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COVID-19 and The Deep State: Part 1, Daszak's Deceptions and the Dual-Use Dillemma

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

Release Date: 06/25/2021

They Killed FDR?! : Spies, Saboteurs, Traitors, and the Coup of 1945 show art They Killed FDR?! : Spies, Saboteurs, Traitors, and the Coup of 1945

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

We discuss the curious circumstances surrounding the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We talk about the Yalta Conference, and the possibility that FDR was going to enter into a more cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union.  We talk about how members of the Yalta Conference got sick and died afterwards.  We discuss the enemies of FDR, Averall Harriman, Allen Dulles, the industrialists that funded and supported Hitler, Winston Churchill, and Truman.  We talk about the coup attempts against FDR, and the assassination attempt at FDR that may have actually been...

The Deep State History of John C. Lilly: Part 1, Isolation, Brain Stimulation, and Modified Human Agents show art The Deep State History of John C. Lilly: Part 1, Isolation, Brain Stimulation, and Modified Human Agents

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

This series is about the controversial scientist, psychadelic pioneer, dolphin expert and possible CIA assett, Dr. John C. Lilly.  We talk about John C. Lilly’s privileged early life.  When he was young his family was involved in a high level St. Paul Minnesota power shake up with organized crime.  We discuss Lilly's years at CalTech, then Dartmouth, then Penn State.  We talked about Lilly’s ethic of not performing experiments on subjects without first having performed them on oneself. We also talked about Lilly’s willingness to perform almost any kind of experiment...

Mind Control: Man-Machine Dreams, Schmismogenesizing the Japanese, Truth Serum and Hypno-Programmed Soldiers in WWII show art Mind Control: Man-Machine Dreams, Schmismogenesizing the Japanese, Truth Serum and Hypno-Programmed Soldiers in WWII

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

We started by checking in with the Committee for National Morale, and following up on what they ended up doing when the war started. Arthur Upham Pope commissioned the Office of Coordinator of Information, precursor to the OSS and the CIA, to perform truth drug experiments. The Cerebral Inhibition Meeting took place, which was attended by Margaret Meade, Gregory Bateson, Harold Wolff, and included Milton Erickson talking about hypnosis. This was commissioned by Frank Fremont-Smith of the Macy Foundation. This led to the formation of what the insiders called the Man-Machine Project, and the...

Destabilizing Venezuela: Gun Smuggling and Money Laundering with the Doral Flying Circus show art Destabilizing Venezuela: Gun Smuggling and Money Laundering with the Doral Flying Circus

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

In this episode, Marshall digs out some old research he did on covert operations to destabilize Venezuela during the Obama and Trump administrations. We focus on a Boeing 767 with the tale number N881YV, that was allegedly discovered on a Venezuelan airstrip laden with guns, ammo, and other military equipment and destined for anti-Maduro Venezuelan insurgents.  We provide some background to the situation by going into some of the history of PDVSA, the Venezuelan oil company that controls the largest oil reserves in the world and was at one point the largest corporation in South America. ...

Mind Control: Engineering the Future with the Committee for National Morale in the 1940's show art Mind Control: Engineering the Future with the Committee for National Morale in the 1940's

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

In this episode we explore a little known, yet hugely influential group of social scientists known as the Committee for National Morale.  Founded in 1940, the goal of the Committee for National Morale (CNM) was to prepare the nation psychologically for war. They were America's answer to Nazi Germany's Ministry of Propaganda. Members of this group would play a major role in socially engineering American culture for decades to come. They will form what we call the Cybernetics Network. Many members of this group will actively become involved in the CIA's MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE projects. ...

Mind Control: G-men, Demented Docs, and Hypnosis Cults in the 1930's show art Mind Control: G-men, Demented Docs, and Hypnosis Cults in the 1930's

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

We start are long dive into mind control topics in the 1930's. We take a look at the crimes of Svigvard Thurneman and The Sala Gang. Thurneman was an occult practitioner who used hypnosis and drugs in his ceremonies. He recruited upstanding citizens into his secret society, and soon they embarked on a 6 year crime spee of murder, arson, and theft. Did Svigbard use occult techniques to control the minds of his followers? We then skip over to the United States. The Great Depression is underway, and Civilian Conservation Corps are created to give young jobless men a chance to make an honest...

Gatekeeper in Chief: Stephen Kinzer and the CIA's MKULTRA Limited Hangout show art Gatekeeper in Chief: Stephen Kinzer and the CIA's MKULTRA Limited Hangout

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

In this episode we discuss a likely "limited hangout" operation involving the revelation of MKULTRA and other CIA experiments. H.P. Albarelli identified this as "Operation Dormouse." We then take a look at Stephen Kinzer and his book Poisoner in Chief, and we discuss how the book furthers the aims of this decades old limited hangout. We take a look at Stephen Kinzer's background, including his time in Central America during the 80's as a Bureau Chief for the New York Times. We highlight Noam Chomsky's criticism of Kinzer's reportage, particularly in covering up death squad activity. 

COVID 19 and the Deep State: Part 2, A Gain of Function Coverup, Event 201 show art COVID 19 and the Deep State: Part 2, A Gain of Function Coverup, Event 201

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

We continue our discussion into the origins of COVID-29. We discuss the origins of the Lab Leak theory, uncover a "massive gain of function bureaucracy," learn about Avril Haines and Event 201, and uncover a plausible theory for how the virus could have started spreading across the globe as early as October, 2019.

COVID-19 and The Deep State: Part 1, Daszak's Deceptions and the Dual-Use Dillemma show art COVID-19 and The Deep State: Part 1, Daszak's Deceptions and the Dual-Use Dillemma

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

In this episode we begin what is sure to be a long and vertiginous dive into the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic. We start with a discussion of the one of the most outspoken advocates of the Zoonotic Spillover Theory, one Peter Daszak, and the NGO of which he is president, EcoHealth Alliance.

The Deep State Friends of Donald Trump: Part 1, The Wrath of Cohn show art The Deep State Friends of Donald Trump: Part 1, The Wrath of Cohn

Deep State History with Marshall and Matt

In the first part of this series we discuss the origins of the Trump Real Estate empire. We also discuss the early career of Trump's notorious mentor, the lawyer Roy Cohn.

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In this episode we begin what is sure to be a long and vertiginous dive into the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic. We start with a discussion of the one of the most outspoken advocates of the Zoonotic Spillover Theory, one Peter Daszak, and the NGO of which he is president, EcoHealth Alliance. We show how in the very early days of the pandemic, Daszak attempted to control the narrative around the origins of COVID-19, claiming before any real investigation had begun that the pandemic was the result of a natural spillover and any other possibilities are "conspiracy theories." We discuss how Daszak attempted to hide his authorship of a critical article, and how his appointment to be on the WHO team of investigators into the origin of the COVID-19 was controversial to many. We show that Daszak has for years been working closely on gain of function research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the very lab his team was supposed to investigate, and how this appears to be a conflict of interest. We then show that EcoHealth Alliance is actually funded almost entirely by the U.S. State Department and Pentagon. We go on to show that the Pentagon and in particular DARPA have shown an acute interest in bat borne coronaviruses in the years leading up to the pandemic. We then take a look at Dr. David Franz, former commander of the most notorious bioweapons laboratory in the world, Ft. Detrick, who now sits on the advisory board of EcoHealth Alliance, and his claim that "in biology everything is dual use -- the people, the facilities, and the equipment." We go into a brief discussion on the Anthrax attacks of 2001, and that event's relevance to our present situation.