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Eps 295: When the Struggle Gets Real

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Release Date: 05/09/2024

Eps 296: Nurture Your Inner Child show art Eps 296: Nurture Your Inner Child

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Starting and growing a life coaching or mentoring business is going to bring up all your issues. Most of them stemming from childhood. Here's how to nurture your inner child because she's going to be throwing a few meltdowns on this journey I can pretty much guarantee you. Here I offer some of my favourite ways to start exploring how to connect some of these dots that might appear unrelated to each other but really are part of the healing process from some of the heartbreak and reconnecting with who we really are deep in our core. And once we gain awareness of some of our first pains and...

Eps 295: When the Struggle Gets Real show art Eps 295: When the Struggle Gets Real

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Being a mom coach isn't going to be rainbows and bottomless lattes all day long. It's going to be tough at times. Luckily, as a moms, we know how to do tough things. I'm going to explore some epiphanies I got from a windy day playing pickle ball and how that was exactly like navigating the complexities of running a mom coaching business when you want to throw in the towel due to things not going to plan, the demands of motherhood getting overwhelming or simply feeling tired and frustrated. While not always easy, if you hang in there this entrepreneurial journey can lead to incredible growth...

Eps 294: Empathy Marketing show art Eps 294: Empathy Marketing

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

If you're a mom coach chances are very good you're an empath. Let's use that super power to our advantage to hone our messaging, inspire our content and speak our ideal client's love language: being understood. I've been saying to my clients all week to imagine ourselves in our client's shoes. And then thought I was on to something when in my head I coined the term empathy marketing. But then with a quick Google, I see that it's already a thing. No surprise because as you can imagine the more we can show up in way that we can imagine would be the answer to our ideal client's prayers the more...

Eps 293: Mom Coach Club Basics show art Eps 293: Mom Coach Club Basics

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

To grow your mom coaching business you need to get the basics down pat first. And that's just what Mom Coach Club sets you up with. Like anything else in life you want to excel in you need to ensure you've got good form, create healthy habits from the get go and ensure you're not setting yourself up for burn out down the road. I went live on Instagram this week talking about how preparing for my first pickleball tournament showed me how many aspects of growing your skills as an athlete are so similar to growing your skills as not only a coach, but as a marketer as well. If you keep coming back...

Eps 292: Your Mom Coaching Biz Checklist show art Eps 292: Your Mom Coaching Biz Checklist

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

You want your  new mom coach business to be set up for success? Make sure every item on this list is checked off and embraced to make the foundation for your coaching practice primed for profit, simplicity and truly stand out. And then go back to this list if you're ever feeling stuck or overwhelmed with all the things you feel you should be doing or not knowing where to even begin when you're drowning in information and advice overload. Keep it simple and your ideal client is going to feel that bliss that simplicity and clear focus a solid mom coach exudes. Be that coach, mama! ...

Eps 291: Your Dream Work Hours show art Eps 291: Your Dream Work Hours

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

When you were dreaming about becoming a mom coach, working from home, making more money than you thought possible doing something you love, you probably didn't have a time stamp in the corner of that visual. I'm here to help you gain clarity on the time of day you're going to be up to creating your dream business. What you're about to listen to our some epiphanies and suggestions on how to consider what your work hours as a mom coach actually means, how to declare them and how to slowly inch forward to the dreamiest work hours imaginable.     Featured on the podcast:   Are...

Eps 290: A Simple Website for a Mom Coach show art Eps 290: A Simple Website for a Mom Coach

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Creating a website for your mom coaching business is a pretty profound moment. Whether it's the first one, an upgrade from your first one or something you've created yourself on Canva, there's nothing like having a website to feel like you've established an online home for your coaching biz to get cozy in. In this week's episode I'm going to share my website evolution story from when I started my coaching practice 12 years ago and what I would do if I were to start all over again as a new mom coach and wanted to start creating an online presence sooner than later.   Featured on the...

Eps 289: Stress Less Launches show art Eps 289: Stress Less Launches

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Ready to launch your coaching biz? Or have you been a mom coach for a while and are releasing a new course, offer or simply want to fan the flames of excitement that is the dream of getting to work with you? Online launches have a reputation of not being the most relaxing times of an entrepreneur's year. But looking at why we might want to launch, and how to stress less about it, might bring some of the stress levels down and your income levels up.   Featured on the podcast:   Working together privately I can help you map out a plan to launch all aspects of your mom coaching biz in...

Eps 288: Being a Fabulous Mom Coach show art Eps 288: Being a Fabulous Mom Coach

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

As well as being a mom coach you are also a mom. It's an understatement to say we have a lot on our plates. So it's important that you get the regular reminder that you're more fabulous than you sometimes give yourself credit for. You're accomplishing more than you realize. You are enough. In fact, you're fabulous. Let's explore how and why we forget these important facts: your coaching is needed in the world; you're getting exactly what needs to be done done; you are making an impact every single day simply by showing up and being you.   Featured on the podcast:   Let's work...

Eps 287: The Part Time Mom Coach show art Eps 287: The Part Time Mom Coach

Mom Coaches Getting Clients

Working part-time hours and making a full-time job income is the holy grail for most moms who day dream of their coaching business reaching the pinnacle of success. But how exactly does that work? And what is even the definition of working part time as a mom coach? We're going to explore what this can look like, and maybe even more importantly, what your days will feel like as you explore what makes sense lifestyle-wise when it comes to how much time you have to devote to starting and growing your mom coaching biz. Featured on the podcast:   Want to work with me privately to make the...

More Episodes

Being a mom coach isn't going to be rainbows and bottomless lattes all day long. It's going to be tough at times. Luckily, as a moms, we know how to do tough things. I'm going to explore some epiphanies I got from a windy day playing pickle ball and how that was exactly like navigating the complexities of running a mom coaching business when you want to throw in the towel due to things not going to plan, the demands of motherhood getting overwhelming or simply feeling tired and frustrated.

While not always easy, if you hang in there this entrepreneurial journey can lead to incredible growth and success. Not only in your business, but to your character and personal development as well.


Featured on the podcast:

Best place to step into your ideal client's shoes is by getting clear on who that is and who you are best suited to serve. In other words, your niche. I have a free ecourse to land on yours and how to grow your biz from there.

Are you a member of Mom Coach Club yet? This monthly membership offers you instant access to a massive vault of trainings that will help you in all aspects of starting and growing your mom coaching biz.

Want to work with me as your private business coach and get support and guidance on what to do during your chosen work hours? Book your free discovery call here to get started. 

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