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28: Benefits of B3 Bands (BFR): Increase HGH, Lose Weight, Gain Strength, Hormone Health, Better Sleep, Etc

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

Release Date: 01/25/2021

28: Benefits of B3 Bands (BFR):  Increase HGH, Lose Weight, Gain Strength, Hormone Health, Better Sleep, Etc show art 28: Benefits of B3 Bands (BFR): Increase HGH, Lose Weight, Gain Strength, Hormone Health, Better Sleep, Etc

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

I just received my B3 bands!!  They use the BFR (blood flow restriction) concept BUT soooo much better. The design is multi chambers that is inflated like a blood pressure cuff. You then perform a 20min workout with bands or light dumbbells, use as a warmup or post workout burn after a weight training workout, or go for a simple walk. 🔥 It’s great for those unable to get the HIIT workout stimulus without the heavy weights and hour long workouts.  It tricks the mind thinking you are doing a HIIT workout.  It’s great to use in conjunction with your powerlifting, olympic...

27: Telemedicine Call with Dr. Grace to Review Hormone Results, Supplements, Reduce EMF, B3 Bands to Increase HGH, Fitness Results and Weight Loss show art 27: Telemedicine Call with Dr. Grace to Review Hormone Results, Supplements, Reduce EMF, B3 Bands to Increase HGH, Fitness Results and Weight Loss

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

In this episode I recorded another Telemedicine Zoom call with Dr. Grace who has been on the show a few times and I am working with her to regulate my hormones.  This call  was in regards to my hormone tests results and our conversation was bitter sweet...yes I have a lot of work to do to heal my hormones as I am reclaiming my health from the inside out...on a cellular level.   We will discuss my test results as well as ways to start the healing process with supplements, how to reduce my EMF exposure, meditation, books to read and the B3 bands  which I will give me the...

26: Interview with Gregory B. Davis, Wisdom is the New Beginning show art 26: Interview with Gregory B. Davis, Wisdom is the New Beginning

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

Gregory and I had an amazing conversation.  As some of you know I have recently started a spiritual journey of my own, searching for life’s meaning and inner peace. I was truly moved by our conversation and thought about it for days after the interview. It definitely made an impact on me.  Gregory discussed his diagnoses with dyslexia at eight years of age. His reading disability was a constant struggle, but through it all he learned the enjoyment of it. Mr. Davis served two years in the Peace Corps in Honduras developing small businesses, where he became fluent in...

25: Improve Your Life by Living in the Now show art 25: Improve Your Life by Living in the Now

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

This episode is a summary of the book, by Eckhart Tolle.  I highly recommend it!!  Do not focus on the past or the future! Live in the present and try to separate yourself from the over-thinking mind. Following this method will reduce your suffering and improve your life. I discuss how you can make you life better... By focusing only on the present – and ignoring the past or future – you can greatly improve your life. A part of you needs pain to survive, and it creates most of the pain you experience. The “ego” is a part of your mind that stops you from being happy. If you...

24: Failure of New Years Resolutions, Screw the Scale  show art 24: Failure of New Years Resolutions, Screw the Scale

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

23: Interview with Kris McPeak of Elevate Your 8 Podcast show art 23: Interview with Kris McPeak of Elevate Your 8 Podcast

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

22: Interview with Bryan Falchuk from Do a Day Podcast show art 22: Interview with Bryan Falchuk from Do a Day Podcast

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

In this episode I interview an amazing guy who has even an more amazing story!  We have similar start with our stories both starting at 5-6 years old with battling obesity and losing over 100 pounds. During this episode Bryan shares his childhood food addictions which led him to his weight oss journey and helping his wife with her illness.  We also discuss the importance of building habits and daily routines. There is a lot of good nuggets I received in this interview so it’s a must listen! Bryan Falchuk is a best-selling author, speaker and life coach. He has faced major...

21: Grounding/Earthing Improves Sleep, Immunity, Inflammation and Pain show art 21: Grounding/Earthing Improves Sleep, Immunity, Inflammation and Pain

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

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20: Dr Aaron Tressler from Making Pittsburg Healthy show art 20: Dr Aaron Tressler from Making Pittsburg Healthy

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

In this episode I have an amazing conversation with chiropractor,  Dr Aaron Tressler.  We discussed the importance of movement and staying in shape as he is still playing rugby with 20yr olds as he is well into his 50's and how chiropractic care has helped in the healing process. We also had a conversation on the power of mindset.   Dr. Aaron D. Tressler's passion for natural health and healing extends back to childhood. Growing up, he suffered from chronic gastrointestinal issues, allergies and sinus problems. His struggles through sports injuries and back pain led him to his...

19: Don't Lose Your Momentum During the Holidays show art 19: Don't Lose Your Momentum During the Holidays

Reclaiming You: The 40 Plus Female Podcast

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More Episodes

I just received my B3 bands!!  They use the BFR (blood flow restriction) concept BUT soooo much better. The design is multi chambers that is inflated like a blood pressure cuff. You then perform a 20min workout with bands or light dumbbells, use as a warmup or post workout burn after a weight training workout, or go for a simple walk. 🔥

It’s great for those unable to get the HIIT workout stimulus without the heavy weights and hour long workouts.  It tricks the mind thinking you are doing a HIIT workout.  It’s great to use in conjunction with your powerlifting, olympic lifting programs, swimming, running…basically any sport! 

I plan on doing my 4 heavy lifting days and 3 B3 band days, I also plan on using them post workout on my heavy lifting days or simply stand on my vibration platform while wearing them.  So many options…😁

Studies show a 25x increase in HGH with the use of these bands. HGH decreases as we age. 

In addition to increasing HGH in helps regulate blood sugar, brain health, heart health, Immunity, obesity, lose weight, reduce joint pain, thyroid health, hormone imbalance, vein health, build strength & muscle, perform better, rehab, run, bike, and swim. 

Also extremely beneficial for physically challenges individuals and seniors as it helps with osteoporosis, gaining strength and muscles mass. 💪🏼

Check out the 4 min. video below 👇🏼


DM or email me if you are interested in learning more:

[email protected]

Instagram: paula4miller