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Another conversation with 2 gals in the Scoliosis world- Erin Myers and Eva Butterly

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Release Date: 11/26/2022

Caring for your Scoliosis - How to Create Time and Make it a Priority with Eva & Erin show art Caring for your Scoliosis - How to Create Time and Make it a Priority with Eva & Erin

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Eva's Birth and Postpartum Experience- Interviewed by Erin Myers show art Eva's Birth and Postpartum Experience- Interviewed by Erin Myers

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Hello everyone, here is a long overdue podcast about my birth story and experience postpartum- kindly interviewed by the amazing Erin Myers.  My wish is that my story brings hope to all the scoliosis and spinal fusion ladies who wish to become a mother, or are currently expecting. You can do hard things! 

Interview with Eva on LMFM radio on Pregnancy & Scoliosis  show art Interview with Eva on LMFM radio on Pregnancy & Scoliosis

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Pregnancy and Scoliosis- An informal chat with Eva Butterly and Erin Myers show art Pregnancy and Scoliosis- An informal chat with Eva Butterly and Erin Myers

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Welcome back Scoli Friends :)  Today I am having an informal chat with my good friend and scoli sister Erin Myers on the topic of Scoliosis and Pregnancy.  As I am currently in the 35th week of my first pregnancy, and Erin has been blessed with two healthy and happy teenage boys- we thought it would be interesting to share our experiences of being pregnant with Scoliosis.  In this episode delve into topics such as  The fear of getting pregnant while having Scoliosis The fear of your child getting Scoliosis Does pregnancy make your scoliosis/pain worse?  Labour and...

Another conversation with 2 gals in the Scoliosis world- Erin Myers and Eva Butterly show art Another conversation with 2 gals in the Scoliosis world- Erin Myers and Eva Butterly

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

New ScolioStrong Program Launching in September! show art New ScolioStrong Program Launching in September!

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

To find out more about the ScolioStrong coaching program mentioned in this episode, click this link -  - then send a message with the world SCOLIOSTRONG. 

A conversation between two gals in the Scoliosis world- Erin Myers and Eva Butterly show art A conversation between two gals in the Scoliosis world- Erin Myers and Eva Butterly

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Hello my friends!  Today on the podcast I had the great pleasure of speaking to one of my favourite scoliosis women- Erin Myers from Spiral Spine Pilates.  This is one of my favourite podcast style formats- a casual chat between two ladies in the scoliosis industry. Some of the topics we cover today include: 1. How to regulate your energy when you have Scoliosis.  2. The power of functional medicine and Scoliosis. 3. How to age gracefully with Scoliosis . 4. How to start running as a beginner with Scoliosis. 5. Finding the joy in movement when you have Scoliosis.   Find...

5 ideas, tools and tips to deal with anxiety show art 5 ideas, tools and tips to deal with anxiety

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

- Viktor Frankl Hey guys and dolls,  Sorry it's been so long since i've recorded an episode!  I wanted to start the podcast back with my own personal experience dealing with anxiety, and the different ideas, tools and techniques I have used over the years to help overcome it.  I must preface this episode by saying that I'm not a trained mental health professional. I am just a person who has personally dealt with anxiety, and these are the most effective ways I have found of overcoming it.  Aware: Pieta House:

20 Year Old Laura Heneghan Spinal Fusion Journey show art 20 Year Old Laura Heneghan Spinal Fusion Journey

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Hello, my friends!

The Best Exercises for Scoliosis + Favorite Thing About Having Scoliosis  show art The Best Exercises for Scoliosis + Favorite Thing About Having Scoliosis 

The Scoliosis Warrior Podcast

Back today with another solo cast from Eva! Today I am answering 2 questions that came in on my Instagram page this week 

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