this episode or know someone who might, feel free to share it. I’m here to continue these conversations and support you through your journey in love and life. Remember, you're not alone in the highs and lows. Until next time, take care and keep nurturing your relationships with love, patience, and understanding.

Until next time, take care and keep cherishing those around you. Remember, we're in this together, and through sharing our stories, we find common ground and healing because This Is For Us. 

I hope you love this episode xoxo