Recruitment Mini-Series 1: Is the Only Form of Truly Inclusive Recruitment Random Selection?
Rushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
Release Date: 08/12/2020
Rushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
Michaela joins us again for another recruitment episode! Today we share information about COB and the pros and cons associated with COB in a normal recruitment cycle and during a pandemic.
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Today we are joined by our first guest ever - Michaela!! Michaela joins us for Recruitment Mini-Series episodes 6 and 7 and brings two years of specialized recruitment experience on the chapter side. Over the past two years, Michaela has played an integral role on her chapter's Recruitment Team and has an understanding of the "behind the scenes" processes that happen during recruitment season.
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Join us as we share our thoughts on some good topics for recruitment conversations! With all of the things potential new members are told to avoid talking about, it can be nerve-wracking to think of things on the spot during recruitment to discuss. We are here to help! Enjoy!
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Is joining an organization that is heavily based on in-person interactions worth it during a global pandemic? Tune in to hear our thoughts!
info_outlineRushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
Recruitment can often seem like it's tailored for freshmen only. But...what if you're not a freshman? Is it still worth it to go through recruitment? In this episode we give our opinions and advice to sophomores, juniors, junior transfers, and seniors considering sorority recruitment.
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In our second Recruitment Mini-Series episode, we dive into what topics should (and shouldn't) be avoided during recruitment. We focus on the "5 B's" of recruitment (boys, booze, bucks, bible, Barack), share our opinions on why each of these "b's" are considered recruitment "no-no's," and share whether or not we think these topics should actually be "off limits" during recruitment. Enjoy!
info_outlineRushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
Sorority recruitment is often a space of exclusivity. Although many changes have and will continue to be made to make recruitment a more inclusive process, can sorority recruitment as we know it ever truly be inclusive? Today we talk about the pros and cons of a hypothetical "random selection" recruitment system, where potential new members are all randomly placed in chapters. Although a 'random selection' recruitment would never happen, it certainly makes for an interesting discussion!
info_outlineRushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
*content warning: sexual violence/sexual harassment
info_outlineRushing Progress: Conversations for the Modern Sorority Woman
Welcome to our first podcast, where we take on the question that is so often debated online - can you consider yourself a feminist AND a sorority woman? We share our thoughts on what it means to consider ourselves as a feminist and how to balance the anti-feminist aspects of sorority life with our own beliefs.
info_outlineIt’s finally here...our first Recruitment Mini-Series episode! Before we dive into the common questions that apply to recruitment, we wanted to start our mini-series with a hypothetical; what if recruitment as we know it was completely reimagined? It is incredibly important to us, and to many sorority women, to prioritize creating as inclusive of a recruitment as possible. We know there are important changes and discussions to be had about making our current recruitment system as inclusive as possible in an effort to promote progress and change in our community. However, we have to ask ourselves if it’s even possible to have enough change in our current system to make it a truly inclusive process. For this discussion, we tried to think outside of the box - instead of just thinking about working within our current system, what if recruitment as we knew it was completely eliminated? Join us for our first mini-series where we think of recruitment as a completely random selection process; in this system, everyone who signs up for recruitment receives a bid to a house, but every bid is randomly assigned. Does this system make recruitment truly inclusive because the system of ranking chapters and selecting women is eliminated? Or does random selection come with its own issues that would have to be overcome? Is the only form of truly inclusive recruitment a recruitment that looks nothing like what we know? Tune in to hear our thoughts!