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Episode 60 - Nike Plus-Size Mannequin Does NOT Promote Obesity

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Release Date: 06/26/2019

Episode 84 - Farewell for Now: Hitting Pause on the Podcast show art Episode 84 - Farewell for Now: Hitting Pause on the Podcast

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

After 5 years, Aaron and Glenys are pressing pause on the Dietitians Unplugged podcast for now. In this episode they talk about what they're currently offering clients (see links below), where they were when they started the podcast, what they've learned along the way, and some of their favorite podcast moments. 

Episode 83 - Sleep Apnea and Weight Stigma show art Episode 83 - Sleep Apnea and Weight Stigma

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys talk about their personal experiences with sleep apnea. They discussed how weight stigma sadly surrounds this diagnosis, and how they overcame related shame to get appropriate treatment.  Also discussed:

Episode 82 - No Wrong Way to Yoga with Marc Settembrino show art Episode 82 - No Wrong Way to Yoga with Marc Settembrino

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Glenys and Aaron welcome Dr. Marc Settembrino to the podcast to talk about his experience with becoming a yogi and creating inclusive yoga classes through Fat Kid Yoga Club.

Episode 81 - The Fear of Weight Gain show art Episode 81 - The Fear of Weight Gain

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys talk about weight. The global pandemic has put many people in a panic about changing weight. For those recovering from EDs and disordered eating, weight gain is often necessary and a part of healing, but hearing weight gain stigmatized constantly can feel like a huge setback. In this episode, our hosts talk about how they support their clients in normalizing weight gain and taking the focus of healing off of weight and put it more on supportive self-care.

Episode 80 - Caroline Dooner Said Episode 80 - Caroline Dooner Said "F*ck It!" to Diets

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys talk with Caroline Dooner, author of The F*ck It Diet. Caroline talked about her journey towards true non-diet eating: how she tried to manage her PCOS with diets, her foray into the Paleo Diet, the time she tried to turn intuitive eating into a diet, and the epiphany that finally led her to say “F*ck It!” to diets for good. Caroline also revealed a little bit about the next book she’s working on.

Episode 79 - Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon show art Episode 79 - Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys invited to the podcast to discuss fat positive fertility. In this episode, they discussed: -Nicola’s experience of having fertility issues and being in a larger body -The lack evidence for weight loss improving fertility -The mixed research on weight-related fertility issues and the development of gestational diabetes in higher weight people -The weight stigma higher weight people face at the doctor’s office -What behaviors actually help to support fertility (hint: there’s no special formula) -The importance of setting boundaries at the doctor’s office to help create...

Episode 78 - Part II: Mindfulness in Traumatic Times with Fiona Sutherland show art Episode 78 - Part II: Mindfulness in Traumatic Times with Fiona Sutherland

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys continue their conversation Fiona Sutherland, HAES® and non-diet dietitian and director of The Mindful Dietitian in Melbourne, Australia.

Episode 77 - Part I: Mindfulness in Traumatic Times with Fiona Sutherland show art Episode 77 - Part I: Mindfulness in Traumatic Times with Fiona Sutherland

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys welcomed their friend Fiona Sutherland, a Health At Every Size® and non-diet dietitian and director of The Mindful Dietitian in Melbourne, Australia.

Episode 76 - Eating Disorders, Orthorexia and Aging with Meg Bradbury show art Episode 76 - Eating Disorders, Orthorexia and Aging with Meg Bradbury

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Guest Meg Bradbury is a Certified Body Trust Provider®, anti-diet nutritionist, Accessible Yoga® Teacher, and registered Yoga Alliance yoga and meditation teacher.

Episode 75 - Body Image, Anxiety, and Food Stress during COVID-19 show art Episode 75 - Body Image, Anxiety, and Food Stress during COVID-19

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast

Aaron and Glenys reach out to you from home during the global COVID-19 pandemic. This is a time of stress and fear for everyone, and it can really bring up a lot of distress around body image, food insecurity and scarcity, and eating in general.

More Episodes

Nike recently unveiled a new plus-size line of athletic clothing and with it, a plus-size mannequin on which to display the clothing. One journalist railed against this move as "promoting obesity." In this episode, Aaron and Glenys talk about the reaction to the mannequin, both good and bad, how promoting obesity is not actually "a thing", and the role that internalized weight stigma may have played in this reaction. 

Show notes:

We're not linking to the original article because it's bias AF, and you can google the Tanya Gold article. Instead, here are some great articles clapping back.

Telegraph's Fatphobic Take On Nike's Plus-Size Mannequins Receives Backlash

Nike’s plus-sized mannequins don’t ‘promote’ obesity – they reflect reality. Why on earth is that an issue?

The Real Issue With Nike's Plus Size Mannequins

Dances with Fat: Nike’s Plus Size Mannequins Uncover the Truth About Weight Stigma

Study showing lower mortality in "overweight" category (referenced)


More about Glenys: www.daretonotdiet.com

More about Aaron: www.bvmrd.com