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The Light Diet

Release Date: 09/16/2021

TLD# 19: Embracing Integrated Health and Holistic Well-Being with Dr. Leland Stillman show art TLD# 19: Embracing Integrated Health and Holistic Well-Being with Dr. Leland Stillman

The Light Diet

In this episode of The Light Diet Podcast, Matt Maruca welcomes Dr. Leland Stillman, a board-certified MD with a strong background in health and wellness. Dr. Stillman, who met Maruca through their shared interest in quantum biology, brings a holistic approach to health, combining his Western medical training with a pursuit of deeper truths in the field of wellness. Maruca emphasizes Dr. Stillman's commitment to finding the most effective ways to treat patients, acknowledging both the benefits and limitations of modern medicine. Throughout the episode, the conversation touches on various...

TLD 18: Dr. Gerald Pollack show art TLD 18: Dr. Gerald Pollack

The Light Diet

Gerald Pollack is a scientist recognized worldwide as a dynamic speaker and author, whose passion lies in plumbing the depths of natural truths. ​He received the 1st Emoto Peace Prize and is a recipient of the University of Washington's highest honor, the Annual Faculty Lecturer Award. He is founding Editor-in-Chief of the research journal WATER and Director of the Institute for Venture Science. Dr. Pollack's (award-winning) books include: The Fourth Phase of Water (2013), and Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life (2001).

TLD 17: The Magic of Incandescence with Brian Richards show art TLD 17: The Magic of Incandescence with Brian Richards

The Light Diet

Hey everyone! It's been a while. Well, we're back, with a great one. In this episode of The Light Diet podcast I interview my good friend and founder of Sauna Space, Brian Richards. This was a particularly interesting conversation because we both have a very deep knowledge and understanding of light to complement each other quite well. I'm interviewing Brian here and I definitely make sure to get his specific take on certain subjects where he has greater expertise than myself. We start with how Brian got to making SaunaSpace products, which ends up spurring an entire conversation in itself. We...

QFR 16: The Kingdom of Heaven = The Pineal Gland show art QFR 16: The Kingdom of Heaven = The Pineal Gland

The Light Diet

In this Quantum Field Report I just started filming because I felt like sharing and I decided to see where my talking would lead. I got into the discussion of what it means to live a good life and that this has been my general pursuit for several years now; more specifically, to live the best life that I possibly can. Of course, to do so requires defining what a good life is as a whole. What does this mean? Is it subjective, a matter of opinion, or objective, a matter of fact? Many people will have different opinions about this, but I believe that living a good life is more objectively related...

QFR 15: Bitcoin and The Light Diet. What is money, and how can hard money free the world from many evils? show art QFR 15: Bitcoin and The Light Diet. What is money, and how can hard money free the world from many evils?

The Light Diet

In this episode, I share something that I have been looking into a lot recently which is bitcoin. At first I didn't understand bitcoin, but as I put the pieces together with all of my thinking about money and business over the last many years, I came to understand that bitcoin is far more than just a catchy name and get rich quick scheme as some people think. Digital currency is the future of all money. Just as the Internet has taken over, it is bound to as well. Money is a physical representation of value that is central to our lives because it is a place where people store their life...

TLD 012: How The Light Diet Went Spiritual show art TLD 012: How The Light Diet Went Spiritual

The Light Diet

This episode is a re-broadcast from a podcast appearance on the Carnivore Yogi podcast, hosted by Sarah Kleiner. I had such an amazing time with this discussion and found it so valuable myself that I wanted to re-share it on The Light Diet Podcast. In this episode we discuss my story, the basis for The Light Diet, and we get into detail on the factors in my life that led me to realize that The Light Diet is ultimately a spiritual way of being, more than just a daily protocol for light exposure. Tune in, I'm sure you'll like it. Please share this episode with your friend and on your social...

QFR 14: Travel to Russia, Joe Dispenza in Turkey, Etymology of QFR 14: Travel to Russia, Joe Dispenza in Turkey, Etymology of "teach", and Deep Spiritual Commentary (Gold at the End)

The Light Diet

This one was something else. I was inspired by something I was reading and decided to just open up my phone to share about it. Little did I know I would end up speaking for over an hour about all the things that I've been experiencing lately, and the things I've been learning. I'm very glad I did, because I think it will be of tremendous value to you. I discuss my trip to Russia and some of the things I experienced there, going to a weeklong advanced meditation retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza in Turkey, I discussed the thing that initially inspired me to start recording, which is the etymology...


The Light Diet

On today's quantum field report I get into a subject that I have been considering for a long time now. This is a subject that is very important to consider for anyone who is interested in healing. Typically when we feel uncomfortable or some unpleasant emotion, we point our fingers outside and say that it's because of something outside of us. In reality, all of the world is occurring within our head, so there is some lack of something within us that this external perception is activating. Trying to change the world outside of us to project our limitations onto the world will never solve the...


The Light Diet

In this Quantum Field Report I detail my experience with learning about Ayurvedic medicine and a specific protocol that I tried out and continue to utilize. Interestingly enough, as life would have it, a friend who I met surfing in the water in Bali happens to be a leading Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine doctor, and although at first I was not prepared to understand a lot of what he teaches, over time I started to realize that it is actually the next level of what I call "The Light Diet”. People have been practicing "The Light Diet" for thousands of years, and optimizing it over and over and...

QFR #11: How Ra Sleep Lenses will change your life forever show art QFR #11: How Ra Sleep Lenses will change your life forever

The Light Diet

A lot of people have recently been posting stories and tweets talking about how their sleep is being transformed with Ra Sleep Lenses. I wanted to make a video to break down simply how this actually works and why it works. Please leave comments and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have :-) ______________ Matt Maruca is a young man who faced health challenges as a kid and after all traditional strategies failed, took it upon himself to understand how the body works, and heal. He came to understand that light is the primary driving force in all of life, and contrary to what is...

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On today's quantum field report I get into a subject that I have been considering for a long time now.

This is a subject that is very important to consider for anyone who is interested in healing.

Typically when we feel uncomfortable or some unpleasant emotion, we point our fingers outside and say that it's because of something outside of us. In reality, all of the world is occurring within our head, so there is some lack of something within us that this external perception is activating.

Trying to change the world outside of us to project our limitations onto the world will never solve the true problem, which is the internal limitation. In fact, the world outside will shift to reflect that limitation, but because we cannot change everything by forcing it, the limitation still exists and we will still feel the exact same feeling we felt, and try to find more people or circumstances to project that limitation onto.

In fact, when I first started my business, this is exactly what I was doing; I grew up with circumstances that caused me to feel a lot of fear and discomfort around finances and money, and I actually perpetuated that with my business in my own life. Just like everything else, business is something external that takes whatever meaning we give it: it can be the greatest opportunity eve, or it can feel like a massive stressful burden, and in my case for a long time it was more of the latter. Thankfully, because of the lessons that I'm sharing in this quantum field report, it changed to be more of the former over the past year.

I don't claim to have all the answers; I'm just sharing what I have learned from my experiences. I also don't claim to be right about anything.

I actually observe fear from my ego about being attacked by people who are inclined to think a certain way for sharing this message, but, as I'm sharing here, by giving that belief any power, I'm actually setting the stage for it to occur, because rather than realizing that we are brothers and sisters and feeling love and compassion for these people and the tremendous pain that they feel and where they're coming from, even if I disagree with their methods, I'm just creating separation between “me” and “them”.

So, give it a listen, and I would love your thoughts. Send me a message on Instagram.

One more thing: do you like the information that I'm sharing here and anywhere else? Well, thank you. I want you to know that it's all made possible because of Ra Optics, the business that I started to provide you with the actual tools that you need to implement this ancient wisdom into your life. We make the worlds only premium Screen and Sleep Lenses, and the best by far. The science behind our lenses is unmatched, as is the quality and style of our frames.

My mission is to help people realize their dreams, starting by improving their sleep.

So grab a pair of Sleep Lenses and experience the power of a new life. If you happen to work in an office, attend a school, or are on a screen a lot, grab a pair of Screen Lenses as well. They’ll boost your mood when you're indoors, naturally calm you down and reduce your stress levels, prevent headaches, increase your focus and productivity, and especially protect your eyes from getting damaged over time.

So, since everything is energy, by choosing to support yourself on something that actually matters and works, you're also supporting my research to continue bringing you newer and better information, ideas, and tools. You wouldn't believe what's coming down the road.

Use the code “thelightdiet” for 15% off your order. You'll be glad you did.


Matt Maruca is a young man who faced health challenges as a kid and after all traditional strategies failed, took it upon himself to understand how the body works, and heal. He came to understand that light is the primary driving force in all of life, and contrary to what is believed in most of the health world, our modern, indoor, technology-based lifestyle, and not just our food, is the primary driver of the modern chronic disease epidemic. He founded Ra Optics, named after Ra, The Egyptian god of sunlight, medicine, and healing, to create products to make people’s lives better using light, starting with Blue Light Blocking Glasses. He also distilled down everything he learned into a protocol called “The Light Diet” that anyone can use to heal and thrive with light.

His research on light revealed that there is, in fact, a solid scientific foundation for many of the teachings of the Ancient East, and inspired him onto a deeper spiritual quest of how to be the best that we can be in this existence.

On this podcast, he shares insights from his research and travels on subjects such as light, wellness, spirituality, humanity, and running an online business while traveling the world.

Tune in, subscribe, and shine on :)!