Aligning Conscious – Subconscious – Superconscious to Change Limiting Beliefs EP 77
Making Space for Conversations That Matter with Laura Prisc
Release Date: 12/22/2020
Making Space for Conversations That Matter with Laura Prisc
Get comfy and settle in for your last opportunity to eavesdrop on a new episode of Making Space for Conversations that Matter. Listen in as Host, Laura Prisc, tells and abbreviated story about how the podcast came to be and how she knew it was time to release it.
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In 2013, Host, Laura Prisc, participated in a workshop series designed to help her create or find her dream job. Part of the process was imagining and articulating what her “dream life” looked like. Eavesdrop on her today, as she takes a look back and what she imagined for her life and work at that time, and how it has unfolded.
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It’s always fun to encounter a kindred spirit – someone on a very similar journey, whose thinking and beliefs are aligned with your own… and that’s exactly what host, Laura Prisc, experienced during this week’s episode, getting to know MaryBeth Hyland.
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One of the greatest ways to build your influence and leadership abilities is to lead when you have no official authority. We most often encounter this situation when working with volunteers. Host, Laura Prisc, wasn’t expecting to discover this framework within a hospital, however, that’s exactly what she uncovered when she engaged in a meaningful conversation with Brent Jackson, MD, VP and Chief Medical Officer of Dignity Health, located in Sacramento, CA.
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Wayne Mullins is a breath of fresh air; he’s a marketer who focuses on human connection and understands that while the common label for what’s happening online these days – “social media” – is really not social, rather ‘digital.’
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Recently, I was facilitating a workshop for some middle managers when something I suspected was reinforced in a powerful way. There was definitely an undertone of anger and hostility.
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Conversation about the perils of living on autopilot and how to break the cycle of insanity!
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Trite, perhaps, but true… The higher you go in an organization the more isolated you become. On today’s episode, Laura explores a few of the reasons Leaders are lonely, often feel isolated, and how to get the support they need to lead effectively and with confidence.
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When someone doesn’t have a clear vision for what they want or are working towards, it’s nearly impossible to make progress. As a productivity coach for entrepreneurs, Todd works with a variety of clients who often have a few things in common: Lack of clarity about what they are striving to create or achieve, inability or unwillingness to make decisions, and no clear plan forward.
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When I think about leadership, it’s clear to me that I need to lead myself first before I can hope to influence and lead others. Part of leading myself first means being awake enough to know that I’m the causative force in my life. What I’m experiencing is the direct result of my best thinking, decisions, actions, and behaviors before today.
info_outlineSelf-limiting beliefs are a universal phenomenon and something that holds too many of us back from fully living into our potential and creating and contributing at higher levels. Host, Laura Prisc, has been exploring the foundations of this challenge – and a variety of methods of releasing or transforming them – to help herself and her clients live fuller, richer, more meaningful lives.
When she first heard of Psych-K, it was while reading Dr. Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief. Dr. Lipton explains that our beliefs are embedded in the cells of our bodies. If we are unaware of or unable to examine, change, or release them, we will be victim to our limited thinking about what we are capable of… and the world will be poorer for it. However, there are ways to make the exact shift we need to.
One of those ways is Psych-K, which Patti Lustig has been practicing personally and sharing with her clients for many years now to great effect. It’s a facilitated process seeking first to discern where we are out of alignment, test what beliefs we hold strongly, and which are weak. Through a process of realignment, we can release those beliefs that don’t serve us and emerge stronger, feeling more confident in ourselves and our abilities, which translates to higher levels of performance and achievement in whatever we choose to invest our time and energy in.
It’s a fascinating concept and conversation. Listen in, take notes, then take Patti up on her offer of a complimentary session.
Patti’s Bio
Patti has coached 100’s of individuals and business owners for the past 21 years. She has a degree in Special Education and Psychology, a master coaching certification, a time management certification, and is a trained Psych-K facilitator. More importantly she has a remarkable life. She lives in her dream home in Florida, 5 miles from the beach with the love of her life, her poodle, Jasper, and her daughter - who lives 10 minutes away. Over her lifetime she has learned, grown, and transformed many times - and loves making a difference for others.
However, 7 years ago and at the height of her business, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disease and told that she could bleed to death easily. She was shocked and unsure how to live her life going forward and spent 6 months depressed, while her business suffered. She didn’t drive anywhere for fear she would have an accident. She didn’t cook for fear she would cut myself. She kept herself very small and isolated, a victim of her circumstances. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to go on.
Then one day on Facebook, she read that Roger Ebert had died; he was a famous film critic who lost his ability to speak and move, yet he remained a functioning film critic for the rest of his life. It was that day, she said to herself, “If he can contribute in his state, I can get up and start living again!” She redesigned her business and has grown it steadily ever since. Now she has exceeded where she was 8 years ago and is loving every minute.
Connect with Patti:
Schedule a complimentary session
Call Patti: 612-363-7605