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Episode 283: The Benefit of Wisdom for the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

Release Date: 05/08/2024

Episode 286: Breathing Exercise for the Actor show art Episode 286: Breathing Exercise for the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

This week what I wanted to do was a breathing exercise for actors because I think in this incredible turbulent world that we live in, and yes, it's always turbulent, but it seems particularly turbulent right now. It is so important that for us as artists, that before we are about to perform, that we get to the center of us.  As a little girl, I called it, go back to the source.  And I believe that is connecting to that part of us that is connected to the Universe.  So what I'm going to do I'm not going to breathe with you, but what I am going to do is guide you through breathing...

Episode 285: Centering Exercise for the Actor show art Episode 285: Centering Exercise for the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

Today, I'm going to do something to follow up from what I talked about last week, which was prayer and meditation for the actor.  I got a lot of emails about how many people enjoyed that podcast. So what I wanted to do today was focusing on centering, and centering for the actor. So this is going to be a little different. I don't recommend that you do this while you are driving a car or maybe even walking down the street.  This would be a podcast episode that you want to be at home and in a comfortable place because I'm going to be going through different areas of your body and talk...

Episode 284: Prayer & Meditation for the Actor show art Episode 284: Prayer & Meditation for the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

So today I actually, I've been just so intensely busy with so many different things and I was in New York City today and one of the things I used to do when I was in New York more than I am now is I would go into churches and I just happened to pass by an old church that I usually would go into and I just walked in. And it was quiet, quiet.  And I have been noticing this past, I don't know, week, that my mind has been racing a lot.  Just tons and tons of talk and nothing negative. Just very busy.  And it's disrupted my sleep and it's been so unpleasant.  And then I went...

Episode 283: The Benefit of Wisdom for the Actor show art Episode 283: The Benefit of Wisdom for the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

Today, I'm going to talk about the subject of Wisdom.  Wisdom is my favorite word in the American language.  God, do I love Wisdom. The reason why I love Wisdom is because Wisdom gives me power. And sometimes it isn't even the power of knowledge, but the power of knowing what to do.  And I don't have any script for this podcast or guidance for this podcast. I'm just talking to you about this subject because it is truly just the thing that I crave more of.  This past week I turned another year older. I help people to adjust their thoughts and their lives to work for...

Episode 282: Perfectionism and You! show art Episode 282: Perfectionism and You!

Acting Business Boot Camp

Now I wouldn't say that I would sometimes call myself Peter Pamela Perfectionism Rose, but sometimes I've called myself Peter Pamela Perfectionism Rose. The biggest thing about perfectionism that I want to talk about today is that perfectionism leads to procrastination, leads to paralysis.  The other thing that I think is so important about the lesson of perfectionism is to make your ears grow bigger, cunning, baffling, and powerful. I look at all the ways, in fact even this too, recording today's podcast, I was looking for the right time to do it.  But do you know what the right...

Episode 281: Taking Risks show art Episode 281: Taking Risks

Acting Business Boot Camp

Today I'm going to be talking about something that I have been doing recently, which I've been really taking risks. It's been real. It's been an adventure. And I've said to myself, I remember earlier this year, I was in a foreign country. I was driving in a foreign country, on the opposite side of the road. And I went in my car. It was late at night and I'd been traveling for a while and I just said to myself, You are so brave. You are so brave.  And I think one of the things that I've learned in taking risks is really to encourage, be your own cheerleader while you're doing it. ...

Episode 280: Vulnerability & the Actor show art Episode 280: Vulnerability & the Actor

Acting Business Boot Camp

Today, I'm going to talk about something that I've been feeling recently—vulnerability. Yeah. Vulnerability. Just feeling a little tender.  Now, the thing I always think about with vulnerability is vulnerability and emotional availability is two of the greatest assets that actors can have.  All I have to say about that is that can also be like your cross to bear, as it were when dealing with the industry.  Because as an actor, as an artist, we wear our hearts on our sleeves.  But how I like to approach the business is the business. When I go in there, I do my work, my...

Episode 279: Nepotism and Grandiosity show art Episode 279: Nepotism and Grandiosity

Acting Business Boot Camp

I'm going to be talking about something that a listener sent me, and I thought it was a really interesting idea for a podcast, which is about nepotism. I do think it is yet another one of those areas of the industry where we can get our heads in the clouds and not on our bodies, and really allows us to make excuses for not showing up and taking responsibility. As a NEPO baby, I am not one. I do not come from anyone in the industry. You have an advantage in that you have those connections. However, you also have to have the talent, consistency, and persistence to back that up. The other thing...

Episode 278: Interview with Casting Director Angela Mickey show art Episode 278: Interview with Casting Director Angela Mickey

Acting Business Boot Camp

About Angela Mickey: Angela Mickey is the Managing Director of Casting at Liz Lewis Casting Partners, and has been working as a Casting Director for 24 years.  Angela works across the board on commercial, voice-over, film, TV, and theater projects, with a concentration on comedy, real people, and theatrical casting.  She enjoys working with both veteran and up-and-coming creatives, developing the best, unique plan for each project, and working as a partner to the producing process.  Recent on-camera commercial projects: Spectrum, UberEats, DCU, Blue...

Episode 277: Are You Stuck? show art Episode 277: Are You Stuck?

Acting Business Boot Camp

  So, this week, I've received numerous emails from actors who have told me that they feel stuck.  That's why I was like, if they're feeling it, maybe I should do a podcast about feeling stuck.  So we're going to get to that.  Being stuck. I think being stuck has a lot to do, at least for me, about timing.  Generally, it always comes down to timing—not my timing; it's the Universe's timing. And then that sometimes just doesn't work. If I'm not in the greatest place, that frustrates me even more because I'm like, “Why not now?” “Why not now? What the fuck is...

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Today, I'm going to talk about the subject of Wisdom. 

Wisdom is my favorite word in the American language. 

God, do I love Wisdom. The reason why I love Wisdom is because Wisdom gives me power.

And sometimes it isn't even the power of knowledge, but the power of knowing what to do. 

And I don't have any script for this podcast or guidance for this podcast. I'm just talking to you about this subject because it is truly just the thing that I crave more of. 

This past week I turned another year older.

I help people to adjust their thoughts and their lives to work for them instead of against them.

And, that's a really crucial thing because it's certainly something that I did a lot when I was younger. 

I constantly worked against myself because I also was like, “Yeah I'm, I have so much energy and I'm so tough, I don't always have to be working for me.”

Oh, would I like to go back and talk to that 20 year old.

Becoming emotionally intelligent. 

And how do I teach them to do that?

 By teaching them to be emotionally self-sufficient. In order to be emotionally self-sufficient, I need to be very wise.

So I'm going to talk a bit today about a couple of prayers that I like that help me to become more wise. 

And the first one is very obvious. It is the serenity prayer. 

So if you're listening to this, I'm going to ask you to write the serenity prayer down. 

I'm going to give it to you as I'm writing. If you need to push pause, that's fine.

So here's the serenity prayer. 

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.”

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. So write that down and then skip a couple of lines.

Then I want you to write down the next line, which is “courage to change the things I can.”

And then skip a couple of lines. 

And wisdom to know the difference. 

And wisdom to know the difference. And I always, when I'm writing down the serenity prayer, I always circle the word wisdom.

Again, because it's something I want more of. 

So let's go back to that first line, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. 

Underneath that, I want you to write this: I cannot change or control other people, places, things, or situations. 

So grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. 

I cannot change other people, places, things, or situations. 

I cannot change or control other people, places, things, or situations. 

Let's go to the second part. 

Courage to change the things I can. 

I can only handle or manage, handle/ manage myself, my attitudes, my thoughts, and my actions.

I can only handle/ manage myself, my thoughts, my attitudes, my actions. That's the second part. 

And the third part is, wisdom to know the difference. 

Wisdom underneath that, right? 

Wisdom to know the difference between what I cannot control, which is other people, places, things, and situations, and what I can handle, which is myself, my attitudes, my thoughts, and my actions. 

So I am looking for the wisdom to be able to determine what I can do something about and what I cannot, because all anxiety, all unrest in me. It comes from my wanting to control something. 

But here's the thing, that may not be my job.

That may not be my job. My job is to handle or manage myself, my attitudes, my thoughts, and my actions. 

And here's the thing, when you really focus on that, your life is busy. 

You don't have time to control other things. You are not, you don't have time to control outcomes and other things like that.

You gotta focus on your own life. You gotta focus on your own life. 

The Universe is the pilot. I am the co pilot. 

And every morning I wake up and I say, good morning universe, Peter Pamela Rose reporting for duty. 

And I invite the Universe into my day. And I ask the Universe. 

This, and this is what comes from the 12 step programs. I pray for the knowledge of your will for me today and the power to carry that out.

I pray for the knowledge or the wisdom of your will for me today, and the power to carry that out. 

But understand, I am not asking for the power to control. No. I am asking for the power to manage and handle myself, my attitudes, my thoughts, and my actions. 

See, my job isn't to control. My job is to handle.

My job is to manage. 

That's what my job is. That's what my job is as co-pilot. So every morning I differentiate, using my wisdom that I have acquired. 

I use my wisdom to differentiate. Pilot, co pilot. Peter Pamela Rose, you're a co pilot. Reporting for duty. I pray for the knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry that out.

Now the thing about wisdom is also there is a little bit of humility involved here because I need to acknowledge another little phrase I'm going to throw to you, which is, I can't. 

The Universe can. Let the Universe. 

I can't deal with this situation, but the Universe can. I'm going to let the Universe, but sometimes it's very difficult to admit to ourselves that there is nothing we can do.

All of these things, especially that ability to differentiate between what is my job, manage and handle, and what the Universe's job is to control or do whatever the Universe does.