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228: The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You're Set Up for Next year

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Release Date: 12/08/2023

253: Power Pause: Reset Imbalances + Refocus Your Energy for Last Part of the Year show art 253: Power Pause: Reset Imbalances + Refocus Your Energy for Last Part of the Year

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Wise beings know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support us to grow our work, wealth and relationships, and to support our overall wellbeing, and keep us focused on what matters. Which is why at the quarter point shifts of the year - Solstices and Equinoxes - our personal leadership best practice (and one we can do with our teams and partners) is taking what I call a Power Pause. Equinoxes specifically are all about illuminating imbalances, shifting habits to restore wellbeing, and re-focusing your priorities and intentions for the next quarter. In this episode we...

252: Align Your Work With Your Wellbeing show art 252: Align Your Work With Your Wellbeing

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Have you ever considered how the work you do and the way you work could be different if you & all people put Wellbeing at the center? Imagine if our culture embraced that all humans are designed differently, which means what supports our wellbeing - mind, body, heart, spirit - will be different. Therefore, the way we work, and the environments we work within need to be flexible, fluid and responsive to the different kinds of work styles required to empower and enable diverse humans to thrive. Imagine a world in which we defined work not just by what we did to receive money, but all the...

251: Wielding Our Co-Creative Power show art 251: Wielding Our Co-Creative Power

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

The super power of Co-Creation. It's different than manifestation. It's not magical thinking. And it's the wise way for us as leaders to shift from pushing, grinding and striving to actually bringing our visions into form...without burning out or sacrificing our lives. It won't make everything you desire magically appear. And while it is about us as individuals, Co-Creation (emphasis on “co” piece) is not just about us as individuals - this is where the courage, compassion, and connection comes in to give us true super power. In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore the feminine...

250: Catalyze: Release the comfortable. Embrace the call to shift. show art 250: Catalyze: Release the comfortable. Embrace the call to shift.

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

You and I have the super power to consciously choose to catalyze ourselves vs. wait to be catalyzed the big “Universal 2x4.” We have the power to work with the catalyzing energy happening on our planet right now in a way that supports and serves us and others vs. overwhelming us. But like any super power, if you can't name it and articulate it, you can't wield its power… In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore the feminine super power of Catalyze: the power to use the situations that life brings you as liberators and elevators that lift YOU & OTHERS up - to expanded levels...

249: Pause. Listen. CoCreate - Feminine Leadership Practice for Charting Your Course into Changing Times show art 249: Pause. Listen. CoCreate - Feminine Leadership Practice for Charting Your Course into Changing Times

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

One of the things I love about the practice of cyclical planning and co creation is that it gives us the space to tune into wisdom before moving into action. If we dare to take that space - which could be days, weeks or months, we gain so many things really hard to see or believe if we are only operating in the busy mode of our day to day.  Things like:  Clarity on what matters .... where the momentum is... where it's not.  Acknowledgment of all the incremental progress we have made ... that's easy not to see or receive if we don't pause. Guidance that comes from a deeper...

248: Feminine Wisdom for Intense & Changing Times show art 248: Feminine Wisdom for Intense & Changing Times

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

We’re all feeling the intensity – so how can Feminine Wisdom support us to navigate through it? Well, it starts with taking a pause, putting on our “wise being glasses,” and then taking a deeper look at what is going on in the Field (the bigger collective world) and in our personal field (our own inner experiences, relationships and reality). This pause allows us to see what is real, what is needed, what the patterns are, and to find the wisdom to navigate the now and the next. In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore how Feminine Wisdom can support us in intense times, to...

247: Staying Sane in an Insane World show art 247: Staying Sane in an Insane World

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

The word “sane” at its root means “free from mental disturbance.” So how can we free ourselves from mental disturbance in the midst of a world that is swirling with it? While we cannot stop the insanity we see happening in our world and the people within it, there are things we can do to stay sane, sustained, centered and focused on what matters.  In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share four practices for Staying Sane in an Insane World. These are practices to put into place proactively, in how we design our lives, the way we work, think, and operate. They are simple yet...

246: Sacred Rage. Holy Grief. show art 246: Sacred Rage. Holy Grief.

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Anger and grief are good human emotions. They have the potential to open up so much for us – individually and collectively – which can lead to healing, breaking down barriers, and breaking through to better realities. The problem is that most humans weren't taught how to express anger or grief in healthy ways, so it comes out sideways in distorted ways, or it gets stuffed down until we blow up or get sick. Sometimes we are the receiver of that big emotional eruption and other times we are the "unleasher" or "erupter" on someone else. In this episode, Christine and Jennifer explore...

245: What To Do When You Get Gooped? show art 245: What To Do When You Get Gooped?

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get "gooped" by the world, a person, the news, the physical and virtual environments you find yourself in, or even by your own emotional triggers? In this episode, Christine, Jennifer, and special guest Noah Martin explore what it means to be “gooped”, how to know when you are gooped up, how does it happen, and what do you do in the moment or as prevention to keep the external forces from knocking you off kilter? Clearing your emotional and energetic fields is a must in our world today; just like you brush...

244 Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months show art 244 Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.     In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and Recognize the progress and growth you've made in this last cycle Honor what it's taken to become the person you are today  Find the keys to how to create space this season so you start the next radiant...

More Episodes

Imagine living the full month of December intentionally - connected to what matters, working with the energy of the season in ways that support your wellbeing in all ways - emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and relationally. So come the start of the next roman calendar year, you felt fresh, radiant, clear and centered ... ready to receive what is to come.

Consider this Wisdom: In the absence a different option, we often revert to what we've done before or what the pull of the mainstream culture dictates. Only when you have a different choice, with practical application and things to 'do,' do you break free of unsupportive patterns and habits, and gain the power to create the reality you desire to be living. 

I know... that is a big piece of wisdom to take it. Because it's so foundational.

Which is why this month, I'm dedicating the entire set of podcasts to things you can 'do' in December at year end that support you to complete the year strong, clear, proud and connected to what matters .... vs. the alternative of the crazy banana world that has so many options and distractions that cause us to drain our energy, bank accounts, life force, etc. and OVER excess in ways that can never quell the deeper desire underneath.

In this episode of Feminine Power Time - 228: The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You're Set Up for Next Year, I will walk you through 3 practices I do every December to:

  • clear out any emotional, mental, relational or energetic "interference" you do NOT want to take into your next year cycle 
  • create harmony in your relationships with people, your body, and your money, so you start the next cycle with more peace, and low to no drama 
  • plant the seeds for what you want to manifest and experience next year in projects, career, relationships, so they are there waiting for you to re-engage with.      

    I'll share and take you through 3 Releasing practices:
  • Release Twiggly Danglers - clearing these out. Choose 1 relationship. Choose either your money or body and action to embrace the twiggly dangler into harmony.
  • Release a Short & Transform the "Feels" Attached to It - choose one short - disappointment/failture/shortcoming that was related things out of your control, professionally, personally and in the bigger planetary reality. 
  • Release Threads of Possibility into Next Year - choose projects and relationships you want to put some energy into now, to see potentials for next year, so they are there waiting.

I so love this practice! May it bring you peace, possibility and power. 



P.P.S.. SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH A FRIEND. Share your Releases for this year. Support each other.


  1. Feminine Wisdom Way - Living, leading, succeeding the way women naturally work best www.FeminineWIsdomWay.com 
  2. Emerge Visioning Co-Creative 4-week Journeywww.EmergeVisioning.com  
  3. Year End Reflection Ritual, RSVP, my gift - www.ReflectionRitual.com