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When Life is Hard: 3 Temptations & 3 Solutions

The Christian Habits Podcast

Release Date: 09/21/2022

Single Today with Ryan Wekenman (for Singles & Marrieds) show art Single Today with Ryan Wekenman (for Singles & Marrieds)

The Christian Habits Podcast

Many singles today spend their lives regretting past mistakes, relationship failures, or worrying about what their future may (or may not) hold. However, God's plan for every single - actually, married people, too - is to live their lives for Him, right now, in the present! My guest today, , has a beautiful yet very real perspective on his own singleness, as well as the needful spiritual formation of those he ministers to.  This episode is for all Christians! We will be discussing Ryan's new book, . What We Discussed on the Podcast Two enemies of singleness The "Tomorrow Trap" How to...

Bonus Episode: Letting Go of Anxiety show art Bonus Episode: Letting Go of Anxiety

The Christian Habits Podcast

Closer to God Bible Studies with Barb Raveling show art Closer to God Bible Studies with Barb Raveling

The Christian Habits Podcast

Today is the day! My from the series is now available. Philippians is one of my favorite New Testament books of the Bible. The beauty of it is that Paul is writing from prison and teaching Christians wonderful lessons such as how to find contentment in any circumstance, always putting God first, and making our lives about Him. This is a book to study in any season of life! We flip things around today on the Christian Habits Podcast (links below), and instead of interviewing someone else, I am the one being interviewed about my new book.  What We Discussed on the Podcast Why I wrote a...

Healing What You Can't Erase with Christopher Cook show art Healing What You Can't Erase with Christopher Cook

The Christian Habits Podcast

In today's culture, there is a mental health crisis. So many are looking for answers, yet much of the advice given does not provide sustainable relief. However, we know that the only way to true and lasting peace is to know the Prince of Peace! On the Christian Habits Podcast today (links below), my guest, discusses this very topic and his new book . What We Discussed on the Podcast The culture's current mental health crisis Common advice that simply doesn't work "Anxiety is just an alarm." What does this statement mean? What is true peace? What are practical ways to fix our focus on Jesus?...

14 Practical Ways to Get Closer to God show art 14 Practical Ways to Get Closer to God

The Christian Habits Podcast

Do you ever feel distant from God? Do you long to be close to Him? In today's episode of the Christian Habits Podcast we'll talk about 14 practical things you can do to get closer to God. Before we look at ways to get closer to God, though, I thought it might be helpful to give some questions we can use to think about our relationship with Him: What would it look like to have a close walk with God? Is a consistently close walk with God possible? Why do you want a close walk with God? What is one thing that keeps you from having a close walk with God? What is one step you could take to have a...

John Mark Comer: Practicing the Way show art John Mark Comer: Practicing the Way

The Christian Habits Podcast

Do you find yourself simply going through the motions in your Christian walk? Do you long for a deeply intentional and powerful relationship with God? If so, you will inspired and challenged by this episode of The Christian Habits Podcast (links below). My guest today, John Mark Comer, talks about a whole-life, immersive approach to your faith found in his new book, . What We Discussed on the Podcast The difference a Christian and an apprentice of Jesus How fierce intentionality in your walk with Jesus changes everything The keystone habits of a practicing Christian One...

Living with Joy in a Stressful World with Brant Hansen show art Living with Joy in a Stressful World with Brant Hansen

The Christian Habits Podcast

It's easy to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious when we focus on the turmoil in the world (or our own lives). Media and culture don't help because they are constantly feeding us worrisome things. However, there is hope! My guest on the podcast today, , (links below) has an encouraging new book set to release in just two weeks: . Brant reminds us that we truly can have peace and abiding joy - no matter our circumstances - if Jesus is the center of our lives. What We Discussed on the Podcast How to become joyful when that isn't your natural bent How to "outsource" our worries What it truly...

Memorizing Scripture with Glenna Marshall show art Memorizing Scripture with Glenna Marshall

The Christian Habits Podcast

If you're someone (like me) who has struggled for years to commit God's Word to memory, you will want to listen to my latest episode of The Christian Habits Podcast (links below). My guest, , has a new book out about the power and unexpected blessings of memorizing scripture. It has been life-changing for her, and as I am reading her book myself, I can already tell it will be life-changing for me! What We Discussed on the Podcast The reason that Glenna began memorizing scripture The WHY behind scripture memorization The brain science of repetition and memory The case for memorization of long...

Practicing the Presence of Jesus with Joni Eareckson Tada show art Practicing the Presence of Jesus with Joni Eareckson Tada

The Christian Habits Podcast

Do stressful situations steal your peace? Have you allowed the disappointments in your life to keep you from feeling close to Jesus? Do you wish to experience the calm you feel in your quiet moments with God all throughout your day? In my interview on the Christian Habits Podcast (links below), Joni Eareckson Tada shares wisdom from her personal life experiences about learning to stay close to Jesus all throughout the day. We also discuss her newest book, What We Discussed on the Podcast How a tragic accident early in Joni's life began to change her relationship with Jesus Why Joni can be...

Susie Larson: Staying Strong in Battle show art Susie Larson: Staying Strong in Battle

The Christian Habits Podcast

Has the joy and peace in your life been replaced by stress and strife? Is your inner narrative filling you with thoughts of despair? Do you find yourself questioning God's goodness? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you may be in the midst of a spiritual battle. My guest today on the Christian Habits Podcast (links below), , shares such valuable wisdom from her very personal experiences in spiritual warfare, and from her book . What We Discussed on the Podcast How to discern the schemes of the enemy The negative effect of  apathy and passivity in the Christian...

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