Episode 32- Wisdom for Making Difficult Decisions
A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
Release Date: 05/28/2024
A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
On this episode we are wrapping up our conversation on the importance of sex in marriage. We have dove into this topic and have explored things you or your spouse could be doing to harm your sex life and ways you both can make it better. Let's look at two more tips before we go. Do Not Watch Porn Porn is extremely dangerous to a marriage. It will in no way unite you and your spouse. Porn will only cause division and other issues. For more information about the dangers of porn check out Mark Gungor. Create A Sex Bucket List Our last tip is to create a sex bucket list. Sit...
info_outline Episode 41- 10 Ways to Have Better Sex Part 3A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
With this episode we are continuing the conversation on ways to improve your sex life. So far we have given you five ways to grow your intimacy. Spend Quality Time Together Talk About It Please and Be Pleased Don't Rely on Your Mood Don't Overlook the Quickie Let's dive into the next three. Get Creative Don’t just do the same old things in the same old places. Have sex in a different room, or a different place altogether. Roleplay and dress up. Remember we said you should talk about sex with your spouse? Ask them what one of their fantasies is, and make it a reality. There is no reason for...
info_outline Episode 40- 10 Ways to Have Better Sex Part 2A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
God’s plan for sex in marriage is one of enduring intimacy. He created sex as a good gift to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. Biblically it should be the married couples having the wild and amazing sex, not the single people. In our last episode, we gave you two ways to start having better sex, let’s pick back up that discussion. Please And Be Pleased Once you know what your spouse likes, do it. Sex is not about being selfish. Make your spouse and their pleasure your focus. There is something very gratifying when we stop trying to be fulfilled and focus on...
info_outline Episode 39- 10 Ways to Have Better Sex Part 1A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
10 Ways to Have Better Sex Teaser: On our last three podcasts, we discussed 10 things that could damage your intimacy with your spouse. We dealt with the problem first because if you try to fix something without dealing with the problem, you will only have a big problem in the end. In the next few episodes we will be discussing 10 things you can do to help improve your sex life. So let’s dive in. 10 Ways to Have Better Sex Spending Quality Time Together Sex should not be the only time you attempt to spend with your spouse. Find out what interests them and share that with them. Find...
info_outline Episode 38- Sex Life Killers Part 3A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
Last week we gave you more things that could be damaging or even killing your sex life. Your sex life is such an important part of your marriage and should be thriving not dying. On our last two episodes we talked about... Distractions Constantly shutting down your spouse Critical Words Body Image Comparison Being Too Busy Poor Routine Let's look at a few more things that could be hindering your sex life. Getting Too Comfortable I love the fact that I am comfortable being myself in my marriage. That is one of the many facets of marriage. It is a place to be loved unconditionally, even...
info_outline Episode 37- Sex Life Killers Part 2A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
Sex Life Killers Part 2 Last week we gave you three things that could be damaging or even killing your sex life. Your sex life is such an important part of your marriage and should be thriving not dying. On our last episode we talked about... Distractions Constantly shutting down your spouse Critical Words Let's look at a few more things that could be hindering your sex life. Comparison Comparison is a relationship killer in general. It has the ability to take a person who has so much and make them believe they have nothing. Comparison always leaves you feeling...
info_outline Episode 36- Sex Life Killers Part 1A Beautiful Adventure Marriage
Sex is a great thing! Most people spend the majority of their single lives trying to get as much of it as possible. But there is a problem that can happen in marriage… Once married, you can have sex all you want…but for many people and for many different reasons sex stops… join us as we talk about the things that can kill off a good sex life. What the Word Says about Sex in Marriage Your spring water is for you and you only, not to be passed around among strangers. Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a...
info_outline Episode 35- Sex and MarriageA Beautiful Adventure Marriage
Sex and Marriage Talking about sex can be tricky. It is easy for this topic to become awkward, silly, or even inappropriate. We don’t want that to happen here. We do however want to stress how important sex is in a marriage. Marriage is to be held in honor among all [that is, regarded as something of great value], and the marriage bed undefiled [by immorality or by any sexual sin]; for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Hebrews 13:4 Amplified Version Sex is a good thing when it is kept in the marriage relationship. Sex has many purposes but one of those purposes...
info_outline Episode 34- The 4 Step Marriage PlanA Beautiful Adventure Marriage
John J. Beckley once said, “Most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.” This can be applied to every area of life. No one wakes up in the morning and plans to fail. Every marriage has dreams and goals. The problems come when we fail to make a plan to make those dreams and goals a reality. Without a plan with intentional steps, most if not all, dreams and goals will go unaccomplished, and we don’t want that to happen in your marriage. Join us for this episode as we give you a 4 Step Marriage Plan to help accomplish your goals and dreams. 4 Steps to Create a Marriage Plan Dream...
info_outline Episode 33- 10 Commandments for Blended Families with Joel HawbakerA Beautiful Adventure Marriage
The 10 Commandments for Blended Families In the same way Jesus summarized the law and the prophets in two great commandments, so the 10CBF can be summarized in what I call the 2 Pillars: 1. Be the adult you want your child(ren) to become. 2. Remember the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. I. Communicate Well - Over communicate with all adults involved: choose a format/technology that works, and use it. When in doubt, communicate about it. II. Always Show Respect - Be respectful, calm, and patient with everyone involved, even if you’re the only one...
info_outline5 Steps to Take When Making Hard Decisions
There are times when decisions must be made quickly, but this is not the norm. In most cases, we put unnecessary stress on ourselves and on our marriage by trying to make the decision as quickly as possible. Once you and your spouse have all the information and have had a chance to really talk about it, pause the conversation. Make an intentional decision to give yourself and your spouse some time to go through the next four steps to make a good decision.
The next three steps all work together. You go through them all simultaneously both with and without your spouse.
Ponder, Process, Repeat
In most situations, people spend the most time thinking about how they want to handle the situation. They are quick to dismiss anyone else’s opinion, and their spouse is no exception. However, if we are going to make a wise decision, one that will benefit our family the most, we must work together with our spouse.
Once both opinions have been communicated out, take some time to process the information. Weight your options to figure out what would be the best decision. This step can take as little or as much time as you need. The main thing here is to just make sure you have all the information to make the best decision you can.
This is the most important step of all. We need to be prayerful about the decisions that we need to make. The truth is God wants to be a part of our lives. He wants to be a part of the little decisions as much as He wants to be a part of the big ones.
The Word tell us in James 1:5 that if we lack wisdom we should pray and ask for it. We serve a good God who wants to give us good gifts and wisdom is definitely one of them. Praying together with your spouse is a great way to deepen your connection as husband and wife. There is something very special about hearing your spouse talk to God. It is a great reminder that they do have your best interest at heart and want to do what is right for their families.
If praying is not something that you and your spouse do often check out The Greater than 11Prayer Challenge. There are so many benefits to praying together with your spouse, and this challenge will help you become intentional about praying together every day.
The final step is acting on the decision you have made. If you take the time to really go through these steps with your spouse, you will be in a much better position to make a wise decision, even if it’s a hard one.
The best-case scenario is you and your spouse come to a full agreement through this process and you can proceed together. However, I have found that in the moments where the full agreement does not come, there is still a peace. If I know that Alex has really thought about and prayed about something, it is easier for me to trust him even if I am not in full agreement. I can do this because I fully trust he has my best interest at heart, he has spoken to the Father about it, and he would never make a decision that would intentionally hurt us.
Whether or not you come out on the same page or not, I can promise you that if you use these five steps in a positive way, they will bring you closer to each other. A trust and deepen connection will form between you and your spouse.
Bonus Tip:
Try to wait and only make a hard decision after you have been able to eat and rest. This is just something Alex and I have realized in our own personal lives. We do not make the best decisions if we are tired or hungry. Once we have gotten some food and some rest, we are in a much better place to make wise decisions. In fact, we are just able to communicate better as a whole after a good meal and some rest.