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Gumming Up the System

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Release Date: 04/22/2024

Truly I Say To You show art Truly I Say To You

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary responds to a recent video sermon by Pastor Jack Hibbs on Matthew 24 and asks "how close are we to the end?" Hibbs makes important hermeneutical points about reading this chapter through the eyes and understanding of Jesus' first century audience, but then quickly veers away from it.

Atheism is a Religion show art Atheism is a Religion

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary comments on several recent news stories about people railing against Christianity. Consistent atheism is a misnomer and no one actually follows their "Imagine no god above us" worldview. They all borrow aspects of what they like from the Christian worldview to prop up their own. 

Politics is Politics is "Of This World"

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary responds to a video from a pastor who claims "politics are not spiritual because they are of this world." He refers to voting as a privilege that isn't related to Christians being "spiritual." Not only does he misunderstand what spiritual means, he also misunderstands what politics are and why we must be involved.

A Theological Hot Potato show art A Theological Hot Potato

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary concludes his response to a recent Wallbuilders show with Mark David Hall on the influence of R.J. Rushdoony. As a historian, Mark David Hall doesn't appear to have done much research at all on Rushdoony. However, there is a simpler answer: many others have also professed ignorance of his writings (on nearly everything) in order to distance themselves from his theonomic and theocratic views.

Linking Rushdoony and David Barton show art Linking Rushdoony and David Barton

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary continues his response to a recent episode from David Barton featuring historian Mark David Hall. David Barton's article about the 10 Commandments and American law:  

Rushdoony and Church and State show art Rushdoony and Church and State

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary begins a series of three podcasts that respond to a recent show from David Barton's Wallbuilders organization. Barton's topic was Christian Nationalism and his guest was Mark David Hall, who makes the erroneous claim that Rousas J. Rushdoony was a small and insignificant voice on American history and church and state. Gary takes issue with this and discusses why.

Disparities in Economics and Abilities show art Disparities in Economics and Abilities

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary discusses the economic and the biological differences between men's and women's sports. People must (and do) ignore both the market and the obvious differences between men and women in order to bring in the equality and parity argument in sports. A short lesson in both economics and sports is Gary's response.

Putting Iran in Biblical Context show art Putting Iran in Biblical Context

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Now that the eclipse has come and gone, prophecy speculators have refocused their attention on the Middle East. Iran's attack on Israel got the typewriters of prophecy writers revved up, some comparing it to the Persian Empire. It is time to put all of this back into a proper biblical and ancient context. NOTE: The recording device changes at 13:30, but the podcast is complete.

Getting Healthy with Gary show art Getting Healthy with Gary

The Gary DeMar Podcast

In this episode, Gary discusses recent health issues, as well as giving a few hints and tips about getting and staying in shape. As we age, it is very important to keep active and fit, despite most activities for older people being mostly sedentary. A biblical worldview is not only for the mind; it should also affect how we live, exercise, and eat.

You, Your Doctor, and God show art You, Your Doctor, and God

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Gary discusses recent logic being dropped regarding abortion on the daytime TV show, The View, by resident theologian Whoppi Goldberg. She claims that the decision is personal and should be between the woman, her doctor, and God. While she is quite complimentary and approving of the 10 Commandments, she is less informed about what immediately follows in the very next chapter in the Bible.

More Episodes

Gary discusses tactics of Christian resistance that can be learned from Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Scotland has recently made reporting "hate speech" easier and they are being inundated with cases. Author J. K. Rowling has even gotten involved. It all reminded Gary of an article written by Dr. Gary North years ago.

Get the Christianity and Civilization four-volume PDF set here: https://store.americanvision.org/products/the-complete-christianity-and-civilization