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051 Time Well Spent - Coaching Matt M

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

Release Date: 07/23/2023

070 Unlocking Your Intuition - Growth Spotlight Holly Franke show art 070 Unlocking Your Intuition - Growth Spotlight Holly Franke

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

Get ready for a mind expanding episode with my guest Holly Franke - a psychic, intuition coach and extremely fascinating human. We delve into one of Holly’s growth moments when she “came out” in public with her incredible intuitive skills. As we explore that transformational moment, Holly & I talk about a myriad of topics - owning all the pieces of yourself, being willing to do that publicly & proudly as well as the best explanation I’ve ever heard on how intuition works. Make sure to listen all the way to the end - Holly does a special psychic intuitive reading with a message...

069 A Spirit Led Path - Growth Spotlight Robyn Brecker & Karen Loenser show art 069 A Spirit Led Path - Growth Spotlight Robyn Brecker & Karen Loenser

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

The heart of this episode is about following your dream or vision from that higher calling/inspiration space. Spirit led! This is for you if you are on a spirit led path OR want to open up that channel as you move forward. My guests are business partners in Seeking Center - a company revolutionizing your wellness + spiritual journey. We are looking at a pivotal growth moment in Karen & Robyn’s start-up journey and how they moved away from the transactional, straight into the transformational. I hope today gives YOU the courage to embrace what most deeply calls to you. MY GUESTS: Robyn...

068 Handling Change & Uncertainty  - With Just Amy! show art 068 Handling Change & Uncertainty - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

Are YOU in the midst of change & uncertainty? How would you rate your skill at riding the rollercoaster? My plan today is to help you reflect on your ability to handle change & uncertainty. We will also review your current toolkit and assess if it’s time for an upgrade. And I will share some of MY favorite tools - you get to take what’s useful & toss the rest. Let’s leverage LIFE! SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K! THE SCOOP: Whether you are in the midst of change & uncertainty right now or want to be prepared for the next round, take the lead in figuring out what works for YOU....

067 Carpe Diem  - With Just Amy! show art 067 Carpe Diem - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

Carpe diem! Seize the day. A phrase with a built in shot of adrenaline. What comes up for you? Does it feel like an invitation or permission to make the most of YOUR day? Or more like a reminder or even pressure and an obligation? I hope this episode helps you shift into some positively productive Carpe Diem energy. To take charge, grab a chance, say YES to the opportunities that are here TODAY. It’s a short episode, so make it count! SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K! THE SCOOP: So, what comes up for you when I say, Carpe Diem? For some, it’s inspiring, exhilarating, motivating. Definitely an...

066 YOUR Declaration of Independence  - With Just Amy! show art 066 YOUR Declaration of Independence - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

I challenge you to write your own Declaration of Independence! From what do you choose to free yourself? A relationship that doesn’t serve you? A boss, job, client, situation, environment that you are no longer willing to tolerate? What becomes possible if you dial up your autonomy, self agency and personal leadership? Life is way too short to live within a framework that doesn’t work for you. Claim the right to YOUR life, liberty and the pursuit of your happiness! SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K!   THE SCOOP: There comes a moment in everyone’s life - in fact there might be many moments,...

065  Endings & Beginnings  - With Just Amy! show art 065 Endings & Beginnings - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

This is an episode about endings & beginnings. A somewhat self indulgent reflection around my son’s recent high school graduation. I hope it sparks thoughts on how YOU view endings and helps you remember that they always lead to new beginnings. Birth, death, graduation, a move, hiring, firing, getting married, getting divorced, even just changing seasons. Use this episode to tap into the full power & potential of pivotal moments. SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K! THE SCOOP: Perhaps there is an ending that is needing YOUR awareness & attention. Mine was my son graduating from high school....

064 Crisis OR Opportunity - Growth Spotlight Keva Dine show art 064 Crisis OR Opportunity - Growth Spotlight Keva Dine

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

This episode is for YOU if, like my guest, you are experiencing a career ending - a layoff, firing, your position or department eliminated, even a complete company shut down. My guest is Keva Dine. She is THE expert creative recruiter with 23 years' experience placing top talent. She has launched thousands of careers, agencies & brands. I was fortunate to get her for this ‘growth spotlight’ episode. Keva & I look at how the crisis CAN be a growth moment - learning to find the opportunity, possibilities & potential right in the midst of calamity.  MY GUEST: Keva Dine the...

063 Focus & Flow, Not Distraction  - With Just Amy! show art 063 Focus & Flow, Not Distraction - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

How IS your focus & flow these days? Are you happy with how you are spending your precious time? Is it by design or more by default? If you aren’t satisfied, what’s blocking you? Is distraction an issue? Perhaps just good old fashioned overwhelm with too much on your plate. This episode is for YOU if you crave more focus & flow. Contentment with a day well spent. Walk away with commitment & actions to align your ATTENTION with your INTENTION! SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K! THE SCOOP: What about YOU? Are you craving more focus & flow? If so, what’s blocking or distracting you...

062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success - Coaching Emily Perron show art 062 Goddesses, Self Validation & Success - Coaching Emily Perron

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

A fabulous deep dive into the relationship between success and self validation. A chicken-egg kind of thing. My guest is Emily Perron - a stellar writer, speaker, and fellow coach. Emily asked to look at what is blocking HER next level of scale & influence for her business. Our coaching conversation questions our true definition of success, means vs ends, barriers, release and what embodied success looks like. You have to listen to hear how goddesses save the day! I am hoping that the coaching will help YOU ponder where self validation fits in & what will fundamentally free up YOUR...

061 BE-loved - With Just Amy! show art 061 BE-loved - With Just Amy!

The Growth Moment With Amy K Coaching

BE loved. This episode isn’t about self love or being more LOVING to others. Today is about a willingness to BE loved. Why am I bothering? Because I hold a deep & lasting belief in the power of love, personally & professionally. Love opens doors, it creates new perspectives & possibilities, it changes hearts & minds. This episode is short & very sweet - I invite you to relax & listen with love.  SOLO EPISODE: Just Amy K! THE SCOOP: You get two awesome closed eye, meditative kind of moments to increase your capacity to receive LOVE. To BE loved. My hope is this...

More Episodes

This episode is for YOU if you ever struggle with balancing schedule & spontaneity. If you put pressure on yourself to be disciplined and measure value solely by what you produce. It’s for you if you want to step back and ponder how you can feel more fulfilled, even joyful as you climb your next mountain. Listen in as I coach a very special guest, my 17 year old son Matthew, on how to drive productivity FROM fulfillment, not the other way around.

MY GUEST: Matthew Musson


This episode is titled Time Well Spent. It’s a coaching session around balancing the rigid scheduling & discipline of driving ambition with more space for spontaneity, connection and what makes the journey meaningful. This balancing act is a challenge that comes up with MANY of my Type A, high achiever leadership clients. A real push - pull. 

The client today happens to be my son, Matthew. He first came on the podcast two years ago in Episode #10 - titled Stop Wasting Time. He was 15 then, in the thick of Covid and going into his sophomore year of high school. That episode centered around Matt’s angst around wasting time, the deep need to maximize every minute and how to best manage his time in order to achieve his lofty goals. I asked Matt to come back on to officially compare & contrast where he is NOW at 17, on the threshold of senior year and all those profound life decisions. It’s always a gift to work with someone early in the game, much less my own child. We explore not so much WHAT Matt wants to achieve, but more HOW he wants to go about it. 

Let this episode help YOU reflect & refine your life design. It’s up to you … you have to figure out what is integral to YOUR human experience and how to create a structure, a schedule, a LIFE worth living. Being able to truly claim: my time is well spent. 

Are You Ready For Your Own GROWTH MOMENT?

My purpose as a coach is to help unlock your full potential. Connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube or visit The Growth Moment website, or email me at [email protected].  Go here to learn about all the ways to coach with me including 1:1, workshops and my transformative group coaching.