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Mark Doody - A Millimeter of Willingness

starTEDover's podcast

Release Date: 09/01/2020

Chuck Chapman - Facing A Train With A Mop show art Chuck Chapman - Facing A Train With A Mop

starTEDover's podcast

My guest on starTEDover today is Chuck Chapman, who shares his story of life not going as planned time after time, but still getting to the place of being ok with being ok.

Mary Lynn Lewark - Permission to Feel show art Mary Lynn Lewark - Permission to Feel

starTEDover's podcast

My guest on starTEDover is Mary Lynne Lewark, who shares her story of first finding safety and then constriction in the structured dance world, before giving herself permission to feel the full range of her feelings.

Mike Harris - Resilient To No End show art Mike Harris - Resilient To No End

starTEDover's podcast

My guest today on starTEDover is Mike Harris, who shares his story of booms, busts, and resilience.

Sandy Sembler - Feel To Heal show art Sandy Sembler - Feel To Heal

starTEDover's podcast

My guest on starTEDover is Sandy Sembler, who shares her story of being stuck in the same cycle of unhealthy relationships until she learned that she needed to “Feel to Heal.”

Ryan Geist - Ego Death show art Ryan Geist - Ego Death

starTEDover's podcast

Welcome to episode number 18 of starTEDover, the final episode of season one. My idea from the beginning was to produce 18  18-minute interviews that would inspire listeners and even save lives. Though my guest today was one of my first interviews, I wanted to save publication for the season’s finale because, frankly, my guest Ryan Geist could have used a story like his when he was experiencing his darkest days of addiction and psychosis.

Gretchen Shanks - From Shame to Worthiness show art Gretchen Shanks - From Shame to Worthiness

starTEDover's podcast

My guest on starTEDover today is Gretchen Shanks, who shares her story of living through decades of sexual shame before learning how to celebrate her own worthiness.

Ali Kole - Cracking Open Living Lighter show art Ali Kole - Cracking Open Living Lighter

starTEDover's podcast

My guest on starTEDover today is Ali Kole, who shares her story of cracking open, living lighter, and bringing more beauty to the world.

Kirk Westwood - Pushing To Be the Best show art Kirk Westwood - Pushing To Be the Best

starTEDover's podcast

My guest today on starTEDover is Kirk Westwood, who shares his story of pushing to be the best, which led to tremendous pain, and then learning to follow what he loved, which led to tremendous healing.

Richard Ayling - Choosing to Belong show art Richard Ayling - Choosing to Belong

starTEDover's podcast

My guest today on starTEDover is Richard Ayling, who shares his story of choosing between a lifetime of medication and being an outsider or a life of flow, balance, and belonging.

Mark Doody - A Millimeter of Willingness show art Mark Doody - A Millimeter of Willingness

starTEDover's podcast

My guest today on starTEDover is Mark Doody, who shares his story of being caught in a cycle of shame and drug use that he finally broke with a prayer to find his car keys.

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My guest today on starTEDover is Mark Doody, who shares his story of being caught in a cycle of shame and drug use that he finally broke with a prayer to find his car keys.


Mark experienced an incredible transformation. After years of struggling with heroin addiction he reconnected with hope and strength as he stepped into a life of sobriety and purpose. Today, with 8 years of sobriety, Mark works in a leadership role for an LA based tech company, is in a healthy loving relationship with a beautiful partner, and dedicates his spare time to helping people struggling with addiction find sobriety for themselves.