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The Essentials For A Beautiful Life

A Quest for Well-Being

Release Date: 02/13/2024

Flowing with our Soul Desires to Expand & Manifest show art Flowing with our Soul Desires to Expand & Manifest

A Quest for Well-Being

— “When we align with our soul desires, life is flowing and fun and beautiful and easy - thoughts sponsored from love fill our minds with ease and grace, and then our minds create healthy bodies and harmonious relationships and life circumstances.” Valeria interviews Justin Speller — He is a Certified EFT and Energy Work Practitioner. Growing up in a family with two psychiatrists as parents, Justin Speller was always interested in the field of psychology.  As a child, he learned about the inner workings of the mind just listening to his parents talk over dinner.  Upon...

Humor, Positivity, Grace & Chronic Disease show art Humor, Positivity, Grace & Chronic Disease

A Quest for Well-Being

— “You must grieve the loss of who you were before you can accept the reality of who you have become.”  Susan Kelley is a successful author of humor and relationship books and is a veteran of the talk show circuit – including an appearance on Oprah. Until recently she was living and working with her artist husband between homes in Florence, Italy and Sarasota, Florida. A fit and attractive former model who was always on the go, Susan thought she was invincible and did not feel old. And then she fell off a train. She had another bad fall and then another. Searching for answers, she...

Love Is The Most Powerful Agent In Healing show art Love Is The Most Powerful Agent In Healing

A Quest for Well-Being

— Beautifully broken, soul stripped bare, fragmented heart, pain and despair. Tears will cleanse from deep inside, wounded by love, tormented by mind.   Beautifully broken, seems so unfair, spirit is strengthened, through love and care. Life and it's meaning is yours to decide, emotional scars that will forever bind.   Beautifully broken, so now you know, journey on, may you reap what you sow. Sword is strengthened by the heat of flame. Beautifully broken, there's no one to blame.  ~ by Ray Sinclair Valeria interviews Dr. Lisa Billings — She received her Ph.D. in clinical...

Everyday Magic: The Power Of Nature, Creativity & Connection show art Everyday Magic: The Power Of Nature, Creativity & Connection

A Quest for Well-Being

— The world is constantly nudging us—pulling, pushing, cajoling us—toward our heart’s longing and our true expression of joy. Yet our conditioned mindsets can resist these gentle but insistent signals, too often dismissing synchronicity and serendipity—the very language of this magic—as little more than accident or annoyance. Playful but potent, Be the Magic nudges us, too, showing us how to open ourselves to this ever-present guidance to live a more peaceful, passion-filled, and enthusiastic life. With deep wisdom and a light-hearted tongue, Diane Pienta serves up personal stories...

The New Approach That Is Revolutionizing Psychiatry show art The New Approach That Is Revolutionizing Psychiatry

A Quest for Well-Being

— Throughout the centuries, psychiatric disorders have caused more emotional and physical suffering than any other human condition, yet despite modern advances in neuroscience, the underlying cause of these perplexing conditions remains unclear. Also lacking is an understanding of the manifold ways that the underlying driver of mental illness can affect physical health. However, all of that could be about to change thanks to God’s grace and the tireless efforts of the many clinicians, researchers, and thinkers around the world who have continued to probe virtually every aspect of human...

The Answer Is Found In Your Pain show art The Answer Is Found In Your Pain

A Quest for Well-Being

— “If you want to live a more fulfilling and loving life, you have to dig deep into your pain and own it in your body. We are human beings. We come with negative and positive emotions. Allow yourself to be human. Being human is being love.” Valeria interviews Ker Yang — She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and specializes in emotionally-focused therapy for couples and individuals founded by Susan M. Johnson.  Ker Yang started her journey in search of love when she entered her graduate studies in 2014 as a result of an unhealthy relationship. Clinical...

Emotional Resolution: A Simple Path To Well-Being show art Emotional Resolution: A Simple Path To Well-Being

A Quest for Well-Being

— Our body keeps somatic traces of all our traumatic experiences. When exposed to a stimulus that reminds the body of a past danger, the viscero-somatic memory linked to this danger is reactivated, creating the base of a disruptive emotional response. Emotional Resolution  — EmRes® — helps the body recognize that the perceived danger is nowadays obsolete. EmRes® allows the body to integrate traumatic information and to tune-in to our current reality instead of reacting through a past memory. To do this, we commit to experiencing the viscero-somatic response, without controlling...

Mindful Eating: A Deeper Awareness Of Your Eating Experience show art Mindful Eating: A Deeper Awareness Of Your Eating Experience

A Quest for Well-Being

— Mindful eating is more than just chewing your food slowly; it's about cultivating a deep awareness of the entire eating experience. Mindful eating is paying attention to your food, on purpose, moment by moment, without judgment. It is an approach to food that focuses on your individual awareness of the food and the experience of the food. It has little to do with calories, fat, protein or number of carbohydrates. Always come back to the basics: Breathe and check for hunger. Assess your food with all of your senses. Slow down, place your spoon or fork down between each bite. Investigate...

The Love For America, Faith & Truth show art The Love For America, Faith & Truth

A Quest for Well-Being

— “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a woman, I put away childish things. We need to all start speaking as an adult, thinking as an adult and reasoning as adults.” Valeria interviews Tamiko Powell — She is the author of  “The Word: There Is No Other Way.” Tamiko, a native Californian, author, and advocate for morality and ethics, presents herself as an Independent Candidate for the presidency of the United States. Her journey from childhood to adulthood has shaped her belief in the importance of speaking,...

Seeds Of Healing: Nature, Acceptance, Resilience show art Seeds Of Healing: Nature, Acceptance, Resilience

A Quest for Well-Being

— When we go through trials, we end up dying to some part of ourselves, and that not only carves us into a new person with greater resilience and capacity for change but also one who understands that death on all levels is simply another rite of passage. As we walk through the dark places in our life and accept our losses, we die to what the ego and mind mistakenly think is the best life path for us. The darkness helps us touch into our vulnerabilities, and each loss allows us to die just a little more, so that when life takes from us, creation brings something new into our lives. Any life...

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 “There is an inner voice of wisdom in each one of us that is waiting to give expression to soul-purpose. It is a voice that speaks to us in dreams, visions, signs and unexpected synchronicities. The lives we live are so disconnected from our natural surroundings that it is becoming increasingly difficult to break through a barrier of false reference points. The separation of humanity from its own deeper core is a question of our time. The loss of the spiritual is having a devastating effect on the mental health of our societies as the search for satisfaction in the immediate gratification of the senses becomes increasingly hollow.”

Valeria interviews Reino Gevers — He is the author of  “Deep Walking: For Body, Mind and Soul” and several other titles.

Reino Gevers is a seasoned writer, consultant, and inspirational speaker who has led a life shaped by diverse experiences across continents. Born and raised in the vibrant landscapes of South Africa's Kwa-Zulu-Natal province, he developed a deep appreciation for cultural diversity and the human spirit.

In 1981, Reino left his home country for Germany, where he embarked on a successful career as a journalist for an international news agency. Throughout his tenure, he covered major global events, including the historic fall of the Iron Curtain and South Africa's remarkable transition to democracy from 1990 to 1994. His in-depth reporting captured the essence of these pivotal moments in history, offering a unique perspective on the world's transformation.

After three decades in the media industry, Gevers decided to channel his expertise and passion into a new endeavor. In 2010, he established PowerBodyMind, a consultancy business based on health and wellness based in Germany and the captivating island of Majorca, Spain. Through his consultancy, Gevers empowers individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential, guiding them towards a harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit.

Gevers's personal journey on the ancient Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route has left an indelible mark on his life and work. Having walked the path more than a dozen times, he draws inspiration from this transformative experience. This deep connection led him to pen the thought-provoking novel, "Walking on Edge: A pilgrimage to Santiago," and the enlightening non-fiction book, "Deep Walking for Body Mind and Soul." These works encapsulate the profound lessons and spiritual insights garnered from his pilgrimages, resonating with readers seeking personal growth and self-discovery.

In addition to his literary pursuits, Gevers shares his wisdom and inspiration through his regular weekly Podcast and Blog, "Living to Be." Dedicated to empowering individuals to embrace their true purpose and live authentically, his engaging content offers practical guidance, mindful practices, and uplifting insights.

To learn more about Reino Gevers and his work, please visit: https://reinogevers.com/







— This podcast is a quest for well-being, a quest for a meaningful life through the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, insights on physical, mental, and spiritual health. The inspiration is Love. The aspiration is to awaken new ways of thinking that can lead us to a new way of being, being well.