The Cloud Secrets Show
I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
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I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
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Now I understand why Russel Brunson is telling everyone to keep doing your webinars LIVE for at least one year.... In this episode I will tell you my epiphany ;-0
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How many things can you Automate, Delegate and/or Eliminate to free up time for the stuff that really moves the needle in your life? That makes all the difference in being successful or not....
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The offer is a two-way commitment or agreement, not a "I want it my way". That's when I tell them NO as I stopped customizing my offers...
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Here's a walkthrough of how my sales evolved after something I realized when i was looking back for the patterns on successful sales...
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I'm going to share my dirty little secret on how I converted that many people.
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What a simple change in strategy can do for your results...
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If you want to reach your goals this year, pay close attention.
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Finally! Business Owners - Easy Recipe for Being Successful just released. Makes it super simple to Know With 100% Confidence You Succeed Every Single Time. ... Guaranteed!
info_outlineWhat is the difference between storage we currently use within Citrix and the storage that is being used within WVD? Because it seems to be a lot slower and after a theme song, I'm going to show you exactly what the difference is or how we do it versus WVD. So this is one of the episodes you want to watch. Go to and look for episode 29. And there you'll find a link to the video because I'm doing a whiteboard session or behind scenes, if you want to call it and show you the difference between storage in WVD and the current Citrix environment.
So the big question is this, how do you become the cloud expert in your area without having to make any investments in hard and software who provides customers with a secure cloud foundation? How do you start in a way that let you offer your products and services and start making money straight from the beginning? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Marcel Martens and welcome to Cloud Secrets.
So the question is, if the storage that we currently use within Citrix, of that is directly attached to the Hyper-V environment or that it's connected in another way. So that's the question and that's what I'm going to explain here because we want to know the difference between Citrix and the way storage works comparing to WVD.
So now we've got our storage, on top of that storage we've got our servers and on top of that servers we've got our VMs. Storage, server, server, server, and one of those VMs is our PVS, provisioning services system for Citrix. When you got a Citrix VM here, what it basically does is it starts using the network connection and the C-drive is actually located on the PVS drive. So this is like VHD, which will be transported over the network and Citrix will start and it will only use files at that time. So this one is probably 80 gigabytes or so, but for starting Windows, in this case, 2008 R2, it probably only needs 1.6 gigabytes or whatever. So that's what's going to be transferred over the network to be able to start that VM.
Afterwards when this VM is going to start an application, it also goes to this VHD and put those files back. Since this is a file server which uses caching, the hot blocks within this VHD will be in the cache in the memory of the file server. So while this is being 10 gigabytes or more, it's always going to be a lot faster than when it needs to get the data here, get it to the PVS virtual machine towards the Citrix server.
Within WVD, we have no knowledge. Let me get a different color. Within WVD, we don't have any knowledge of the hardware that's below. We see very small read latency, right? Okay, so 0.1 read latency, but the average write latency is over 50, which is pretty high. Here it's the other way around. In our current Citrix environment, we've got like the average write delay is around, I don't know, 0.8 or one and the average read delay is around, do you know the number? No? I believe we'll say 0.30 or so.
We've got some problems here with some applications that are starting a lot slower, within WVD they are starting a lot slower than on the current Citrix environment, so that's what we're trying to figure out and see where the problem is existing so we can fix it. So that's it for today. Hope you join me next time. Bye bye. Marcel Martens.
If you're just starting out, you're probably studying a lot, that's good. You're probably geeking out on all the strategies also, right? That's also good, but the hardest part is figuring out what the market wants to buy and how you can implement it in a way that always gives you the same result. Right? That's what I struggled with for a while until I learned the formula. So I created this special mastermind called Cloudmind to get you on track with the right services. More importantly, the right to migrate your customers in a way that guarantees success every single time. Want to come? There are small groups on purpose, so I can answer your direct questions in person. You can hold your spot by going to Again, that's