A Problem Squared
🎯 What is the optimal layout for a dart board?
info_outline 090 = Washing Machine Lies and Lincoln Penny HighsA Problem Squared
🧺 Why is the cycle time on my washing machines always wrong?
info_outline 089 = Venomous Snakes and Doggy LegsA Problem Squared
On this episode...
info_outline 088 = Tired Tires and Curvy CubesA Problem Squared
🚘 What happens when tires get tired?
info_outline 087 = Climbing Cliffses and Cloning EclipsesA Problem Squared
🧗 Is it possible to climb every mountain?
info_outline 086 = Emoji Editions and Birthday BillionsA Problem Squared
🙏 Is this emoji praying hands or a high five?
info_outline 085 = Coin Collections and Pin SelectionsA Problem Squared
🪙 How many coins would you need to sort through to collect all commemorative €2 coins in circulation?
info_outline 084 = Indicators and In Da Cake-ersA Problem Squared
In this episode...
info_outline 083 = Sunbeams and Dog DreamsA Problem Squared
🌒 What’s the best place to see the next solar eclipse?
info_outline An Emergency Broadcast to Solve an Emergency Problem.A Problem Squared
🔔🚨This is an emergency broadcast🚨🔔
info_outline🪙 How many coins would you need to sort through to collect all commemorative €2 coins in circulation?
📍How do you display enamel pins?!
💼 The Any Other Business briefcase is…mostly open.
Here’s the Coupon Collector’s problem video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BstloCx8KDk
You can see more on the “Number of banknotes/coins returned from circulation in Euro Area, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly” here: https://data.ecb.europa.eu/data/datasets/BKN/BKN.M.U2.RE10.C.20P0.AS.F.E
And, Wiki Sources: “2 euro commemorative coins” on good old Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_euro_commemorative_coins
As always, send your problems and solutions to our website: www.aproblemsquared.com.
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