The Cloud Secrets Show
I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
info_outlineThe Cloud Secrets Show
I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
info_outlineThe Cloud Secrets Show
Now I understand why Russel Brunson is telling everyone to keep doing your webinars LIVE for at least one year.... In this episode I will tell you my epiphany ;-0
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How many things can you Automate, Delegate and/or Eliminate to free up time for the stuff that really moves the needle in your life? That makes all the difference in being successful or not....
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The offer is a two-way commitment or agreement, not a "I want it my way". That's when I tell them NO as I stopped customizing my offers...
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Here's a walkthrough of how my sales evolved after something I realized when i was looking back for the patterns on successful sales...
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I'm going to share my dirty little secret on how I converted that many people.
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What a simple change in strategy can do for your results...
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If you want to reach your goals this year, pay close attention.
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Finally! Business Owners - Easy Recipe for Being Successful just released. Makes it super simple to Know With 100% Confidence You Succeed Every Single Time. ... Guaranteed!
info_outlineDo you want success in business? Then you have to focus on what customers want, not what they need, because customers always buy what they want. After the theme song, I'll share with you how I apply this to my business.
What does the customer want? For us, we are IT suppliers, cloud service providers or whatever kind of doing-it-for-you services that we offer. We provide services or we do things for our customers so they don't have to do them themselves, even if they got the knowledge or not, it's really not important. They just want to spend their time on their most valuable things, they are ave the things that generate the most revenue or whatever it is they do. And by outsourcing IT, that's what most businesses do these days, with cloud services, well you can outsource it directly to Microsoft or Google or Amazon or whatever kind of supplier that's in the market, but who is going to set it all up? Who's going to migrate all your data into the new system and who's going to maintain and keep your customers updated on the way they can go, the way they use systems, the way they can integrate systems.
So, basically today what I want to talk about is sell your customer what they want. What does your customer want? Do you know it? Did you ever ask any customer or prospect that very direct question: what do you want? What outcome do you want when all things aside. Okay, pick an empty box and let the prospective customer think and explain to you what an ideal system for him or her would look like. And that will give you a ton of insights because they're going to share things on the way they like to see it and the way they can do business optimal in their situation, because every single business differs from another one.
So, there's no one shoe fits all solution here, there's no one size fits all. You have to always look at customer wants and needs, of course, I'll come back to that later. Because the customer will always buy what he wants, not what he needs, he buy what he wants to have. If you let them explain why they want it, it could be a total different thing, which doesn't have to do anything with IT. If they got moral issues against Google for harvesting personal data, then you don't want to be starting your sales conversation about your Google solution.
So, let them first explain what they want and when they do and then talk about, "Okay, I want to have the ease and comfort of working everywhere, anytime on any device and any place on and offline and whatever. And I've heard a few things about Office 365, which sounds amazing. I've got some friends who are using it for their business, some relatives of family members and I think that's the best way to go."
"Okay, why do you think that's the best way to go?"
"Yeah, because they'er telling me these stories that it's working for them, so I suppose it works for me as well."
I say, "Okay. And how do you see that with your files?" That will be a question from my side because that's why we combine Office 365 with the Google Drive instead of SharePoint and OneDrive.
And then they say, "No, well it's pretty easy. I can use so many devices I have."
"Yes, that's correct"
"And I can use it on and offline."
"That's partially right." And well, then you can break down their beliefs. And when you break down their beliefs and rebuild proper beliefs, so you have to come with a good enough set of arguments and why that particular solution on its own is not going to solve all his problems. And when you focus on solving his problems, he doesn't care, or he or she, I don't try to make any difference here, but it's just a natural habit of me.
So, that particular prospective customer doesn't care about what particular solution he's buying or needs to, actually wants. First we start off with a want and then we go to the need, because on the end you need to fulfill the need. Let's go back to the story. He or she doesn't care on what solution they're using, as long as is solves all their problems. So, if you can ask enough questions to get to the bottom of where it itches, where are their frustrations? What can't they do? If they can do it, well, it would make, I don't know, 80% difference in daily operations. And if you can get that point on the table and you can address it and then you can solve it for them, that's why you create raving fans because, well first you got to deliver of course, which I'm pretty convinced you're capable of.
But then you need to over-deliver. And by over-delivering, that's where you make the difference between a customer or a raving fan. And I always go for raving fans because that's the way you increase sales and that's the way that you, go back a few podcasts, I don't know, maybe 10, 15 episodes back, I did an episode about how every new customer generates, I don't know, 30 new customers within the next year if you do it properly. So, if you go back to the last episode for my webinar, the subscribers paid on average I believed was $4 or $5 to opt in for our webinar. Even when I count all expenses on ads, it came down to I believe $200 per conversion for a prospect who was joining the webinar for signing the contract afterwards for our Always Safe Business suite.
So, that one, what did I say? $200, $250. I don't know. That's what I paid, per conversion, sorry with all the confusion here. Let's say $250 I don't have it on my top of my head now. It's somewhere between $200 and $250 for per conversion. If I take that down to 30 customers, I'm not good at math in my head, but I believe it's less than $2. So, that's an average around, I don't know, $8 a new customer. So, if I can acquire a new customer for $8, that's really cheap and that's why I need to over-deliver so I can get the wheel spinning and get a lot of spinoff of that particular customer, or in this case X amount of customers times X amount of new leads, times X amount of new customers, times X amount of new leads. And that keeps on going and if you follow up properly, you don't have to do so much about sales. It comes naturally. It's just another recipe, another routine that if you follow it properly, customers will be coming to you and you don't have to do cold canvassing ever again.
If you like this, I would like to know more about how I performed the webinar. Go back to episode 41, listen to it, read it and read it again. There are some links to expert secrets and the DotCom Secrets book of Russell Brunson, he offers a free plus shipping offer. Just covered the shipping costs and you'll send you the books for absolutely no money and you get so much value out of them. I'm sharing my results here with you, but there the techniques are explained in the utmost detail on what to do in what order. And I love to see you benefit from that as well. It's congruent with my core values and that is that my intention is to leave everybody in a better state than when I first met them.
So, maybe this is our first encounter and you're listening for the first time. I want you to know that why I'm doing is this to help other IT professionals out there or startups who just want one thing, and that's to over-deliver every single time to their customer and offer them a secure and safe cloud solution. So that's it. Thank you for listening. See you guys next time. And good luck with your progress. Get to it. Bye-bye. Marcel Martens.