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# LifeWithAndy Eulogy

Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

Release Date: 10/16/2022

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

my celiac story: from sick to national athlete and community advocate. May is Celiac Awareness Month here in Canada, so I thought I would share a little bit about my self-empowerment journey through constant illness to a thriving athlete, community champion and advocate living the glutenfee life. Glutenfree garage     The 11th annual GLUTEN FREE GARAGE Sunday May 26, 2024 ♥︎ 10am to 4pm ADMISSION $15+HST in advance  Tickets now on sale! TIMED ENTRY: For this year’s festival, we are offering timed-entry tickets with 3 different time slots: 10am-12pm...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

In my virtual wellness community The Self Empowerment Studio this month our theme is self-love, so I provided everyone with a list of daily prompts to reflect on. Whether you keep a journal or take a moment to reflect, these prompts are designed to help you cultivate self-awareness and self-love. I invite you to listen to my thoughts that were provoked by each day's reflection but more importantly to take the time for yourself to work through the daily prompts. DAY 22: How have you forgiven yourself lately? Day 23: What steps can you take to feel more alive Day 24: What can you look...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

In my virtual wellness community The Self Empowerment Studio this month our theme is self-love, so I provided everyone with a list of daily prompts to reflect on. Whether you keep a journal or take a moment to reflect, these prompts are designed to help you cultivate self-awareness and self-love. I invite you to listen to my thoughts that were provoked by each day's reflection but more importantly to take the time for yourself to work through the daily prompts. DAY 15: What is one step you can take to overcome fear? Day 16: What is one toxic person or thing you can let go of? Day 17: How...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

In my virtual wellness community The Self Empowerment Studio this month our theme is self-love, so I provided everyone with a list of daily prompts to reflect on. Whether you keep a journal or take a moment to reflect, these prompts are designed to help you cultivate self-awareness and self-love. I invite you to listen to my thoughts that were provoked by each day's reflection but more importantly to take the time for yourself to work through the daily prompts. DAY 9: What have you done that you are most proud of?  Day 10: When do you feel most confident with yourself? Day 11: What...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

An affirmation:  is an affirming story we tell ourselves to empower ourselves and build strong personal belief in ourselves. Most people when you ask them for an affirmation might say something like : I love myself, I look good I feel good, I am proud of myself and how I treat others, I am great, I am strong, I am healthy,  I am capable, I am a champion, While yes these are positive affirmations little mantras that create momentum in making a more positive mindset they don’t necessarily dig deep enough to build belief in ourselves to create the resilience we need to power through...

Self Love Daily Reflections And Journal Prompts show art Self Love Daily Reflections And Journal Prompts

Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

In my virtual wellness community The Self Empowerment Studio this month our theme is self-love, so I provided everyone with a list of daily prompts to reflect on. Whether you keep a journal or take a moment to reflect, these prompts are designed to help you cultivate self-awareness and self-love. I invite you to listen to my thoughts that were provoked by each day's reflection but more importantly to take the time for yourself to work through the daily prompts. DAY 1: How do you feel about yourself today? Day 2: Make a list of things that bring you joy. Day 3: What compliment can you...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

Today I am sharing a previously recorded conversation with my founder of Team WholeHearted and Bodi Partner Leanna Sowards find her on   Join host and author Jessica Danford as she shoots the shit about the everyday hardships of life. Topics such as; anxiety, self-doubt, addictions, and mental health struggles. Life of the party, recovering people-pleaser, breaking free of a restrictive professionalism mentality. A passionate community advocate digging in to tackle all the shit that comes to mind as your head hits the pillow or the clock strikes 3 am. Embark on a journey of exploration...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

Join host and author Jessica Danford as she shoots the shit about the everyday hardships of life. Topics such as; anxiety, self-doubt, addictions, and mental health struggles. Life of the party, recovering people-pleaser, breaking free of a restrictive professionalism mentality. A passionate community advocate digging in to tackle all the shit that comes to mind as your head hits the pillow or the clock strikes 3 am. Embark on a journey of exploration into a vast world of physical, emotional and mental health. Deal with your past trauma, learn coping skills and discover self-empowerment...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

Join host and author Jessica Danford as she shoots the shit about the everyday hardships of life—topics such as; anxiety, self-doubt, addictions, and mental health struggles. Life of the party, recovering people-pleaser, breaking free of a restrictive professionalism mentality. A passionate community advocate digging in to tackle all the shit that comes to mind as your head hits the pillow or the clock strikes 3 am. Embark on a journey of exploration into a vast world of physical, emotional and mental health. Deal with your past trauma, learn coping skills and discover self-empowerment...

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Shit That Keeps Me Up At Night

The podcast had a record number of listens last month ( January 2023) and I have not spoken about it or shared an episode in over a year. I have many recorded but hitting publish on an episode well that shit keeps me up at night. I recorded this episode in 2021, it has aged well. My goal this past January was to do a dry month, I have done many over the last 3 years but this last one was the hardest I gave up about mid-month at a family celebration. So as I look to make it up to myself by claiming February as a dry month I figured why not share this old recording at the end of February I can...

More Episodes

For the past several years I have been the primary caregiver for my elderly father-in-law who suffered from COPD a degenerative lung condition. This past Sunday he passed away on Canadian thanksgiving and this is the Eulogy I wrote for him. I am worried I won't compose myself to speak so I recorded it .. well now that it is recorded all be it not perfect I thought why not share it ... and I can follow it up with so many lessons I learned caring for him over the years. 


Andy’s Eulogy by Jessica Danford


Nadine, Mark and I got to spend the last couple of days together going through all of the photos and memories that you see in the slide show and throughout the room.


As you will see many of the memories of the last several years were the family together around the table


OR as I called it ANDYS STATION…


Although Andy and Mary had been separated for many years they remained good friends. And we were all blessed to still be able to join together often as a family for dinners, and lunches, to celebrate special occasions as well as care for Andy.


It meant a lot to him that his family did so much for him …


ANDY was a man of Pride and integrity. Family and hard work, good times and good friends.


It has been a pleasure spending this past week recalling stories of Andy’s life and hearing stories and memories from all of you ….


Many of you may have seen my personal stories and experiences with Andy over the last almost 8 years through my social media where I shared # LIFE WITH ANDY...


Some of you may be surprised to hear Andy was somewhat of a social media celebrity…  He loved to share bits of our day with my community and they in turn would send him messages which I would read aloud to him to brighten his day.


Like some of these messages that came through when I shared of his passing:

  • Gf bread has never been accepted by a greater man
  • Sorry for your loss, Andy’s laugh was so pure; loved when you shared
  • I'm sorry for your family's loss I feel like I knew him
  • Sending love to you and the family Andy always made me smile
  • Your videos with Andy always brought a smile to my face
  • Sorry for your loss your love for him and caring for him was very evident he always had a big smile in all your pics and videos.
  • Condolences, he always seemed so happy I loved when you shared him with us
  • He reminded me of my dad thanks for sharing
  • His videos brought lots of laughs to our days and he will be missed forever.
  • The Life with Andy videos were always the highlight of my day


My inboxes were flooded with many similar messages and notes of condolences to his whole family.

I’m not here today to tell all of Andy’s stories… like the one, how they used to pull the kids out of school to send them into the crop fields to collect and kill bugs instead of insecticides so they had food…. CRAZY RIGHT

HIS STORIES WERE HIS TO TELL and yours to remember and share with each other.


We invite you to join us after the service today at Open cork one of Andy’s favourite spots. Come join us for a rusty nail his favourite drink and share your stories in celebration of Andy with the family.


I wanted to speak today to honour the type of guy Andy was and all The time we spent together. I wanted to make sure his family and friends knew how much he loved you all. I know so much about all of you from endless conversations with Andy throughout the years.


For those of you who don’t know me my name is Jessica I am Mark's girlfriend and I was Andy’s primary caregiver for the last 5+ years. A role I never saw coming and will cherish forever. At the beginning of my chapter on Andy's life I was living with him and Mark. Andy had just recently been diagnosed with COPD (a degenerative lung condition)


I was working full time and would get up early to go to work, I would get up even earlier to go to the gym before work


BUT ANDY … WELL ANDY he would get up EVEN EARLIER than that


to make a fresh pot of coffee and be there to greet me very early every morning with a hot cup of coffee and a chat … over the years that got harder for him and more and more he questioned why I was going to work and not staying to help him … he struggled but the struggle definitely got worse over the years yet he always kept in good spirits. I was a workaholic anyone who knew me back when I started dating mark knew I never took days off, and barely made it to holidays. Andy understood he loved work.


He always would say if it wasn’t for this thing (as he grabbed his oxygen) that he would be at work right now ..  he longed to go out on the world as he sat for the last several years at his station with his most prized possessions ( a pen, a knife, a Rubik’s cube, his little black phone book with all of your phone numbers lol stained so bad he couldn’t read it, and most importantly his stories and memories of his life and all of you) he wanted so badly to go back to work to take care of the world and his family and friends


synchronicity had aligned that it was the right time for me to pivot my life. I was the right one for the job of helping him maintain as much of his independence each day as possible until the end.  This blessed me with time to accomplish many projects with Andy always at my side. Contributing his knowledge and being my number-one advisor. As we collected and donated thousands of pounds of food and sat together at his station doing inventory and me listening to his stories while we got everything ready for delivery.


As a caregiver, you come to know someone on a level no one else does spending 24/7 365 with someone. most don’t do that with anyone except perhaps a new child … you build a bond where you come to know that person almost better than yourself. They rely on you for everything you learn all the nonverbal ques, their secrets, what makes them angry happy and everything in between. All the things they don’t want anyone else to know because they want to keep their independence and dignity.


In his last days he just always asked me about everyone and if everything was okay at home. If Mark was okay and Nadine and Mary. Knowing you were all okay gave him peace.


Andy was well known as a hard-working, DURING ONE of the condolence calls from family I believe it was Mathew he said to Mark and Nadine … “ANDY!!!  THE GUY NEVER HALF-ASSED ANYTHING” …like I said Andy was a man of integrity and pride so his decline was hard for him.

He never wanted his family to see him struggle or inconvenience them in any way. He would often give me a little side eye when he needed help but didn’t want to alarm anyone. It was our little secret.

The love he had for his family MARY, MARK and NADINE was huge. He was so proud of you all.



I kept an ongoing note in my phone called life lessons from Andy over the years… there are so many random facts and tips: here are some of them it starts with

  • How to perfectly boil an egg .. ask me if you need to know.
  • Never go to bed angry … if him and I had a stressful day we always Meade peace before bed time
  • Everything is better back home, ( just know if you ever cooked or bought him any food, even if he liked it he still remembered it was better back home it's just how it was in Europe and would tell me so after you left with his little wink :)
  • if you want to be a good mechanic everything has a place and needs to be in its place… I agree with this one it’s true to all of life
  • Be nice to people he watched CP24 relentlessly at the end and all the bad news he would shake his head and say what’s wrong with people now
  • war is no good for anybody
  • mark sure Mark drains the pipes before winter (but he taught me how to do it just in case)
  • One time Nadine went on a trip … Mary was lost it at him for this but Nadine knew how to make the best pina colda .. if you need a Pina colda ask Nadine.
  • he knew a lot because he had been through a lot he would say … so if you wanna know a lot you have to go do a lot …. 



And with that … get out there try things do what lights you up, be a good person don’t judge others by their clothes like people do now, judge them by their hearts.


I can hear him say it now … “YOU GET ME” asking for confirmation I understand what he is saying.




The thing of it is … He would want me to share his FAVOURITE BOOK which is called


He often warned people to be careful how you think your mind is powerful control their thoughts think happy positive thoughts…


like his favourite pen or his little wooden-handed knife, he would recite the words from the book …


“the power of my subconscious mind reveal to me all I need to know” … with that he would sit back down and trust that the item would very shortly come back to him .. IT ALWAYS DID …



ON OUR LIFE WITH ANDY EPISODES we often pulled I AM affirmation cards for people who logged in to say hi to us.


The famous I AM AT EASE VIDEO which you may have seen in the slide show …. was the most powerful


it stuck with Andy and WE SAID IT MOST NIGHTS WHEN I HELPED HIM TO BED and he was fighting for his breath ….


Andy struggled so much with breathing WE TAKE FOR GRANTED HOW POWERFUL A BREATH CAN BE, fuel and power us, to cleanse us, centre and calm us …


I coached him to take a deep breath three times…



YOU WILL; Breathe in through your nose then hold it in for a count of 3 and then breathe out through your mouth...


It is important you Breathe in fully to fill your belly for the count of three

then blow out everything slowly for a count of 6




BREATHE in through your nose and smell the roses  1 -2 -3 …

blow out through your mouth blow out the candles…. 3- 4- 5- 6


YOU SEE NOW WITH The second breath - Here is where sometimes if he was having a bad day or a tough time I would have to pull one of his own jokes on him and say ….


BREATHE  in through your nose . 1 -2 -3 Smell the shit

BREATHE OUT through your mouth blow out the candle cuz life ain’t all flowers but we keep breathing.


AND NOW OUR THIRD AND FINAL BREATH To release everything …


BREATH IN through your nose - Smell the flowers 1-2-3

BREATHE OUT THOUGH your mouth - blow out the candles 3- 4 -5 -6












we love you 😘