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79. How To Make Wise Decisions

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Release Date: 12/12/2023

108. Stop Waiting to Be Chosen - Step Into Your Own Calling show art 108. Stop Waiting to Be Chosen - Step Into Your Own Calling

Bragg-About Life Podcast

🔹🔹 Stop waiting to be chosen – step into your calling. Are you waiting for permission to step into your next level? The truth is, no one is coming to pick you. And that’s a good thing. If you feel called, that’s all the confirmation you need. In this Live, we’ll break down: ✔️ Why women hold themselves back from leadership ✔️ The hidden cost of waiting for permission ✔️ The 3-part framework to step into your calling with confidence   ✨ NEXT STEPS âś… Comment below: What’s ONE thing you’ve been waiting to feel “ready” for? âś… Subscribe for more:...

107 - Make THIS Summer Memorable show art 107 - Make THIS Summer Memorable

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Summer has a way of slipping by.  And sometimes we're torn, trying to cram too much goodness into too few days.   Whether you want this to be the GREATEST summer of all, the LAZIEST summer of all, the most PRODUCTIVE summer of all, or maybe a combination of THEM ALL - I've got you. Here's a simple 3 step framework for making the most of our moments, for the days are long, but the years are short and fleeting! Oh, and also, in case you struggle with a bit of FUN-guilt (like I did, thinking "I should be doing more for GOD instead of having fun!") - definitely give this episode a...

106 - Unconventional Advice for Finding Your Soulmate show art 106 - Unconventional Advice for Finding Your Soulmate

Bragg-About Life Podcast

When I was a child, I believed in Happy Ever Afters.   I believed God was going to bring me a perfect man, and I was going to fall perfectly in love, and we were going to have a perfect wedding, and live happily every after, with our couple of perfect kids. And then I went to college, a GREAT place for that perfect man to find me (especially in the olden days - before all the dating apps) and I learned this valuable lesson -  He couldn't find me if I was hiding all the time. Sometimes, we're taught that we as Christians should ALWAYS be waiting - that FAITH requires waiting...

Ep. 105 - Faith, Fear, & Finance - Interview with Danesca Baez show art Ep. 105 - Faith, Fear, & Finance - Interview with Danesca Baez

Bragg-About Life Podcast

What are your thoughts about money? And, do they cause you to be suspicious of it, or good stewards of it? Broadly speaking, I believe Christians have been led by the Enemy to be suspicious of money.  "The love of money is the root of all evil."   It's so clever of him to take the words of JESUS and twist them through the centuries to convince us to be afraid of money and wealth, instead of seeing it for the USEFUL tool that it is! When we as Christians, and especially as Christian women, become confident stewards of the resources God gives us, and use our God-given...

Ep. 104 - Strong vs Submissive Marriage show art Ep. 104 - Strong vs Submissive Marriage

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Want a GREAT marriage? Here's tip #1 - Never take marriage advice from people who don't enjoy their marriage - in ALL aspects. I was raised to believe that a "godly" marriage should look a certain way -  Husband leads in all things, Wife submits in all things, Children obey in all things, And dogs are better than cats as pets. Dogs are loyal.  Cats are too independent. Okay - that last part was a stretch, but not by much. Here's the problem I see.  We are looking for the "perfect formula" to avoiding divorce, and having a great marriage,  Not realizing that the Bible is...

103. Parenting Strong VS Submissive Kids show art 103. Parenting Strong VS Submissive Kids

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Were you told, "Train up a child, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Were you promised, if you parent correctly, everything will be okay. Were you pressured to insist that your kids obey, promptly, completely, with a positive attitude, every time, every adult? Were you taught a PARENTING MYTH? I've never met a parent who didn't have the desire to be the best parent possible to their kids. And, parenting is a sensitive topic. And parents are getting so much conflicting advice. After 22 years, I'm sharing my secret but strong opinion. Just so you know, I don't think we're doing...

102. How To Spot Your Blind Spots show art 102. How To Spot Your Blind Spots

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Have you ever CRAVED wisdom? I remember when I was a little girl, and I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I'm sure my questions drove my family nuts.   (I KNOW they drove my teachers nuts - they told me so!) But it just seemed to me, if you knew more, you'd make better decisions. And better decisions would lead to a better life. Anyway, that's what I thought when I was about age 8. Now, at 47?  I am CONVINCED of it. So, I thought I would share with you the stages we pass through to go from IGNORANCE (everyone's starting spot) to WISDOM - and how that can help us become SELF AWARE of...

101. The Time Management Trap show art 101. The Time Management Trap

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Are you looking for a better time management system so you'll have more time to spend with the ones you love, and doing the things you love to do? Or, are you looking for a time management system that will help you get EVERYTHING done, regardless of its importance to you and your purpose and goals in life? This episode dives into how "time management" stops being a tool, and potentially becomes a TRAP - when it is used indiscriminately. Especially geared for Christians who feel guilty about resting when there's ALWAYS more that can be done for the Kingdom of God, I hope that this episode will...

100 - The Confidence Formula show art 100 - The Confidence Formula

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Ever looked at a talented friend doing something that you secretly wish you could do, but you're plagued by the thought "I could never do that.  She is so confident!"   Well, I've learned a little secret.   There's not much that we cannot LEARN how to do.  Even things like speaking on stage or video - which is the thing that I wanted to learn how to do - even though the mere thought had me breaking out in HIVES!   So, in this 100th episode of Bragg...About Life, I thought I would share with you my story of going from "I'll NEVER be on video" to now starting a YOUTUBE...

99. 3 People Who Steal Our Time show art 99. 3 People Who Steal Our Time

Bragg-About Life Podcast

Ever wished you had more time? Ever feel guilty for wanting more time for yourself? What if those 2 things are linked? There's a reason why most women's time management problem is not going to be solved by "becoming more efficient" or "going to a digital calendar". I know.  I tried.  I even bought a HUGE wall calendar and wrote EVERYTHING down - and still didn't have time. Because there were 3 people stealing my time. And that's why I now know this - if we don't stop the steal, it won't help to make more time - because that extra time will just get taken too. (kinda like...

More Episodes

Confused?  Too many options? Facing an irreversible decision?

Or, feel like EVERYONE has an opinion on what you should do - and they are NOT all on the same page?

Feel like you've been trying for awhile to make a decision

Wanting to make CERTAIN this choice is aligned with God's will for your life?

If you are struggling for clarity regarding a decision in your life, this episode is for you!

In it, I share 3 potential mistakes that make it HARDER to make a wise decision, and the solution for making wise decisions with confidence.

And if you'd like FREE help to make a wise decision - go here to book a FREE Clarity call - in 45 minutes, I'll help you explore your options, as well as gain greater perspective on how to make future decisions more confidently.

Go here:
