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Episode 76: Validation

The Reggie Yates Podcast

Release Date: 02/18/2020

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Recorded at Sky Lounge in the UNCLE building, Elephant & Castle.

This week Reg, Baba, Owen and Uzo take to the couch for an episode of all-sorts. Are the Oscars still relevant in today's world? Do awards still give the same sense of validation to the arts? How far are people prepared to go to stay current with their vanity? it's all laid out on the table ending with a quick-fire round which unearths some shocking truths buried deep in the boy's psyches. Pull up a chair, we're here all week.

Follow the team online:
Reg - @Regyates
Owen - @owencutts
Baba - @heisbaba
Uzo - @Uzooleh
Selekio - @officialofei
Dee - @officialdcode
Israel - @Israelpeters
Anna - @annaisabeljamieson
Ankit - @bhattman