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Pivot To Profits

SMART Business Show

Release Date: 11/13/2019

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SMART Business Show

I want you to be 100% honest with yourself about this question... When you really look at the bottom line of your business, does the revenue you're generating reflect the amount of time and effort you put in on a daily basis? If you're completely satisfied and believe your efforts are paying off in a big way, then hats off to you and keep up the great work! But... If you're thinking any of the following, then this may be for you: I'm posting content every day on social media consistently, but the return on my time is little to none... I'm doing everything the experts are recommending to me,...

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SMART Business Show

Unless you need your stimulus check to pay for rent, food, or car payment. I don’t recommend using your money to pay off your credit card bills unless you don’t do anything I’m about to share with you.

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SMART Business Show

[Disclaimer]: I am not a financial advisor. Views shared within this podcast are solely my opinion. Please seek a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Purpose Driven To A Million show art Purpose Driven To A Million

SMART Business Show

As entrepreneurs, we often hear the phrase "Purpose Driven," but what exactly does this mean?

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SMART Business Show

What i’ve noticed is that most entrepreneurs have great products and services, but haven't positioned their offers for maximum profitability. Most service-based entrepreneurs are either charging per session or by the hour. By the way, you NEVER want to charge by the hour! The goal is to focusing your packages on the results you bring, which will justify to your customers why they should pay more for your services.

Pivot To Profits show art Pivot To Profits

SMART Business Show

What i’ve noticed in my 12 years of business is that most entrepreneurs fail not because they have a bad idea or even a bad business model, but most fail due to an inability to adapt and change when necessary.

Getting Clarity On Your Optimal Selling Process show art Getting Clarity On Your Optimal Selling Process

SMART Business Show

There are 5 key buckets that you can drive your traffic into. Direct all your focus to filling one of these buckets.

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Welcome to episode #7 “Top 5 Craziest Business Decisions I’ve Ever Made”

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SMART Business Show

Welcome to episode #6 “Top 10 Money Blocks Holding You Back From Success."

How To Reinvest In Your Business The SMART Way show art How To Reinvest In Your Business The SMART Way

SMART Business Show

Hey Guys,

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Welcome to episode #9 “How To Pivot To Profit!"

If I had to rate the importance of this episode, it would be a 10+++!

Here's why...

What i’ve noticed in my 12 years of business is that most entrepreneurs fail not because they have a bad idea or even a bad business model, but most fail due to an inability to adapt and change when necessary. Keep in mind, we are in the digital age where systems and technology are constantly changing and improving. You can either play the game to win, or get left behind due to a lack of innovation. 

I don't want you to fall into that TRAP!

John F. Kennedy stated it best when he said "Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

The reason why i'm so passionate about this episode is because I faced these same challenges multiple times within my business. Looking back now, there were times where if I hadn't changed certain processes and systems within my business I would have lost everything. It took mentors that cared enough about me to bring awareness to my business, before it was too late.

If I may, I would like to be that mentor for you!

I won't claim to have all the answers, because I don't! What I can tell you is that I have been through this process enough to confidently share some key nuggets that will reveal the importance of pivoting within your business.