The Cloud Secrets Show
I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
info_outlineThe Cloud Secrets Show
I want to share with you three ways that I use on a regular basis to keep my schedule as free as possible so I can attend to the things that matter most to me or move the needle the most as Dean Graziosi tells.
info_outlineThe Cloud Secrets Show
Now I understand why Russel Brunson is telling everyone to keep doing your webinars LIVE for at least one year.... In this episode I will tell you my epiphany ;-0
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How many things can you Automate, Delegate and/or Eliminate to free up time for the stuff that really moves the needle in your life? That makes all the difference in being successful or not....
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The offer is a two-way commitment or agreement, not a "I want it my way". That's when I tell them NO as I stopped customizing my offers...
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Here's a walkthrough of how my sales evolved after something I realized when i was looking back for the patterns on successful sales...
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I'm going to share my dirty little secret on how I converted that many people.
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What a simple change in strategy can do for your results...
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If you want to reach your goals this year, pay close attention.
info_outlineThe Cloud Secrets Show
Finally! Business Owners - Easy Recipe for Being Successful just released. Makes it super simple to Know With 100% Confidence You Succeed Every Single Time. ... Guaranteed!
info_outlineBoom. 50% conversion after my webinar. Absolutely fricking amazing. I'm so joyed and so filled with enthusiasm. After the theme song, I'm going to share my dirty little secret on how I converted that many people.
Hi, Marcel Martens. Welcome back to the Cloud Secrets podcast and I promised you to keep you updated on the progress of the webinar series that I'm going to do for one of my companies, M-IT Services, on selling the Always Safe business suite.
Just a few steps back. I've been trying to sell like cloud services since, I don't know, maybe 10 years online. Actually never made any online conversion or sales, so direct sales, that's what I mean.
And it's always been belly to belly, going to the customer, explaining what we do, how we do it and what we charge for it and I've been struggling and looking for a way to sell one to many.
In this case I use webinars. I can also do events and all other kinds of things, but I thought start an easy way and start using webinars in the shape of an online training. At least that's what I sell the people on the ad that they can opt in for an online training, on how to combine Office 365 and Google G Suite for optimal use and performance.
So yesterday, we finally did it. We made our first conversions using a webinar. Lots of people were very enthusiastic and opted in right away after, well when the webinar was finished. I made a special offer for them for that.
I followed the guidelines of Expert Secrets. In this case I can see myself as the expert who will train different entrepreneurs or other entrepreneurs and business owners on how to successfully use IT, how to use IT for their business to a company growth, save costs, save money, increase revenue and increase profits.
And that's the thing that I sold them in the webinar. I also gave a demo so people can see what I can do and how I use it. They know they are secure, that all their data has been backed up daily automatically without any human interaction, and all their systems are well fully secured or protected against ransomware, cyber crime and all that kinds of activities that you don't want to encounter on your systems or your data.
So I'll put down a link below where you can download the free book. It's a free book, people and I encourage you to download it or order it, it's free. The guy Russell Brunson, he only charges shipping fee, so the book is free and if you, it's also a recommendation. You can order a black box that's containing the Expert Secrets book, and the Dotcom Secrets book.
A huge advantage getting out of them, and I'll welcome you into his world because he's a phenomenal guy. He's the funnel man and basically the people that enter the webinar have been using in this case, a working funnel finally. So I figured it out. I know what to do. I know what comes next. This time I'm going to change my ad strategy to get even more opt-ins and convert more people.
So that's it for today. Once again, I'll put a link down below where you can get your free Expert Secrets book and please let me know what you, when you read it, when you're done, what you gain from it? I'm curious. I just want to know if I can help you in any other way.
So please, share some feedback and if you liked this, please rate and subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, wherever you are listening and using audio or video.
Okay, that's it guys. See you next time. Bye bye. Marcel Martens.