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#160 What were our Top 5 most popular episodes in 2023?

The ISO Show

Release Date: 01/04/2024

#178 Introducing our new host – Ian Battersby show art #178 Introducing our new host – Ian Battersby

The ISO Show

After 5 years of hosting the ISO Show, Mel Blackmore will be taking a step back as she focuses on her sustainability related endeavors. She’s passing the baton onto our new host – Ian Battersby. Ian is a Senior isologist at Blackmores, and while relatively new to the team, he has a wealth of Standard and ISO related knowledge to share with you all. Today we Introduce Ian Battersby as the new host for the ISO Show and learn about his background in Standards and ISO.     You’ll learn ·      Taking a step back ·     ...

#177 ISO Show Evolution show art #177 ISO Show Evolution

The ISO Show

Can you believe we’ve been publishing the ISO Show for 5 years now! We certainly can’t! The ISO Show began back in 2019, following a trip to Cumbria by the host Mel Blackmore. She was, and still is, an avid fan of podcasts and while listening to a few of her favourites on the 4 hour trip, she got to wondering if there were any podcasts about ISO Standards. As it happened, there wasn’t at the time, and so the idea for the ISO Show was born. Not more than a few months later the first episode went live, and the rest is history. For the past 5 years, we’ve had the honour of sharing our...

#176 Top ISO Standard Trends in Data Centres show art #176 Top ISO Standard Trends in Data Centres

The ISO Show

Data Centres could be considered the powerhouse of thousands of businesses globally.  Long gone are the days of small physical servers being housed on-site, instead we rely on data centres to keep all our critical data safe and secure. But how do we know they are doing just that? Many hold certifications to security-based Standards such as SOC 2 or NIST to display their commitment to data security. However, many also hold various ISO certifications that cover other aspects of the business outside of information security. Today Steph Churchman, Communications Manager at Blackmores,...

#175 How Daisy embedded effective energy management with ISO 50001 show art #175 How Daisy embedded effective energy management with ISO 50001

The ISO Show

Working towards a sustainable future is going to require a joint effort from everyone if we’re to reach our 2030 and 2050 targets.  Several initiatives have come out in recent years to try and address one of our biggest challenges, energy consumption. Many of us in the UK will be familiar with ESOS (The Energy Savings Opportunities Scheme), which involves regular reporting from those that fit its criteria. It’s also recently updated to include a stipulation to include an ESOS Energy Plan, which requires you to detail a route to reduce your energy consumption. However, many...

#174 What is the new ISO Climate Change Amendment? show art #174 What is the new ISO Climate Change Amendment?

The ISO Show

In February 2024, the ISO and IAF issued an unprecedented change to 31 commonly adopted ISO Standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001.  This change saw the addition of a new ‘Climate Change Amendment’, which was applied in part due to the ISO’s resolution in support of the ISO London Declaration on Climate Change. So what does this mean for ISO certified businesses?  Join Mel as she discusses what this new ISO Climate Change Amendment is, why it was introduced, what are the consequences if you don’t address it and the benefits of its introduction. You’ll...

#173 Top 10 Reasons to Use ISO 42001 AI Management show art #173 Top 10 Reasons to Use ISO 42001 AI Management

The ISO Show

ISO 42001 was published in December of 2023, and is the first International Standard for Artificial Intelligence Management Systems. It was introduced following growing calls for a common framework for organisations who develop or use AI, to help implement, maintain and improve AI management practices. However, its benefits extends past simply establishing an effective AI Management System. Join Steph Churchman, Communications Manager at Blackmores, on this episode as she discusses the top 10 reasons to adopt ISO 42001. You’ll learn ·      What is ISO 42001? ...

#172 Effectively Responding to a Cyber Incident with Epiq show art #172 Effectively Responding to a Cyber Incident with Epiq

The ISO Show

Nearly 60% of businesses that are impacted by a cyber incident go out of business within the 6 months following. With our heavy reliance on technology to keep both businesses and services running, it’s imperative that everyone take cyber risk seriously. However, incidents will inevitably happen and it’s up to you to ensure that your business is prepared to ride out the wave, and hopefully make a full recovery! We invited Jack Morris, Account Director at Epiq, back onto the show to discuss the consequences of not being prepared for a cyber incident and the key steps businesses should...

#171 Proactive Steps to Mitigate Cyber Incident Risk with Epiq show art #171 Proactive Steps to Mitigate Cyber Incident Risk with Epiq

The ISO Show

Cyber incidents are on the rise as data shows there was a 20% increase in data breaches from 2022 to 2023.  Technology has become an integral part of most businesses, especially post pandemic where many who may have avoided this reliance on tech had no choice but to adapt to survive. As a result, the question of businesses being affected by a cyber incident has become ‘when’ rather than ‘if’.  However, there are a number of steps you can take to mitigate risks ahead of any potential incidents.   We invited Jack Morris, Account Director at Epiq, to discuss cyber...

#170 Trends in the Carbon Market with Nature Broking show art #170 Trends in the Carbon Market with Nature Broking

The ISO Show

Businesses looking to tackle their environmental impact will need to look at how they can reduce their carbon emissions and offset any remaining emissions to ensure that they reach Net Zero. One of the most common ways businesses offset their emissions is through the purchasing of carbon credits that typically go towards planting trees or re-wilding. However, there are a number of new emerging trends following on from the current commodification of nature, resulting in an attitude shift from businesses who are looking to get a lot more involved in the offsetting process. We invited Luke...

#169 Credible Carbon offsetting with Nature Broking show art #169 Credible Carbon offsetting with Nature Broking

The ISO Show

The UK is the first major economy to achieve it’s 50% reduction target for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (between 1990 and 2022). However, we’ve still got a lot of work to do to reach our 2023 target of a 68% reduction. Many businesses are already making great strides to reduce their Impact, and while you can reduce, achieving true carbon neutrality will involve offsetting a certain amount of emissions. One of the biggest challenges for businesses in terms of completing their offsetting is finding a credible carbon offsetting scheme. Mel is joined by Luke Baldwin, Co-founder and CEO of...

More Episodes

Before we dive into the new year, we’d like to take a step back and reflect on 2023. 

Last year was filled with a lot of topics and challenges, from tackling the transition to ISO 27001:2022, to finding credible ways to offset your carbon emissions within the UK.

With a total of 33 episodes published last year, Mel looks back on the 5 most popular episodes of 2023, including some highlights from each episode.

You’ll learn

·       What were the top 5 most popular podcast episodes of 2023?

·       A highlight from each of the top 5 episodes



·       The ISO Show


In this episode, we talk about:

[00:45] Editor shoutout – A special shout out to the Blackmores Communication Manager, Steph Churchman, who helps organise, produce and publish the ISO Show podcast!  

[01:20] Information Security was a favorite topic for 2023 – ISO 27001:2022 was definitely a hot topic in 2023, which is not a surprise seeing as anyone currently certified to ISO 27001:2013 will need to transition to the latest standard by October 2025. Many were making a start on this in 2023, or looking to plan it in for 2024.

[02:10] #1: Episode 128 What’s new with ISO 27001:2022? Orginially published as part of a series of podcasts explaining the new Standard. This episode focuses on a high-level overview of the major changes.

Here are a few highlights from the snippet:

·       Steve Gives an overview of what’s new in ISO 27001:2022 – The updated version of ISO 27001 was released on the 26th Oct 2022. The new version included 24 changes and clarifications within the main clauses.

·       The controls for the new standard are now categorised into 4 groups: Organisation, People, Physical and Technology 

·       We covered some of the new controls in more detail in previous episodes: #109#110#111#112#113 and #114

·       The 24 changes and clarifications to Clauses include older existing clauses which have been tidied up to be more transparent. We recommend reviewing to ensure that you are complying in a way that aligns with the Standard.

·       There are 11 new Controls. 56 controls from the 2013 version have been reduced to 24 with 58 remaining unchanged. So, in short, Annex A has been simplified with less duplication of controls.


[09:15] #2: Episode 130 What are the 11 new controls in ISO 27001:2022? In this episode we brought Steve Mason back to discuss the 11 new controls in ISO 27001:2022, and delve into the context of why these were added. We also highlight some of the resources we’ve made available in the isologuhub, including mention of our ISO 27001 Transition Gameplan.

Here are a few highlights from the snippet:

·       These new controls are nothing to worry about – they are simply aligning the Standard with more modern security considerations. You may already be complying with them!

·       Control A.5.7 Threat intelligence – ‘To provide awareness of the organization’s threat environment so that the appropriate mitigation actions can be taken.’ – This can come from many different sources, such as the NCSC or local police websites. There are also additional tools you can add to detect possible phishing attacks. This also includes consideration to external threats – Information Security is about much more than just protecting data! It also includes physical security.

·       Control A.5.23 Information security for use of cloud services – “To specify and manage information security for the use of cloud services.” – More and more businesses reply on cloud-based computing. It’s important to verify the security of your service provider to ensure it’s adequate. You can check to see if they have any valid Information Security related credentials such as CSA Star, Cyber Essentials, SOC. You could also adopt principles of ISO 27017 (certification for cloud security), ISO 27018 (Protection of PII in the public cloud) and ISO 27701 (PII security Standard).

·       Control A.5.30 ICT readiness for business continuity –‘ To ensure the availability of the organization’s information and other associated assets during disruption’ – There a few standards that could assist with this, including ISO 27031 (ICT readiness for Business Continuity). Those that have ISO 22301 may want to look at how ISO 27001 elements can be integrated and improved in any disaster recovery plans. ISO 27001 needs to be an integral part of any business continuity plans – not just a bolt on. Small business may not want to conduct a full business impact analysis, but should carry out a risk assessment around business continuity at the very least.


[21:20] #3: Episode 134 Credible Carbon offsetting with Treeconomy: We had some fantastic guests on the show last year, such as Harry Grocott – CEO of Treeconomy. We invited him on to talk about how we can demonstrate credible carbon offsetting through schemes here in the UK, and how you can avoid falling prey to greenwashing.

Here are a few highlights from the snippet:

·       Can we quantify the value of nature? Short answer right now is no, but there is a lot of nuance. Nature offers ecosystem services i.e. farms offer a calorific benefit, we can put a price on the value that offers. The same principle applies to resources such as wood or oil. Now we are gaining the ability to quantify CO2 removal, which is undeniably valuable to humanity.

·       Other more recent services such as biodiversity projects are a bit harder to quantify – as they vary so much depending on the country. However, we are starting to assign value to these.

·       How can people be sure that they don’t fall prey to Greenwashing? There are 2 main issues to consider: 1) Are your carbon credits credible? 2) what claims are top management making?

·       Tackling claims made by leadership: ISO standards are starting to solve this issue. There are clear requirements and certifications that need to be in place to back those claims. 

·       Tackling carbon credits: The carbon offsetting market is heavily unregulated currently. Essentially it’s a lot of people trading in invisible gas. There are a number of carbon standards (Not quite at the same level as ISO Standards), such as the Woodland Carbon Code and the Peatland Code, and Internationally there are standards such as Verra VSC – unfortunately, a lot of these standards aren’t very robust and aren’t enforced.

·       Many companies will often look to buy the cheapest offsets available, which are likely to be non-credible and will provide no evidence of actual offsetting occurring. But, there are a lot of new companies emerging that provide tangible evidence of offsetting (such as Treeconomy  )


[33:50] #4: Episode 136 dotdigital’s sustainable transformation with ISO 14001 We’re always delighted to share stories about our clients’ ISO journeys. In this case we got the chance to talk to Steve Shaw, the Chief Product and Technology Officer at dotdigital, about their journey to achieve ISO 14001.

Dotdigital have a habit of going above and beyond when it comes to implementing ISO Standards, and this time is no different as Steve explains some of the fantastic sustainability initiatives introduced as a result of gaining certification.

Here are a few highlights from the snippet:

·       dotdigital was the worlds first carbon neutral marketing automation platform that was ISO 14001 certified. They also aim to be net zero by 2030!

·       They have a relatively small footprint as a primarily digital based company, only really having to consider the running of computers, air conditioning and standard office facilities. So it can be a challenge to reduce!

·       What led to the success of dotgreen? – dotdigital launched a group called dotgreen, which has since thrived into a community of likeminded individuals all working together to improve and reduce dotdigital’s impact. They were fortunate to have an Executive group sponsor who can take ideas and suggestions to other leadership for consideration. This grassroots group encourages suggestions from everyone – no idea is a bad idea. Over time, the group evolved and helped to develop a sustainability programme for the business. 

·       What was one of the initiatives implemented from dotgreen? – They identified that existing data centers used by the business weren’t always utilising renewable energy. So, over the course of 2 years, they worked with Microsoft to build on their Azure platform to enable dotdigital to make the switch. Azure runs on renewable energy sources, and any remaining emissions can be offset through carbon credits.

·       A green option for their customers – As a result of their cloud platform now being run through green partners, they can extend the environmental benefit to their customers. 


[42:25] #5: Episode 135 Emerging SaaS Trends in Health and Safety Health and Safety can be quite the task to keep on top of, a well known fact for anyone certified to ISO 45001. Thankfully, there are a number of Software as a Service options out there to make the lives of Health and Safety professionals much easier. New and emerging technologies are only going to develop more rapidly with the integration of AI and machine learning.

We invited James Sharp, Chief Technical Officer at Riskex, onto the show to discuss the top 10 emerging SaaS trends, including how each can help streamline processes and gather and analyse large amounts of data.

Here are a few highlights from the snippet:

·       Riskex have been certified to a number of ISO Standards, including ISO 18001 (Prior Health and Safety Standard, now certifying to the latest version, ISO 45001), ISO 27001 (Information Security) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management)

·       Software as a Service became very popular during Covid, as business became very fragmented and were looking for solutions that could be rolled out across multiple sites. Riskex also created their own track and trace system based on established software they were already offering – helping businesses manage Covid safely.

·       Trend #1 – Artificial Intelligence – Artificial learning is all around us and with vast volumes of data being collected by safety management platforms.   AI allows decision engines to predict and provide guidance based on key trends or established KPI’s. For example, if accident rates were to increase but at the same time risk levels have been reducing, it could soon highlight this trend and look at other surrounding data or previous trends to establish a pattern.  This will lead to a more pro-active approach to reporting and subsequent decision-making.

·       Trend #2 – API Connectivity – Providing an open API platform will allow businesses to integrate internal systems and external services to digest data. As more organisations adopt Cloud solutions, connectivity between platforms has become increasingly important. With a robust API offering, multiple business services can interact with ease and become part of the safety management space, without incurring significant cost or time.

·       Trend #3 – Low-Code Optimisation – Developing generic components within software to allow for quicker builds, implementations and tailoring requests. As stand-alone and generic component development increases, solutions can offer more flexibility and self-serve options to the end user to assist them with aligning platforms with their specific processes.

·       Trend #4 – Mobile Optimisation – More and more end-users are accessing health and safety software via their mobiles but for various reasons, are not always able to use native apps (installed on the device). Therefore, health and safety software platforms need to adapt use on multiple devices, without the loss of features.

We can’t wait to dive into new topics this year! If you’d like to request a specific topic, or be a guest on a future episode, get in contact and let us know.

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