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The Holidays, Building Memories, Who Does The Dishes? And Giving Back!

Mother Daughter Confidential

Release Date: 12/15/2021

Understanding and Evaluating Your Goals! show art Understanding and Evaluating Your Goals!

Mother Daughter Confidential

June is here!  It’s time to check-in and evaluate your goals from where you’ve started at the beginning of the year, and the path you’re on for the 2nd half of the year! Is it time to recalibrate your goals, or congratulate yourself for staying the course?  Are you on a sabbatical, burnt-out or full steam ahead?? Who or what inspires you? When are you most productive and why? In this episode we discuss what  happens when you're accelerating, and how to work through it if you aren’t reaching your goals. Either way, congratulations!! It’s. A. Process. And, we’ve ALL...

De-stress by Focusing on Your Strengths show art De-stress by Focusing on Your Strengths

Mother Daughter Confidential

|DE-STRESS BY FOCUSING ON STRENGTHS| 🎯🎯… On today’s Mother Daughter Confidential Podcast! 🎙  As women, we try and do everything right? RIGHT?!! What if we focused on our strengths and the strengths of others? How would that change our output and the output of others?  How would that change our business and personal relationships? We can uplift and help each other by acknowledging each other’s strengths! If someone checks 4 out of 5 boxes, consider whether the 5th is something that can be taught and worked on or delegated to someone else? If someone checks 2/5 then...

Who’s Part of Your 2022 Care Team? show art Who’s Part of Your 2022 Care Team?

Mother Daughter Confidential

|YOU ARE THE CEO OF YOUR LIFE|  And being the CEO, we know we can’t do everything on our own. Delegating becomes a magic word! So, who’s on your 2022 Care Team? On today’s Mother Daughter Confidential podcast, we delve into it! Now, write a list right of who’s on your care team as well as where you may need some extra assistance. Then find the space and person to help! Your care team helps you with overwhelm in business and life! Your care team members dedicate time to help you with the overwhelm that creates a space for you to be in your “Genius Zone” and do what you love!...

Resolutions Don’t Work! So, What Does?? show art Resolutions Don’t Work! So, What Does??

Mother Daughter Confidential

Happy almost New Year!! Did you know 80% of new year’s resolutions go bust by mid February? It must be all the Valentine’s candy throwing us off. In this episode, we talk about why resolutions don’t work and what does! We discuss intentions, embracing we have 365 days to improve, pacing ourselves and sometimes it’s ok to eat the cake! Give the podcast a listen and let us know what you think and what your 2022 plans are! Let’s stay in the intention zone together and make 2022 our most fulfilled

Letting Go! Are you ready?! show art Letting Go! Are you ready?!

Mother Daughter Confidential

Letting go seems to be an art form. It shows up in so many parts of our lives, for example: letting go of relationships, of a habit that you want to change, or of a job or career that brings you a great deal of unwanted stress... In this episode we talk 5 things that can help you let go, from staying present to taking action. Let Go and Let Be! We’re right there with you on your journey! Please reach out with any thoughts or tips, we want to make this podcast as interactive as possible! Until next time!

3 Ways To Prevent Burnout! show art 3 Ways To Prevent Burnout!

Mother Daughter Confidential

Burnout is REAL! Burnout in work, in relationships, as a mom, and everything in between. And, we’re right there with you!

The Holidays, Building Memories, Who Does The Dishes? And Giving Back! show art The Holidays, Building Memories, Who Does The Dishes? And Giving Back!

Mother Daughter Confidential

The holidays are here! Or is it more like the holidaze?! We discover it may be a little of both. In this episode, mother daughter duo, Ruth & Naomi Klein, break down what the holidays are really about and throw in some fun. From planning, to decor, from food, to who does the dishes, to perhaps being solo and remembering those that may need a little extra love this time of year and of course giving back, we’re here for you!

More Episodes

The holidays are here! Or is it more like the holidaze?! We discover it may be a little of both. In this episode, mother daughter duo, Ruth & Naomi Klein break down what the holidays are really about and throw in some fun. From planning, to decor, from food, to
who does the dishes, to perhaps being solo and remembering those that may need a little extra love this time of year and of course giving back, we’re here for you!

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Email: [email protected]

There’s nothing like a mother daughter relationship and these two keep it real!

We hope you enjoy the episode and as always, please reach out and share any holiday ideas, tips, tricks and organizations needing help and donations!

Here are some of our favorites…

No Kid Hungry:

St. Jude:

LA Food Bank:

Union Rescue Mission Los Angeles:

Happy Holidays!