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Embracing Rage: Lessons from a Parenting Moment


Release Date: 06/02/2024

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More Episodes

Introduction: In today's episode, I dive into a personal story that many parents can relate to—a moment of losing my temper with my child. I’ll share the triggers that led to my outburst, the lessons I learned from my meditation practice, and how embracing our dark feelings can lead to personal growth and deeper connections with our loved ones. Plus, we'll explore reflection questions to help you integrate your own feelings of rage, grief, or sadness.


Personal Story:

  • This morning, I yelled at my daughter, Hunter. It wasn't a proud mom moment.
  • She was playing her harmonica loudly while picking up her toys as I had asked.
  • After multiple attempts to get her attention, I lost my cool and yelled her name louder than I intended.
  • I felt a surge of anger, feeling disrespected and unheard.

Reflections on the Incident:

  • Children don’t intentionally disrespect us; Hunter was simply lost in her play.
  • I realized that my reaction was more about my internal triggers than her actions.
  • These triggers are teachers, highlighting areas for growth and self-compassion.

Exploring Our Triggers:

  • Rage and other dark feelings can bubble up and lead to resentment and aggression.
  • By acknowledging and integrating these feelings, we can become more expansive and expressive versions of ourselves.

Meditation Reflections: During our meditation in this episode, we’ll explore the following questions:

  1. Invite the dark feeling in: Whether it’s rage, grief, sadness, or helplessness, welcome it.
  2. Physical sensations: How does this feeling manifest in your body physically, emotionally, and energetically?
  3. Expression: What does this feeling need to express? Why is it so angry or upset?
  4. Self-support: What actions can you take to support yourself?
  5. Affirmation: Silently affirm, "I love you RAGE. Thank you for showing me what needs attention and helping me to accept and love all of myself. When I do, I am a more expansive me."

Learnings from Meditation:

  • Hunter’s behavior wasn’t disrespectful; she was trying to make a chore fun.
  • My own feelings of being unheard and disrespected are valid but need to be managed constructively.
  • This experience teaches me the importance of patience, gentle transitions, and being more open and playful.


  • By embracing our rage and other dark emotions, we can learn to be gentler, more patient, and more playful.
  • How might these changes improve our relationships and our own sense of freedom and joy?

Call to Action:

  • Reflect on your own experiences of rage or other intense emotions. What are they teaching you?
  • Use the reflection questions from today’s meditation to guide your personal growth.


Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. Remember, every emotion has something valuable to teach us. Until next time, embrace all parts of yourself with love and patience.

Reflection Questions for Listeners:

  1. Invite the dark feeling of rage (or other emotions such as grief, sadness, helplessness) in.
  2. How does it feel in your body? Physically, emotionally, energetically?
  3. What does it need to express? Why is the feeling so angry or upset?
  4. What can you do to support yourself?
  5. Silently affirm to the feeling, “I love you RAGE. Thank you for showing me what needs attention and helping me to accept and love all of myself. When I do, I am a more expansive me.”

By exploring these questions, you can start to integrate and understand your emotions better, leading to a more balanced and fulfilled life.