Book Journeys Radio
Join Pleasance Silicki of BookJourneys Radio interview author Nurys Harrigan-Pedersen about the writing and publishing of her book, Make Your Mark: The Smart Nonprofit Professional’s Guide to Career Mapping for Success.
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Join Pleasance Silicki of BookJourneys Radio as she interviews author Emily Cohen on the writing and publishing of her book, From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling.
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Join Pleasance Silicki, host of BookJourneys Radio as she interviews author Kristina Hallett , PhD, ABPP on the writing and publishing of her books, Own Best Friend: Eight Steps to a Life of Purpose, Passion, and Ease andBe Awesome! Banish Burnout - Create Motivation from the Inside Out.
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Join Pleasance Silicki, host of BookJourneys Radio, as she interviews author Beverly Davidek on the writing and publishing of her book, Happy Lawyer: The Art of Having It All Without Losing Your Mind, which she co-authored with husband Dirk Davidek.
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Join Pleasance Silicki of BookJourneys Radio interview authors Kaley Bourgeois and Bridghid McMonagle on the writing and publishing of their book, Secret To A Younger You - The 3 Month Program: A natural facelift without botox.
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Join Pleasance Silicki, host of BookJourneys Radio as she interviews author Bear McKay on the writing and publishing of her book, Your Energy Signature.
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Join Pleasance Silicki of BookJourneys Radio as she interviews author Amari Ice on the writing and publishing of his book, Lasting Love at Last: The Gay Guide to Relationships.
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Join Pleasance Silicki, host of BookJourneys Radio, interview author Megan Jo Wilson, on the writing and publishing of her book, Who the F*ck Am I to Be a Coach: A Warrior's Guide to Building a Business from the Inside Out.
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Join BookJourneys Radio host, Pleasance Silicki, as she interviews author Alexandra Greenawalt on the writing and publishing of her book, Love What You Wear: Mastering Your Style in Multiple Homes.
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Join Pleasance Silicki as she interviews author Renee Brown Small on the writing and publishing of her book, Magnetic Hiring.
info_outlineJoin Pleasance Silicki, host of BookJourneys Radio as she interviews author Kristina Hallett , PhD, ABPP on the writing and publishing of her books, Own Best Friend: Eight Steps to a Life of Purpose, Passion, and Ease and Be Awesome! Banish Burnout - Create Motivation from the Inside Out.
Upon the release of her book, Own Best Friend, Kristina was proud to announce that it had reached international best-seller status on the first day. It's no surprise since it's really a gift for busy women everywhere, full of practical tips that to help you reach the best of yourself. For others, it reveals the kind of transformative self-care that unlocks the kind of life that they long to live. What Kristina teaches in her book is patterned after the very principles that she espouses based on her own personal experiences - specifically her eight steps to a life of purpose, passion, and ease, and of course, her methods of creating motivation as discussed in her other book.