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How I Learned I'm Enough with Caroline Labouchere

Second Wind the Podcast

Release Date: 05/19/2021

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Second Wind the Podcast

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How I Learned I'm Enough with Caroline Labouchere show art How I Learned I'm Enough with Caroline Labouchere

Second Wind the Podcast

Most of us women may feel like life is sealed for us once we’ve hit menopause, but Caroline Labouchere has shattered that preconceived notion once and for all with the work that she does. Having started her modeling career at age 53, Caroline discovered a passion that she never thought she had and shows no signs of stopping! Get to know Caroline more in this episode as she shares her journeys as a wife, mother, and model. Wendy and Caroline also chat about preparing for menopause, seizing opportunities, and finding your passion in life as a post-menopausal woman. Life only halts when you...

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Second Wind the Podcast

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More Episodes

Most of us women may feel like life is sealed for us once we’ve hit menopause, but Caroline Labouchere has shattered that preconceived notion once and for all with the work that she does. Having started her modeling career at age 53, Caroline discovered a passion that she never thought she had and shows no signs of stopping! Get to know Caroline more in this episode as she shares her journeys as a wife, mother, and model. Wendy and Caroline also chat about preparing for menopause, seizing opportunities, and finding your passion in life as a post-menopausal woman. Life only halts when you decide to halt it, tune in now to see the never-ending excitement and beauty that it can bring you! 



  • How Caroline’s modeling journey began. 
  • Caroline’s experience as a military wife and IVF mother. 
  • The importance of authenticity on social media. 
  • How to best prepare yourself for menopause. 
  • Thoughts on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). 
  • What to do when you can’t find your passion and purpose.  
  • What’s next for Caroline? 



“I am the person I always was, but never had the opportunity to be.”

“Life is exciting. But that is the choice. You either choose to find life exciting and accept everything that pops up in front of you, try it, take a chance, or sit back and wait for life to happen to you.”



Follow Caroline on Instagram @carolinelabouchere - https://www.instagram.com/carolinelabouchere/?hl=en

Visit Caroline’s website at https://www.carolinelabouchere.com/

Subscribe to Caroline’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCB9fNS_eE-tamRRKinJKg


Follow Wendy on social media and share the love!

Instagram @secondwindwendy - instagram.com/secondwindwendy

Facebook: facebook.com/WendyCharlesMaguire

Join our private Facebook group "My Second Wind" to connect with other inspiring women who have found their second wind! Visit here: www.facebook.com/groups/698786310776213

Second Wind Podcast is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at www.instapodcasts.com)