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BBM 8: Reykjavik’s Freedom Day

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

Release Date: 06/06/2020

BBM 10: Definitions, Labels, and Self-Awareness show art BBM 10: Definitions, Labels, and Self-Awareness

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

This is a lively and sometimes controversial conversation with the amazing Amy Bliefnick. In this episode I talk about my life as a labeler, self-labeler to be exact.

BBM 9: A Conversation About Meditation  show art BBM 9: A Conversation About Meditation

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

In this episode, Amy and I have a fun discussion about my journey from someone who had no appreciation for meditation, to someone who now gets up early before the sun is up, to begin my day in deep stillness.

BBM 8: Reykjavik’s Freedom Day show art BBM 8: Reykjavik’s Freedom Day

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

This is a very special episode. It’s the very personal recounting of the intentional transitioning of my beloved Great Dane Alexander Reykjavik, and how it turned into a more heartfelt and celebratory transition than I could have imagined.

BBM 7: Using your Inner Voice To Live Intuitively show art BBM 7: Using your Inner Voice To Live Intuitively

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

This episode is about how I have gradually adopted a style of intuitive living through greater attention to what my inner voice is saying, instead of following the mind and external cues.

BBM 6: Learning How To Hear My Inner Voice show art BBM 6: Learning How To Hear My Inner Voice

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

I am now a Certified Inner Voice Facilitator!

BBM 5: Consciously Coping with a Crisis show art BBM 5: Consciously Coping with a Crisis

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

This is not my normal storytelling podcast episode.  This is Amy and I having a conversation about life in the time of COVID-19, in direct response to what is happening in the world right now.  For once, there is no question that we are all in this together. And yet, we are all individuals, and we all have different ways of coping with upheavals in our life.

BBM 4: My Great Dane’s Resume - Fashion Model, Service Dog, Spiritual Teacher show art BBM 4: My Great Dane’s Resume - Fashion Model, Service Dog, Spiritual Teacher

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

Why an episode about my dog? Because as it turns out, he dramatically changed the way I live my life. He is also the catalyst for many of the magical podcast episodes to follow. This first story shows the beginnings of the depth and beauty that can be found in the animal-human connection.

BBM 3: Consciously Joining Up With The House on the Hill show art BBM 3: Consciously Joining Up With The House on the Hill

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

I now live in an amazing house on Diamond Head in Hawaii that I was not even looking for. I set out to find a condo, and then fell in love with a graceful old Hawaiian home.  It was too big, more than we were going to spend, and already in escrow with someone else by the time we went after it. And yet through a lot of focus on abundance and pure intention, and desire just to bring the house back to it former glory, one by one the obstacles disappeared. 

BBM 2: Unconsciously Manifesting a move from New York City to Hawaii show art BBM 2: Unconsciously Manifesting a move from New York City to Hawaii

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

Manifestation is really a fairly new word to me. Episodes #2 and #3 of this podcast are about big things I manifested without even knowing the term. This episode, #2, explains how I came to love Hawai’i as a vacation destination and how much angst I would always have about leaving. By listening to my intuition, I developed a sense of calm about the situation, and learned to not focus on the leaving end of the vacation. I made peace with where I was at, and where I was at eventually changed.

BBM 1: Welcome to Bright Blue Moment! show art BBM 1: Welcome to Bright Blue Moment!

Bright Blue Moments: Stories of Sensing Soul

This episode is about why I finally decided after much nudging, to do a podcast. I talk about what it was like to spend a weekend fleshing out the creation of my podcast  with my marketing partner Amy Bliefnick, and the messages that came to me afterwards.

More Episodes

This is a very special episode. It’s the very personal recounting of the intentional transitioning of my beloved Great Dane Alexander Reykjavik, and how it turned into a more heartfelt and celebratory transition than I could have imagined.

To be very clear, this is a story of the end of my dogs life here on earth. But it’s not a sad story. It’s a story about my growing awareness that you can let go of how things are “supposed” to be, and live them as you feel them in your heart.

In this episodeI talk about how the day of Reykjavik’s transition came to be called Freedom Day, and how I ended up looking at this day in a completely different way than I would have imagined years before.

How I finally made the decision to schedule an intentional transition, after declaring that I would never make that call for him. I talk about the ups and downs, and second guessing of this decision and how I came to terms with the self-doubt I felt at one point.

I relate my heartfelt communications with Reykjavik during the weeks leading up to Freedom Day, and the enormous gift he gave me one night. I always joked that he was my heart, and that I wore it recklessly, outside my boy. That night he gave it back to me. It’s like he was saying, it’s your turn now, to carry it and keep it open.

Finally, I talk about our small spontaneous slumber party the night before and the beautiful way everything flowed on Freedom Day. Not as planned, but as how they were supposed to be. Full of love, and peace.