Centauri Express Audio Magazine
A short update regarding the past, present, and future of the Centauri Express Audio Magazine
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
A few extra notes for this episode. We have big changes in store for this podcast. First, we have increased the sampling rate for this episode and for all future episodes. When we started this podcast 10 years ago we purposely made the decision to encode each episode a lot lower than we needed to because the ultimate goal was to help people understand what audio drama was. We weren’t exactly the only game in town, but we were one of only a few audio drama companies that we knew about and what we wanted to do was draw attention to the art form and also let people know about our titles...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
We love all of our audiences and look forward to entertaining everyone, but some audiences have a special place in our hearts. is one of them. Not least because we pack the house when we go there! [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Proof[/caption] It's such a ton of fun playing to these dedicated fans. An iconic character, portayed by a variety of actors in a variety of ways, but without having to deal with all the . For this performance, we commissioned new scripts from . One was Commonplaces, by (stay tuned to see if we can run that one on the podcast), and the other was The...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
We're really sorry we missed our normal publication time this month! Car trouble impeded our progress. But we're back on track now! EDIT: We forgot the link to the actual audio! It's here now! Those of you looking for it can find it now! [esplayer url = "http://traffic.libsyn.com/artc/ARTC163-Rats02.mp3" width = "80" height = "20" title = "The Rats in the Walls-LIVE part 2 of 4"] [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Tony Fuller practices breaking some kneecaps in case this ever happens again.[/caption] This month we continue with from our 2012 performance. With music by The...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
Well, here we are. We made it. All the way through 4 parts of Lovecraftian horror and now we're...not quite ready for the to launch. ...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
We're back and ready for another episode of ARTC's Podcast! This month, part 3 of 4, performed live at the Academy Theatre in October 2012. ...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
So last month we brought you . This month we decided to keep the cosmic horror going. And why not? It's our 10th year of podcasting and our H. P. Lovecraft fans have been very good to us, so we'd like to be very good to them! ...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
This month we're completing our interview series...for now. Be sure to let us know what you think of this new format and we may mix it in again from time to time! This time we are featuring ARTC actor and Head Writer Brad Strickland. Also, how is everybody liking the new Libsyn plugin format? Be sure to what you think and we'll make adjustments based on your feedback! ...
info_outlineCentauri Express Audio Magazine
This month we're continuing on with our interview series, this time featuring ARTC author and actress Kelley S. Ceccato. We're also pleased to be making our very first post using the new Libsyn Wordpress plugin! This will, of course, be changing up how the podcast is presented just slightly, so be sure to what you think of the new format and we'll make adjustments based on your feedback! ...
info_outlineGet the full scoop on this show with inside info, pictures from the show, and much more at http://podcast.artc.org!