The Tony Wong Podcast
Don’t miss Part 2 of this episode where we touch on how diets can lead to almost religious dogma, how lifestyle and diets affect relationships, as well as genetics as it relates to food.
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Why do we need to know so much to even begin to scratch the surface of how to eat properly? How did we lose our bearings when it comes to the one aspect of our lives that is the highest predictor of our overall health?
info_outlineThe Tony Wong Podcast
Today’s show is a guided exercise in mindfulness by Zen Master Genpo Roshi; tune in to hear how you may have been poorly instructed, if at all, on how to meditate as well as what the long-term benefits of the practice are.
info_outlineThe Tony Wong Podcast
We all live with the struggle of internal opposites: knowing you should do something (exercise? eat healthily? meditate?) but still procrastinating, knowing you’re performing well enough but still being stressed, needing to make a big decision but still being fearful… Big Mind is a profoundly interesting tool that enables individuals to identify aspects of themselves and work through the relationships they entertain with them.
info_outlineThe Tony Wong Podcast
We are fortunate to ring in the new year with a discussion with Genpo Roshi, one of my Zen Masters and the creator of Big Mind. Today’s episode is a dive into deeper ideas ranging from human purpose to the meaning of life — no less!
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I recently did my first (8-hour!) myofascial release session with my guest Meki Blackwell and it revealed a deeper perspective on how the body’s connective tissues work — I mean beyond what we all understand as “rolling out.” Are we taught how to move? Are we taught how to stand? We all know the answer to that, and it all leads to pain and premature aging.
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Last week, Andrea joined the show for an experiment on mindset and performance. The results were clear: if you’re looking to create a frame of mind that makes hard activities seem enjoyable, this is the key!
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Do you really have to crush, grind, and power through to perform? Does it have to be that difficult? Today’s episode is a practical experiment on the neuroscience principles that underpin neuroplasticity and the way humans learn in general.
info_outlineThe Tony Wong Podcast
While a car metaphor may be a bit dated, it does seem to hit the nail on the head… Usually, we’re attracted to the shiny exterior, but when we look under the hood, the excitement may fall away. Would the reverse be possible then? Look under the hood, get excited, and then get attracted to the exterior? Are men and women different on that front?
info_outlineThe Tony Wong Podcast
The trend of looking for real meaningful experiences has been around for a while now, but COVID changed the game: the immediate starkness of lockdown made us miss the simple things in life, real human connection.
info_outlineHave you ever wished you wish you could pacify certain warring parts of yourself?
We all live with the struggle of internal opposites: knowing you should do something (exercise? eat healthily? meditate?) but still procrastinating, knowing you’re performing well enough but still being stressed, needing to make a big decision but still being fearful… Big Mind is a profoundly interesting tool that enables individuals to identify aspects of themselves and work through the relationships they entertain with them.
In well-trained hands — hard to do better than Genpo Roshi — you could puzzle it all.
Key Takeaways
Ron is a skeptic [1:58] Ron shares how his journey has progressed to him being more aware of his mental processes as well as his view of spirituality which does include some measure of fear of being swindled.
Roshi butts in! [4:20] Genpo Roshi offers Big Mind to Ron and begins by asking to speak to the part of Ron who is a skeptic. Watch this convo between Ron the Skeptic and Ron the believer unfold!
The Base and the Apex [13:49] So we have a skeptical Ron on the left and a non-skeptical Ron on the right… if we make this the base of a triangle, what do we find at the apex?
The purpose of Zen [14:40] On balance and the purpose of Zen, finding peace and harmony by ending the internal conflict.
The infinity of what you don’t know [15:53] Genpo speaks to the part of Ron that is everything he doesn’t know.
Ron’s nervous laugh [19:20] Guys we know, touching infinity is weird, just go along.
So there it is, the meaning of life [21:58]
The illusion of self and the end of fear [23:52] From this infinite Big Mind place, Roshi explains that the concept of self is an illusion and shares how to get your fear to stop paralyzing you and do what it’s supposed to, its only job: warn you if danger is coming.
Thanks for tuning in! We understand that there is a good chance this episode will have raised some seriously profound questions in some people… If you want to discuss this further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tony through any of the means below.
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