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3 Ways to be Happier Now


Release Date: 05/12/2024

Embracing Rage: Lessons from a Parenting Moment show art Embracing Rage: Lessons from a Parenting Moment


Introduction: In today's episode, I dive into a personal story that many parents can relate to—a moment of losing my temper with my child. I’ll share the triggers that led to my outburst, the lessons I learned from my meditation practice, and how embracing our dark feelings can lead to personal growth and deeper connections with our loved ones. Plus, we'll explore reflection questions to help you integrate your own feelings of rage, grief, or sadness.   Personal Story: This morning, I yelled at my daughter, Hunter. It wasn't a proud mom moment. She was playing her harmonica loudly...

Cultivating Potency: A Journey of Rediscovery show art Cultivating Potency: A Journey of Rediscovery


  Hey there, I was on a call with my coach a week before I left for my Bali retreat and feeling frazzled of what to focus on – my new website? marketing? Bali? "I want to feel f*ck!ng POTENT!" I blurted out For the past 2.5 years, I've been drowning in overwhelm and busyness, feeling like a diluted version of myself—lifeless, and frankly, dead inside. My coach posed a question that hit me like a bolt of lightning: "What does potency look like for you this week before you leave for your Bali retreat?" In that moment, as I placed my hand on my heart and sank into stillness, I realized...

Journeying Home: Embracing Your True Self show art Journeying Home: Embracing Your True Self


how are you doing? like...really? If you're feeling less than sparkly, I hope this love notes helps you remember your True Self and your gifts that only you have.    I’ve been on a 3-year quest to reconnect with my True Self - that innate expansive place inside each of us that is infinite possibilities, unbounded creativity and a portal to the Divine.  It can feel unattainable, especially in our busy world telling us we’re not enough, but your true self is simply your true nature—the witness of life's flow and an integral part of that flow. Personally, I’ve felt...

3 Ways to be Happier Now show art 3 Ways to be Happier Now


🌟 Cultivate Happiness in 3 easy steps 🌟 Hey there! We all crave happiness, right? Whether it's snagging our dream job, amassing more of everything (money, stuff, experiences), or finding that soulmate, it all boils down to one universal quest - happiness. In today's Mindful Pause Podcast, we're diving deep into the art of being happy. Often, our joy gets blocked because we're fixated on the wrong thing – our EGO takes the wheel, focusing on the destination rather than relishing the journey. But what if true happiness isn't about what we want, but about giving from the heart to help us...

Intuition Awakened: Nurturing Your Inner Guidance show art Intuition Awakened: Nurturing Your Inner Guidance


Hey there soul friend, I just got back from our incredible Bali retreat, my heart is bursting with gratitude of witnessing the beauty of Bali and everyone’s transformations! The experience was beyond words, and I'm thrilled to announce we'll be returning next year – the magic is simply irresistible! Returning from such soul-nourishing experiences, it's common to feel the brightness fade as we re-enter our daily routines. How do we hold onto that light? How do we nurture it in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? One powerful way is to connect with your intuition – that sacred space...

Practicing Ahimsa - How to let Go of Judgment show art Practicing Ahimsa - How to let Go of Judgment


Hi there ,   Have you ever found yourself in the judgment trap, feeling inadequate and unworthy?   Judgement isn’t just about criticizing others, but it also picks apart our flaws and magnifies our mistakes. It whispers cruel “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts,” leaving us feeling unworthy and unlovable.   Often the judgments we make on others are reflections of our own insecurities and judgements about ourselves.   The sad part about listening to judgement is that when we judge others, we close ourselves off from the beauty of their potential and the richness of their...

Embracing Imperfection- How to let go of perfection and imposter syndrome show art Embracing Imperfection- How to let go of perfection and imposter syndrome


Hey there,   I have a vulnerable share. I’ve struggled with perfectionism these past few years, and it’s been so paralyzing that it’s silenced my voice and my gifts as a teacher and coach.   In the online coaching world, the pressure to be flawless, to have all the answers and to be the expert has been overwhelming. Perfectionism has caused to show up inauthentically (hello imposter syndrome!) …or show up as a flat version of my personality… or worse - not show up at all!... only to be met with shame for not doing and being more.   Perfectionism is like a sneaky thief,...

Slaying Self-Doubt (mantra and meditation) show art Slaying Self-Doubt (mantra and meditation)


Do you ever have those days where self-doubt just seems to sneak in and rain on your parade? Yup, me too.   In my book on how to quiet our Itty-Bitty-Shitty-Committee, I share about The Four Horsemen: Comparison, Self-Doubt, Perfectionism, and Judgment that slays our self-worth.   Personally, I've gone through a lot of transition over the past 3 years and have struggled a lot with the Four Horsemen that slays our self-worth.   Each week this month, I share how we can befriend each of these horsemen and ways to choose to align with our True abundant Self. After having my second...

How to Let Go of Comparison and Embrace your True Self  🥰 show art How to Let Go of Comparison and Embrace your True Self 🥰


🌟 Embrace Your True Self: Letting Go of Comparison 🌟   Ever find yourself caught in the comparison game? It's like a sneaky whisper that tells us we're not measuring up.   But guess what? Comparison robs us of our joy! It pulls us away from our true selves, leaving us feeling insecure and unworthy. 🚫   To help you break free from that comparison trap:   🛑 Pause and Notice: When comparison starts creeping in, notice it and take a deep breath to pause from getting looped into it’s story. Breathe and create space from the narrative to help ground yourself in the...

How to BE with your emotions without BEING them (meditation to be with your triggers) show art How to BE with your emotions without BEING them (meditation to be with your triggers)


Hey soul friend,   How often do we let our inner critic spin us into old dramas?  🙋🏻‍♀️   We get triggered by something or someone, and suddenly we're knee-deep in an old drama, replaying the same story over and over again.   During my recent trip to Florida, a friend shared a powerful insight: the inner work is about being with our experiences without being consumed by them.   This is the essence of mindfulness. The more we can hold space for our experiences without letting them take over, the more freedom we find.   In today's meditation on the...

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🌟 Cultivate Happiness in 3 easy steps 🌟

Hey there! We all crave happiness, right? Whether it's snagging our dream job, amassing more of everything (money, stuff, experiences), or finding that soulmate, it all boils down to one universal quest - happiness.

In today's Mindful Pause Podcast, we're diving deep into the art of being happy. Often, our joy gets blocked because we're fixated on the wrong thing – our EGO takes the wheel, focusing on the destination rather than relishing the journey.

But what if true happiness isn't about what we want, but about giving from the heart to help us expand our perspective?

Ready to infuse more joy into your life?

Here are three simple ways from this episode to get started:

🌿 Gratitude is the portal to joy and pulls you out of the scarcity mindset and into the beauty of the present moment.

🌺 Notice when self-centered thoughts arise and consciously shift your focus from "me" to "we” to expand your perspective.

🌟 Every act of kindness lights up your souls and shifts you from narrow mindset to abundance. Instead of asking "what can I get," ask, "How can I give today?" and see how you feel?

Happiness isn't a destination; it's a way of being.


Tune in to the Mindful Pause Podcast and share how these insights are bringing more happiness into your life! 💖

Sending you heaps of love and good vibes! 🌈✨

Namaste, Audrey Self-love coach