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Rewind: Why you should be conducting Exit Interviews (Plus a step-by-step Guide)

School Leadership Reimagined

Release Date: 05/01/2024

5 ways you can guarantee you will fail show art 5 ways you can guarantee you will fail

School Leadership Reimagined

Did you know that there are certain things you can do that will absolutely guarantee that you will fail? On today’s episode, discover the 5 things that will guarantee failure so that you can avoid them and focus on what behaviors will guarantee success #LikeABuilder.

Rewind: Four Battle-Tested Interview Questions to Help you Find and Hire Master Teachers show art Rewind: Four Battle-Tested Interview Questions to Help you Find and Hire Master Teachers

School Leadership Reimagined

It's interview season and in this Rewind episode, I'm sharing my 4 BEST interview questions to help you hire the best teachers for your school. This episode is for you if you have ever interviewed someone, hired them, only to find out too late that they weren’t a good fit for your school culture. There’s a way to avoid that. It has to do with the kinds of questions you use to interview. On today’s episode, discover 4 Battle-Tested Interview questions you can use to find out very quickly if a candidate is going to be a good fit for your school culture. 

Rewind: Why you should be conducting Exit Interviews (Plus a step-by-step Guide) show art Rewind: Why you should be conducting Exit Interviews (Plus a step-by-step Guide)

School Leadership Reimagined

Today, we’re talking about a seriously under used and undervalued tool you can use to collect meaningful feedback from teachers, improve your teacher retention rate, and build a stronger school culture: The Exit Interview. Tune in to one of my favortie episodes where you'll discover why you should be conducting Exit Interviews, how to set up Exit Interviews, and the Exit Interview questions you should be asking. By the time you’re done listening, you’ll know how to conduct Exit Interviews with your staff #LikeABuilder

Here's why you're feeling so overwhelmed right now show art Here's why you're feeling so overwhelmed right now

School Leadership Reimagined

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now? You’re not alone. It seems like everyone is feeling that way. But, once you understand the root of all overwhelm, then you realize there is a solution and it’s simpler than you think. If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you don’t have to feel that way. Discover root cause of overwhelm, specific ways you can feel more confident and focused, and how you can overcome overwhelm once and for all #LikeABuilder.

Why Some Teachers Resist Your Support (and what you can do about it) show art Why Some Teachers Resist Your Support (and what you can do about it)

School Leadership Reimagined

Have you ever offered teachers support only to have them complain about it later? If so, then today’s episode is for you. Find out the reason teachers often resist our support (and it’s NOT because they’re resistant to change) and how the way we were trained to offer support actually creates resentment on both sides. Then, discover the simple phrase Builders use to enlist teachers as partners in their own support and how you can offer teachers the exact support they need every time #LikeABuilder

How to make PD more meaningful for teachers show art How to make PD more meaningful for teachers

School Leadership Reimagined

The reason we offer PD to our teachers is that we are hoping to provide with support and resources so that they are more effective in the classroom. So why is it that most PD is so ineffective? In this very practical episode discover the 4 steps you must take to make your PD more useful to teachers and more impactful for students. It's time to stop working really hard and seeing very little results from our PD efforts and start offering teachers meaningful PD #LikeABuilder.

How to tell if someone is really a Builder show art How to tell if someone is really a Builder

School Leadership Reimagined

Someone asked me recently how you could tell if someone was truly a Builder. Anyone can SAY that they have a 100% vision, but how can you really know if they mean it? It’s a great question and on today’s episode, I’ll give you 3 ways to tell if someone is truly a Builder or if they are just talking the talk. Once you understand these 3 things, you’ll not only be able to tell if someone else is a Builder, you’ll also be able to check yourself to make sure that you are truly approaching your work #LikeABuilder. 

The Cheat Code to Success show art The Cheat Code to Success

School Leadership Reimagined

Have you ever launched a new initiative hoping it would solve a big problem, and been disappointed by the results? We all have. But the difference between those who ultimately succeed and those who continue to struggle isn’t so much the plan they use, but how well they stick to their plans. On today’s episode, we’ll talk about the power of consistency and how you can leverage it to go farther faster #LikeABuilder. 

How to overcome information overload and start implementing #LikeABuilder show art How to overcome information overload and start implementing #LikeABuilder

School Leadership Reimagined

Have you ever gone to a conference, or read a book, or listened to a podcast and thought “I need to do that” only to realize months later that you haven’t done a thing? Do you have notebooks full of ideas and a camera roll full of snaps of slides from presentations you’ve long forgotten? We’ve all done it. And we think that if we were just more organized or more focused, we’d be better at implementing. But the truth is, implementing on what you learn is a skill, and on today’s episode, I’m breaking down that skill step by step so that you can stop hoarding information and start...

Quarterly Planning show art Quarterly Planning

School Leadership Reimagined

This episode is next in a series of practical episodes about how to focus on the right work and stop wasting time on things that don’t matter. Today, we’re looking at the difference between the way that we were trained to do quarterly planning and the way that Builders do quarterly planning. I’ll take you step-by-step through the simple process Builders use and show you how this process can help you eliminate your biggest challenges on-by-one #LikeABuilder. 

More Episodes

Today, we’re talking about a seriously under used and undervalued tool you can use to collect meaningful feedback from teachers, improve your teacher retention rate, and build a stronger school culture: The Exit Interview. Tune in to one of my favortie episodes where you'll discover why you should be conducting Exit Interviews, how to set up Exit Interviews, and the Exit Interview questions you should be asking. By the time you’re done listening, you’ll know how to conduct Exit Interviews with your staff #LikeABuilder