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Asking your kids how much they want to make!

Braving the Mountain

Release Date: 05/06/2024

How to expand your capactiy for receiving show art How to expand your capactiy for receiving

Braving the Mountain

Ever feel like you've got too much on your plate and you can’t juggle it all? I feel like something that I and most women have struggled with is receiving support. Whether it be the way you were raised or what society has taught you, I feel like we grew up thinking that we were supposed to carry it all. Taking care of everyone else Raising the kids Staying on top of the house Making sure bills are paid Cooking the meals each night I’ll be chatting later about how big of a mental load we all carry, but I want you to imagine for a minute how your life would look differently if you were...

What are you no longer available for financially? show art What are you no longer available for financially?

Braving the Mountain

Oof, this week we are going deep into choices we have around money and our beliefs. The thing that I strayed away from for a while and feel like a lot of people do is the thought and belief that you can shift your energy into something new at any moment. On today’s episode we are talking about choosing what you are no longer available for when it comes to money.  Money is something I’ve been going deep on to clear out even more of the gunk of in my life so that I can hold more + more and what it comes down to is getting to the root of where it came from AND releasing it. Our money...

One mistake we make when trying to be our future selves show art One mistake we make when trying to be our future selves

Braving the Mountain

Have you ever felt like you're barely surviving your days, but there’s this voice down deep telling you that there’s more to life? A lot of times when it comes to dreaming bigger, we don’t do it often enough because we get hung up in our current circumstances and are trying to solve the problems right in front of us. But what if we were able to view it from a different vantage point? It’s like standing on top of the mountain and seeing the path clearly below vs being in the middle of the trees trying to see where you’re going. When you start to tap into your future self and let...

What would you do with all that money? show art What would you do with all that money?

Braving the Mountain

This episode is about what would you do with all that money? Have you really ever thought about it? What would you do? The thing is money is neutral and it wants to support us, but if we are scared of it, judge ourselves for wanting it, and believe that we are greedy for wanting more… we will continue to push it away. I don’t want this for you. So today we talk about dreaming BIG and I’m giving you perspective shifts around money so that you can call more into your life. I’ve been working on my sh!t around money for over a year now and boy did my wounds run deep. If yours do too,...

You were never meant to do it all alone as a mom show art You were never meant to do it all alone as a mom

Braving the Mountain

In this podcast episode, I dive deep into something that's been on my mind lately: the mental load we as moms carry. It's a real issue and we need to shift the way society teaches us. We're brought up with this idea that as moms we're supposed to handle everything at home while our partners just bring in the money to pay the bills. But let's call BS on that, shall we?  It's supposed to be a partnership, not a solo show and studies have shown that even in high demanding jobs men work, motherhood still takes the lead for being even more demanding in so many ways from emotional to physical....

Shaping our kids beliefs around money show art Shaping our kids beliefs around money

Braving the Mountain

I feel like sometimes as moms, we don’t even fully understand the power we hold when it comes to shaping our kids' beliefs around life and money. Today I’m talking about how much of an impact we truly do have and how to shift it. As I’ve always said, the key to shifting anything in our lives is by first becoming aware. So in this spicy little episode, I teach you how to begin gaining an awareness around how you are thinking and talking about life, yourself, and money around your kids. The thing is, their financial mindset is set around the age of 8 and although we have thoughts like...

Manifestation doesn't work?!? show art Manifestation doesn't work?!?

Braving the Mountain

Have you ever heard people talk about manifestation being ‘woo’ and that it’s not a real thing? Well, let me give you the scientific side of it because it’s not what you think. NO you can’t lay on the couch and manifest things… Manifestation is when you desire something, believe it’s yours, ask for guidance from God, Universe, Source, or whatever you believe in, and then when that inspired idea hits… YOU take action. It’s holding the energy and belief that it’s yours even when it feels like it’s not working out. Some days it feels like magic when things work out way...

Asking your kids how much they want to make! show art Asking your kids how much they want to make!

Braving the Mountain

Ready to shake things up and shift your kids thoughts around money? Today I’m chatting about a different way to talk to your kids about it because if you were raised in the ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ era, I think we all want our kids to start off on a better foot than we did amiright?!  Maybe money was a touchy subject when you were growing up. I know it was for me. But the thing is, we now get to choose a no more hiding finances under the rug sitch in our fam! You get to change the narrative and make it FUN for them so that they can grow up with a healthier idea around it and...

Clearing past energy to make space for more show art Clearing past energy to make space for more

Braving the Mountain

We have to clear past energy within us before the new can flow in…. Think of your body like a jar of fireflies with the lid on tight. They are flying around hitting the sides and wanting out. When you open up that lid and the fireflies escape, there is now space for new ones to fly in.  It’s the same with our bodies. They are storing energy from childhood which keeps us reacting to things and perpetuating the same patterns and habits in life over + over + over again. This is why you can’t do mindset work only and get where you desire to go. You also need to release the energy...

Stop projecting onto your kids show art Stop projecting onto your kids

Braving the Mountain

If you've ever found yourself frustrated with your kids, I promise you, I can relate!  In today’s episode, I dive into something that's been on my mind lately: projecting our own stuff onto our kids.  I’ve had my moments in the past of pushing them hard or trying to get them to show up for themselves the way I want them to. What I realized was it was a lot of my own insecurities causing me to show up that way. I was just projecting it onto my kids because I wanted them to do better because I wasn’t doing it for myself.  Make sense?  If you’ve ever found yourself...

More Episodes

Ready to shake things up and shift your kids thoughts around money? Today I’m chatting about a different way to talk to your kids about it because if you were raised in the ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ era, I think we all want our kids to start off on a better foot than we did amiright?! 

Maybe money was a touchy subject when you were growing up. I know it was for me. But the thing is, we now get to choose a no more hiding finances under the rug sitch in our fam!

You get to change the narrative and make it FUN for them so that they can grow up with a healthier idea around it and know that they get to create their own financial reality AND tell their money where to go! 

So, here's your challenge this week: Ask your kids how much they want to make, what they'd do with it, and what they want to try first. Let their imaginations run wild, and watch as you empower them to truly create their own futures. 

You get to help them live within a world of possibility instead of fear around finances like you may have experienced in your home. Whoop Whoop!!! 


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