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Don’t Make Your Outreach About You

Breaking Sales

Release Date: 04/17/2023

What Are Your Prospects Actually Saying? show art What Are Your Prospects Actually Saying?

Breaking Sales

Have you ever felt a rush of excitement when a prospect says something positive about your sales conversation? That moment when you are sure you have it in the bag? Not so fast. In this episode, Dan and Pam explore a dangerous pitfall in sales - the temptation to hear what you want to believe, not what your prospect is actually saying. They’ll dive into why labeling interactions as "good" or "bad" can sabotage your efforts, and how to stay objective even when things feel optimistic. You'll learn why "buying signals" might not mean what you think they do, and how to keep pushing for deeper...

SNIPPET: The Right Way to Build Rapport show art SNIPPET: The Right Way to Build Rapport

Breaking Sales

Most salespeople approach rapport-building wrong, and here's why: they rely on superficial small talk that prospects can see right through, they abruptly switch from "rapport mode" to "sales mode," creating a jarring experience, or they assume rapport is only about finding common ground, when it's really about creating a much deeper connection. These mistakes don't just fail to build trust – they actively damage it. In this snippet, we revisit Dan’s conversation with David Thompson, a master interrogator who shares his expert insights on building rapport. David reveals how to weave rapport...

Tough Questions Build Trust show art Tough Questions Build Trust

Breaking Sales

What if the key to your success is hidden in the words you probably dread hearing most: "Can I give you some feedback?" For most people, those six words might cause your defenses to rise and your mind to race. But what if your mindset around feedback is actually a predictor of your future success? In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan and Pam challenge the way professionals respond to feedback. We're diving deep into why most people run from criticism, while the top 1% of performers crave it. You'll discover how your instinctive reaction to feedback might be sabotaging your career, why you're...

It’s Time To Create Positive Tension show art It’s Time To Create Positive Tension

Breaking Sales

Think about the most valuable feedback you've ever received, or that question that really helped you solve a problem by thinking both objectively and differently. Was there some level of discomfort at first? Did you have to lower your guard a little bit so you could objectively receive and debate either the feedback or the question? And more importantly, how did the experience impact how you felt about the person giving the feedback or asking the question?  This experience is called positive tension. It's the art of asking questions and making observations that may be at first...

SNIPPET: Helping Your Prospects Think Critically show art SNIPPET: Helping Your Prospects Think Critically

Breaking Sales

Are you comfortable asking the tough questions? Or do you find yourself holding back, afraid to rock the boat? That hesitation can be counterintuitive, as the ability to ask challenging questions may be the difference between closing a deal and watching it slip away.  So how do you develop the confidence to push past your comfort zone and take the conversation into uncharted waters? In this snippet, Quinn Damon and Dan explore the art of asking tough questions, and Quinn shares a pivotal moment in his career where a single, well-crafted question turned the tide in a sales conversation. If...

Mindset Should Come From Within show art Mindset Should Come From Within

Breaking Sales

What would happen if excuses and insecurities no longer held you back, and you were able to approach your prospecting with calm, confidence, and conviction? In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan and Pam talk about how you can evolve your mindset and minimize annoying insecurities that hold you back. They cover conviction and how it can transform your performance, including why waiting for external factors to boost your confidence is a losing game, and how you can get results by manufacturing that "I don't give a sh*t" attitude.  This conversation might just be the wake-up call you need...

SNIPPET: Sticking to Your Process show art SNIPPET: Sticking to Your Process

Breaking Sales

In this Snippet, Pam and Dan explore the power of process in transforming your sales results. You'll learn how to scale your prospecting efforts and build a consistent, high-performing sales machine. We'll break down how to tackle prospecting in an organized, consistent way, and why daily habits reduce stress.   If you're ready to take your sales game to the next level, listen to this snippet, and then scroll back to Episode 12,  to hear the full conversation.

The Real Prospecting Silver Bullet show art The Real Prospecting Silver Bullet

Breaking Sales

More and more salespeople are spending too much time and energy trying to find the perfect prospecting message—a silver bullet that guarantees success. The truth is that the real key to effective prospecting is not in the message itself, but in how we frame our goals and expectations.  You can’t control most things in life, including how your prospect responds to your messaging. However, there are four things you can control:  Your mindset, effort, actions, and consistency.  In this episode of Breaking Sales, Pam and Kristie dive deep into the mindset traps that hold us...

How to Create Freedom With Your Calendar show art How to Create Freedom With Your Calendar

Breaking Sales

Are you spinning your wheels, feeling like you never have enough time? Think having a wide-open calendar would mean more freedom? Think again. Dan and Pam are about to challenge everything you thought you knew about managing your time.   Resident time-management expert Pam sits down with Dan to unpack two crucial questions:  1. Does your schedule represent where you are today, or where you want to be tomorrow?  2. Are your calendar practices an asset or hindrance?     They dive deep into how top performers use their calendars as powerful assets, common...

The Myth of Sales Effectiveness show art The Myth of Sales Effectiveness

Breaking Sales

There will be a time where enough is enough. When all of us in sales look back and say, “What were we thinking?” And we ask, “Why would anyone accept a 20 percent win standard from 20 percent of the population?”    Let’s start questioning the sales norms and redefining how we measure success. It will be up to you to decide what level you’ll play at.    Will convention and the current misguided “expertise” keep you stuck, or will you have the conviction to challenge and carve your own path?   In this episode of Breaking Sales, Pam and Dan start to debunk...

More Episodes

Benevolence is central to building trust, so why do so many professionals ruin their outreach by making it about themselves? In this 180 Conversation, Dan and Pam examine an email where the writer makes this crucial mistake and jeopardizes their potential for success, as well as other examples where outreach messaging misses the mark in putting the prospect’s interests first.