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Lust vs Desire: What's the Difference? | Ep. 613

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Release Date: 05/14/2024

Help to Get Out of A Marriage Rut | Ep. 620 show art Help to Get Out of A Marriage Rut | Ep. 620

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Marriage doesn’t have to get boring … but for too many couples, it has. If you’re ready to break out of the routine and restore the joy in your marriage, this one's for you!    Listen for ways to have more interesting and connective conversations, new ideas of things to try, and how to avoid common mistakes that keep couples from enjoying their marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Better questions to ask for better conversations 2 common mistakes that keep couples from having...

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Awesome Marriage Podcast

Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are two ships passing in the night? Strangers living under the same roof? Business partners executing the plans you’ve made for your kids and household? Then you’re in a disconnected marriage. The marriage relationship should nurture both spouses. If you’ve lost the connection in your marriage, or just want to step up from where you are right now, tune in today to learn the practical steps for reconnecting.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Why do couples...

6 Communication Tips for Tough Times | Ep. 618 show art 6 Communication Tips for Tough Times | Ep. 618

Awesome Marriage Podcast

If your marriage communication is a struggle, you are NOT alone. So many marriage issues come back to communication, and if your communication is awesome, your marriage will be too! But most of us will have some trouble with communicating well with our spouse, and it’s the biggest issue couples ask us for help with. That’s why today we’re equipping you with 6 tips to communicate well in the good times and in the bad.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   How to talk so your spouse can listen  ...

Why Things That Don't Matter, Matter Deeply With Charlie & Andi Ashworth | Ep. 617 show art Why Things That Don't Matter, Matter Deeply With Charlie & Andi Ashworth | Ep. 617

Awesome Marriage Podcast

It often feels like the world around us is too broken. Where would you even start if you wanted to try and fix it? On the podcast today, Charlie and Andi Ashworth answer this question, and thankfully their answer is much simpler and more doable than it might seem.  The Ashworths have spent decades sharing their creative gifts and encouraging others to do the same, and in today’s episode they artfully equip you to take small steps toward creativity, community, and reflecting the light of God’s love, right where you are.  Don’t miss this bonus episode!  We pray this episode...

How to Heal and Rebuild After Trust is Broken | Ep. 616 show art How to Heal and Rebuild After Trust is Broken | Ep. 616

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Your marriage needs trust in order to be healthy. Without it, your connection with your spouse will fade, and you’ll experience more conflict and tension, and less of the closeness and intimacy marriage is meant to have. Don’t stay stuck like this! Turn things around by closing the trust gaps between you and your spouse and make your marriage a safe refuge for both of you.    Episode highlights include:   Areas where you might not realize you lack trust   How to address it effectively with your spouse - without blaming  How to have grace in the...

Answering Listener Sex Questions | Ep. 615 show art Answering Listener Sex Questions | Ep. 615

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Today we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about sex. Dr. Kim and Christina covered this on an episode in 2021, and we’ve distilled their conversation into the most timeless and practical answers to common sex questions.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:   How often is “normal”? Dealing with dead sex drive  Is oral sex ok in marriage? What about anal?  Is there such thing as too much sex when trying to conceive?  How to start talking to your kids about sex  ...

Types of Trust Every Marriage Needs | Ep. 614 show art Types of Trust Every Marriage Needs | Ep. 614

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Trust in marriage is not one-size-fits all. There are many areas where your marriage needs trust in order to thrive, and some might matter to your spouse more than they do to you, and vice versa. So today we’re talking about how to navigate any trust gaps you may have with your spouse, how to start the conversation about it, and rebuild what’s been broken so you both feel more connected and secure in your marriage.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Several types of trust marriages need, and why they...

Lust vs Desire: What's the Difference? | Ep. 613 show art Lust vs Desire: What's the Difference? | Ep. 613

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Does lust have a place in marriage? What sets it apart from sexual desire? Today we’re working through the reasons this question matters for your marriage, and how to have a marriage that glorifies God in every aspect, including how you steward your sexual desires.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:    Defining the difference between lust and desire, biblically  The godly purposes for sexual desire in marriage Specific reasons why misused sexual desire is destructive  How to maintain purity in...

How to Handle Mismatched Sex Drives in Marriage | Ep. 612 show art How to Handle Mismatched Sex Drives in Marriage | Ep. 612

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Most couples are not going to be completely aligned with sex drive. There are a lot of factors that  can cause this, but there are also a lot of solutions! Today we want to equip you to have a productive approach to making your sex life the best it can be in marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Why is it so hard to have a productive conversation about sex?  Should the lower-drive spouse “just do it” for the spouse’s sake? Why or why not?  Why respecting your wife’s drive...

Breaking Generational Cycles For a Healthy Marriage with Kristen Hallinan | Ep. 611 show art Breaking Generational Cycles For a Healthy Marriage with Kristen Hallinan | Ep. 611

Awesome Marriage Podcast

Do you hope to break generational patterns of pain? Are childhood hurts haunting your marriage? Today’s guest Kristen Hallinan is a writer and speaker, and today she helps you see how to identify and break generational patterns to find hope, healing and redemption. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:    How your past trauma can affects your current reactions  What makes it so hard to break cycles  Red flags of unhealthy family dynamics  How to work with God to find his redemption  ...

More Episodes

Does lust have a place in marriage? What sets it apart from sexual desire? Today we’re working through the reasons this question matters for your marriage, and how to have a marriage that glorifies God in every aspect, including how you steward your sexual desires. 

We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

Episode highlights include:  

  •  Defining the difference between lust and desire, biblically 

  • The godly purposes for sexual desire in marriage

  • Specific reasons why misused sexual desire is destructive 

  • How to maintain purity in marriage 

  • Why porn affects your marriage even if your spouse doesn’t know you use it


*Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


  • “Lust is more about what you see, what you’re attracted to and what it can do for you.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “In the Bible, it’s not like they lived in a Puritanical culture at that time. No, it was probably every bit as bad…we just access things in a different way now.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “If we look at Scripture, lust was never mentioned in a positive light.” - Lindsay Few 

  • “We won’t ever clear that bar, but he’s taken care of it through his life, death and resurrection, so there is grace and forgiveness.” - Lindsay Few 

  • “The best sex is within the context of a Christian marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

  • “If it’s reduced to that ‘just get it over with’ kind of situation, whoa. Red flag. The goal is not just to satisfy the urge, the goal is mutual enjoyment, pleasure, connection and building of the marriage.” - Lindsay Few

  • “Vulnerability is uncomfortable, but it can lead you to prevent something a lot more painful.” - Lindsay Few