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How To Find Your Purpose

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Release Date: 08/01/2023

Is it emotional exhaustion or compassion fatigue or burnout? show art Is it emotional exhaustion or compassion fatigue or burnout?

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

emotional exhaustion: a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained as a result of accumulated stress from your personal or work lives, or a combination of both. chronic state of emotional depletion. Allostatic load. compassion fatigue: “a state of exhaustion and dysfunction biologically, psychologically, and socially as a result of prolonged exposure to compassion stress and all it invokes." also called vicarious trauma. burnout: a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress Think of these as a spectrum. EE more from life stressors....

"I don't know who I am" -- This episode is for you

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Trauma disconnects from self, leaves no room for exploration or building a self concept Dont confuse your occupation with your purpose You are what you love, not who loves you Healing means being the you that you've always been but didn't have the space to be because you had to survive. Authenticity and survival mode don't exist at the same time, because authenticity requires presence of safety.   Ways to start exploring: MTBI test Enneagram test Human Design Astrology/Birth Chart Write down a list of things you enjoy or used to enjoy or think you might enjoy or that you enjoyed as a...

Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Limiting Beliefs show art Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Limiting Beliefs

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Most automatic things we do are conditioned responses that we learned during childhood, but they're no longer serving us. Until we are 6, we exist mostly in theta brainwaves, which is associated with a hypnotic state. We are the most suggestible we will ever be. Everything a child that young hears is taken as true, nothing is questioned. Most people then never question the programming they received as children. This is good for adults who need to teach a child how to behave in the world quickly, and not so good for the child that becomes the adult if they don't learn to question their...

2023 Recap. 2024 plans, word of the year. show art 2023 Recap. 2024 plans, word of the year.

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Recap - over 900 therapy sessions 5 workshops Launched Boundaries Baddie Traveled to: Florida, Texas, Dublin Ireland, Florence Italy, Cuba, Decided to build a house we'll be starting this year. Established Lighthouse Energy as an LLC Completed 117 hours training in RRT, and about 50 more studying. Started working on Exhale & Release to get ready to launch next month. Worked with Andrea. Sabrina. Mahdi.   2024 plans. Word: Build. Committed. Intentional. Nurture. Plans: Go on a cruise to Mexico, Belize, Honduras. Go to Costa Rica. Perhaps Alaska or Bali or nowhere else. Go to Florida...

What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Emily C show art What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Emily C

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

I love when clients fire me (meaning graduate y'all, relax). In this series, I give you an inside look at what therapy's like by interviewing clients who have worked with me and graduated. They share their experience, what they learned and how therapy impacted their life. If you're looking into therapy, or you're just a nosey gremlin like me, you'll love this series. The intention for this series is to give you insight into what transformational therapy looks like, what can change in the course of working with a therapist and to demystify the process. Who better to tell you that than a past...

Don't Treat A Bear Like A Puppy: How To Stop Hoping They'll Change And Accept Who They Are : Thoughts From A Licensed Therapist show art Don't Treat A Bear Like A Puppy: How To Stop Hoping They'll Change And Accept Who They Are : Thoughts From A Licensed Therapist

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Noah O show art What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Noah O

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Free Stuff: I love when clients fire me (meaning graduate y'all, relax). In this series, I give you an inside look at what therapy's like by interviewing clients who have worked with me and graduated. They share their experience, what they learned and how therapy impacted their life. If you're looking into therapy, or you're just a nosey gremlin like me, you'll love this series. The intention for this series is to give you insight into what transformational therapy looks like, what can change in the course of working with a therapist and to demystify the process. Who better to tell you that...

 Dear Gratitude List, Its Not Me, It's You: Why Keeping A Gratitude List Didnt Work For You And What To Do Instead: Thoughts From A Licensed Therapist show art Dear Gratitude List, Its Not Me, It's You: Why Keeping A Gratitude List Didnt Work For You And What To Do Instead: Thoughts From A Licensed Therapist

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Free Stuff: Exhale & Release: If you've feel like practicing gratitude hasn't worked for you, you're probably right. And it's not you, its that the most common way doesn't work for everybody. There are a million ways to practice gratitude, but all I seem to see is gratitude lists. Well, just like there's a million ways to make a sandwich, there's a million ways to incorporate a gratitude practice. In this episode I talk about why the typical way - gratitude lists - don't work for some people and other ways to start a gratitude practice. How to make a gratitude practice work for you is...

What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Morgan E show art What's Therapy Like: Interview with my past client Morgan E

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Free Stuff: I love when clients fire me (meaning graduate y'all, relax). In this series, I give you an inside look at what therapy's like by interviewing clients who have worked with me and graduated. They share their experience, what they learned and how therapy impacted their life. If you're looking into therapy, or you're just a nosey gremlin like me, you'll love this series. The intention for this series is to give you insight into what transformational therapy looks like, what can change in the course of working with a therapist and to demystify the process. Who better to tell you that...

Leather Jacket Leadership: How To Lead From Your Authentic Magic - Interview With Brand Architect Kat Torre show art Leather Jacket Leadership: How To Lead From Your Authentic Magic - Interview With Brand Architect Kat Torre

The Root of Power - Embody Peace, Heal Trauma & Be Happy

Free Stuff: Exhale & Release: There's a revolution and a reckoning coming in the leadership space. Incompetent leaders are no longer allowed to get away with mediocrity. Quality leadership requires so many skills. Embodying authenticity, emotional regulation, excellent communication, holding a vision - all these things combine into a leader that people are happy to follow. Kat developed her particular brand of leadership by going against the status quo - which we all know wasn't built for visionaries, marginalized identities or women who are fiercely themselves. Kat realized early that...

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Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free  Struggling with feeling like your life has no meaning? Let's give it some purpose. All most of us heard growing up was the advice to find our purpose to pursue our passions and to be useful. Somewhere along the way this got a whole generation of people feeling hopeless and dissatisfied. Finding and living your purpose is a skill, but most people have no idea how to do it.   In this episode I teach you how to find it, and then how to start putting energy towards your purpose. It's stupidly simple, and trust me it's going to blow your mind.  Website: www.livemyhappyhealth.com IG: @amanda_chils FB: @amandachilscoach