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Ep 227 Oh - the Digital Overwhelm!

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Release Date: 06/20/2024

Ep 228 Calming the Jitters show art Ep 228 Calming the Jitters

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary This episode is all about the jitters we may experience just before the important moments that help us be visible with our work and message, or even a memorable event.   I talk about the jitters when delivering an emotional reading at a friend's wedding - and how memorable it became, nott how you'd imagine though.   I also share some of my strategies that enable me to do what I need to do, in spite of how daunting it feels. After all, the jitters shouldn't stop us in our tracks.   In fact, with preparation and a mindful approach, they may become yet another...

Ep 227 Oh - the Digital Overwhelm! show art Ep 227 Oh - the Digital Overwhelm!

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Show Summary A notification here and a notification there. There is a notification everywhere.  As an introvert in this digital age, I've felt firsthand the relentless barrage of information and social media notifications that can lead to significant stress.   In this episode, I share my personal experiences with technology overload and offer insights on how other introverts can navigate these waters too. The main goal we need to focus on is setting boundaries around tech use to maintain our well-being. Key Points Impact of Digital Overwhelm Importance of boundaries...

Ep 226 Laser Focus - NOW Activated! show art Ep 226 Laser Focus - NOW Activated!

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Show Summary Interruptions, distractions, unwelcome banter, open-plan offices … do they all sound like a perfect conspiracy against we introverts? It may not truly be a conspiracy but if it feels like one, this episode is for you.  We introverts struggle with incessant chatter, impromptu meetings that pull us away from our work, and the constant buzz that makes deep concentration seem like a distant dream. In this episode I share my personal struggle with these distractions and explore how they can derail our productivity by forcing us to take over 23 minutes just to refocus. I also...

Ep 225 What's In Your Toolbox show art Ep 225 What's In Your Toolbox

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary   In this episode, I dive into the rich tapestry of skills and experiences that we accumulate throughout our lives. I share my own journey of nearly four decades in professional development and how it has equipped me to serve clients effectively.   But more than just a recounting of personal growth, this episode is an invitation for you to look within—to recognize and refine the diverse abilities you possess. The narrative extends beyond individual advancement; it's about creating a positive impact that echoes through our interactions with others.   Key Points   ...

Ep 224 Mountains or Molehills - You Decide show art Ep 224 Mountains or Molehills - You Decide

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary   In this episode I address a very common habit many of we introverts have - blowing things up out of all proportion - turning molehills into mountains. Catastrophising in our minds.   Drawing from my own experiences and battles with overthinking, I share insights on how we can tackle hurdles without letting our inner critic take the wheel. By dissecting a problem-solving approach I call 'I-DEAL', I offer listeners a structured way to face challenges head-on.   The 'I-DEAL' method has not only helped me navigate professional crossroads but also personal ones,...

SPECIAL - Taking My Own Medicine show art SPECIAL - Taking My Own Medicine

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary In this behind-the-scenes special episode, I am taking you on a tour to a variety of ways I show up for we introverts, as my team and I endevour to reach out to you on every platform possible.  Important Links mentioned in this episode:  (podcast): Released Weekly.  (LIVE video show): Broadcast on alternate Thursdays.  (LinkedIn Newsletter): Published on alternate Thursdays.  (Weekly Email Newsletter): Emailed Weekly to subscribers only.  (LinkedIn Audio Event): Once very 2 months. Link changes each time. (LinkedIn Audio Event with my partner,...

Ep 223 Where’s Your Changing Mat show art Ep 223 Where’s Your Changing Mat

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary   In this episode, I delve into the metaphorical significance that a personal changing mat might play in lives of we introverts.   Just as babies are laid with care upon a changing mat to be freshened up, we introverts would also benefit from having cleansing moments to be ready for our next adventure. It is about taking note of when it's time to pause so we reflect on the direction in which we're headed versus where we truly want to be going.   Change is necessary for growth and a 'changing mat' moment can signify readiness for transformation. For we introverts, our...

Ep 222 How to Bite Back show art Ep 222 How to Bite Back

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary This is the episode I needed several times in my life but it didn't exist back then. In "How to Bite Back," I examine the common misconception that kindness is weakness. We introverts so often feel the pressure to people-please at the expense of our own well-being. In this episode I aim to empower listeners who identify as people-pleasers to hold boundaries both for self-care and to maintain healthy relationships. Being assertive is standing up for your rights and needs, whilst respecting the rights and needs of others. I share my ABC framework—Assertiveness, Bravery, Confidence -...

Ep 221 The Gift of Showing Kindness to Others show art Ep 221 The Gift of Showing Kindness to Others

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary   In this episode of The Flourishing Introvert Talks, I reach into the profound impact that kindness has on our lives and those around us. As an introvert myself, I understand how misconceptions can paint a skewed picture of who we are.    This episode is about championing kindness over meanness, because it's not only beneficial to others but also enriches our own lives.   In my view, kindness acts like a pebble thrown into water, creating ripples that extend far beyond the initial splash. The Batari’s Box model shows us how our behaviour influences others and...

Ep 220 Is It Time To Be Kinder To Yourself show art Ep 220 Is It Time To Be Kinder To Yourself

The Flourishing Introvert Talks

Summary Now, this one is a topic close to my heart: self-kindness.   This episode is me allowing myself to share my personal reflection on the power of adopting intentional practice of self-compassion to lead a more fulfilling existence.   I have committed to not judge myself if today's best is not as good as yesterday's best. As an (open) introvert myself, I understand the challenges we introverts face in honouring our own needs and boundaries. Hence being kinder to ourselves is very important for us.   By challenging limiting beliefs and affirming our worth through positive...

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Show Summary

A notification here and a notification there. There is a notification everywhere.  As an introvert in this digital age, I've felt firsthand the relentless barrage of information and social media notifications that can lead to significant stress.


In this episode, I share my personal experiences with technology overload and offer insights on how other introverts can navigate these waters too. The main goal we need to focus on is setting boundaries around tech use to maintain our well-being.

Key Points

  • Impact of Digital Overwhelm
  • Importance of boundaries around Technology.
  • Prioritizing self-care using discernment in Digital activities.