b atomic airwaves
Kat Ternes, VP of Revenue, hops on less than 24 hours after the acquisition announcement to give a behind-the-scenes on what's next for AgencyZoom. Why did Vertafore acquire? Will the original team stay? What should agents expect?
info_outline the path to building a data cultureb atomic airwaves
Cory Hagan, founder of Hagan Insurance, discusses the importance of building a data culture and his experiences operationalizing it. Throughout the episode, he talks about his background, issues he's run into transforming his agency and his commitment to long-term solutions.
info_outline why Ask Kodiak was acquired (and what's next)b atomic airwaves
A behind-the-scenes with Allan Egbert, co-founder of Ask Kodiak, on why they made the decision to partner with IVANS. And what this means for the future of Ask Kodiak.
info_outline openly on The Underwriterless Service Experienceb atomic airwaves
Ty Harris & Matt Wielbut, Co-Founders of Openly, have created a 5-question quoting experience....with option to bind. Their next nut to crack: creating the same frictionless experience on the service side. Here's how they're going to do it (hint: data, data, data).
info_outline "revenue per employee" is deadb atomic airwaves
Carey Wallace, founder of AgencyFocus, has helped agencies across the country weaponize their data for well over a decade. She explains why certain KPIs that businesses currently use to benchmark themselves just aren't good enough anymore. And what metrics we should be thinking about instead.
info_outline why Grange believes in the power of indie datab atomic airwaves
Brent Hammer, Innovation Officer, and Bobbie Collies, VP of Strategic Distribution, share a behind-the-scenes look at how a regional carrier is quickly carving out space in the IA channel. Our prediction: mid-size carriers who can wrestle the data beast early give themselves a competitive edge against even the biggest nationals out there.
info_outline how much is independent agent data really worth?b atomic airwaves
When we first started b atomic almost 2 years ago, many were skeptical. "Independent agents will never care about their data. And the industry will never care about independent agent data." Today, with just over 75 million rows of data, the skeptics are harder to hear. Here's why.
info_outline what is "clean" data and why it mattersb atomic airwaves
Everyone I've asked so far has defined "clean data" different. It's inaccurate data! It's incomplete data! It's a bad migration! The answer is...yes...and more. Sarah Applegate, Director of Data Integrity, breaks down exactly what it means and the depths to which bad data can hurt your business.
info_outline why their service time is down 63% in 5 monthsb atomic airwaves
You already know the answer: the data. Aaron Bickle, CEO, and Brian Ogle, COO, share what service performance metrics they're tracking...AND how they've used these metrics to re-shape their culture. Beast mode.
info_outline these 5 metrics are the answer to profitable growthb atomic airwaves
"Growth doesn't matter unless it's profitable," Marc Petersen of American Advantage Insurance. Listen as he breaks down the 5 key metrics he uses to measure profitability. P.s. they don't include retention and premium growth.
info_outlineCarey Wallace, founder of AgencyFocus, has helped agencies across the country weaponize their data for well over a decade. She explains why certain KPIs that businesses currently use to benchmark themselves just aren't good enough anymore. And what metrics we should be thinking about instead.