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February 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Release Date: 04/15/2024

August 1994 show art August 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

30 years ago: Computer industry booms as consoles slump, Nintendo announces Ultra64 & The internet gets scary These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your...

Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat show art Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 4, we talk about the decade that Graeme spent in the wilderness of the game's industry, during which he worked on titles such as Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary at Crystal Dynamics, tried to salvage projects like Enslaved, Dead to Rights Retribution and Splatterhouse at Namco, returned to sports...

August 1984 show art August 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Commodore buys Amiga Jack Tramiel declares war on  competition Nintendo announces US NES launch plans These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden show art Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 3, we talk about job hunting in the games industry at the end of the 90s and his time at EA's Tiburon subsidiary working on Madden 2001 and 2002 as well as developing the NFL Street franchise. What is life like for a dev living in the crunch of annualized sports games?  How are new franchises...

July 1994 - Part 2 show art July 1994 - Part 2

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops Nintendo goes for cheap VR Commodore bankruptcy gets messy These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

July 1994 - Part 1 show art July 1994 - Part 1

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops, The Game Industry ditches CES for E3 & Nintendo goes for cheap VR These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device:...

Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra show art Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 2, we talk about his time at Dynamix, a Sierra subsidiary. We find out how he met his wife in the early days of online geekdom, finally put down roots in Eugene, OR, ventured into online game development, experienced the gradual fall of Sierra as it changed hands again and again, worked on games such...

July 1984 show art July 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Jack buys Atari Imagine goes belly up Nintendo's Famicom gets Zapped These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios show art Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios.   In Part 1, we talk about his early years, the evolution of the industry, moving from computers at SSI to consoles with Sega and getting up to the boom of FMV games.   Recorded: December 2023   Get us on your mobile device: Android: iOS:   And if you like what we are doing here at...

June 1994 show art June 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Hollywood welcomes Siliwood, Saturn and Playstation begin fight for Japanese consumers & 3DO declared DOA These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in June 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

More Episodes

Famicom rules Japan,
Bushnell leaves Chuck E Cheese &
Vectrex put to rest

These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM!

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in February 1984. 
As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events.

Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here:
and order his book here:

Get us on your mobile device:
Android:  https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly92aWRlb2dhbWVuZXdzcm9vbXRpbWVtYWNoaW5lLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz
iOS:      https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/video-game-newsroom-time-machine

And if you like what we are doing here at the podcast, don't forget to like us on your podcasting app of choice, YouTube, and/or support us on patreon!

Send comments on Mastodon @[email protected]
twitter @videogamenewsr2
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[email protected]

If you don't see all the links, find them here:

7 Minutes in Heaven: Campaign '84
Video Version:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/7-minutes-in-84-102259801

January 1984 Ep - https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-1984-100014130
Ethan's fine site The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/

Anti Comic book bill proposed in New York

General Precision shows off 47" disc
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Poptronics/60s/64/Pop-1964-02.pdf  pg. 54

atari and Kee Games arrangement clarified

Pong boon leads to arcade bombs

MITS introduces Programmer add-on
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Poptronics/70s/1974/Poptronics-1974-02.pdf   pg. 19   

Sony becomes Heathkit distributor
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Poptronics/70s/1974/Poptronics-1974-02.pdf   pg. 16

Heathkit introduces digital color TV
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Poptronics/70s/1974/Poptronics-1974-02.pdf   pg. 18

Sinclair announces pocket TV
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-Poptronics/70s/1974/Poptronics-1974-02.pdf   pg. 18   
Nixon addresses privacy in the age of the computer
    Richard M. Nixon. (February 23, 1974). Radio Address About the American Right of Privacy.. Primary Sources in U.S. Presidential History. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:47DJ-HKP0-01K9-024S-00000-00&context=1516831.    

LA Flipper ban upheld on appeal    https://archive.org/details/cashbox35unse_31/page/51/mode/1up?view=theater  

Bally/Williams merger called off
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg. 10, 21
Bally/Midway cancel game leasing plans
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg. 

Nintendo predicts profit drop
    (February 14, 1984). The Japan Economic Journal. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3S8H-2380-000H-H4N7-00000-00&context=1516831.

Nolan steps down at Pizza Time
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg.  19   

More deck chair shuffling at Atari
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg. 

Warner sells Malibu
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg.  50

Simutrek files for Chapter 11
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg.  19

CVS declares bankruptcy
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg. 10   

GoldmanSachs sees arcade decline continuing

Bally/Midway taps Budweiser for cross promotion

Don Bluth talks Space Ace

Nintendo promotes Larry Holmes' Punch Out!
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg. 10    

Twin Galaxies crowns Video Game Champs
    Replay Feb. 1984, pg.  22
Famicom dominates Japanese market
    (February 7, 1984). Sales of video games in Japan topped one-million mark last year. The Japan Economic Journal. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3S8H-2390-000H-H4SN-00000-00&context=1516831.

Mattel tells retailers "Show me the money!!"

Imagic licenses to Amiga
More impressions from CES
Coleco makes big promises
Commodore rethinking 264

Commodore announces next gen

IBM plans to go big on PC production

PCJr fracass becomes clearer

Byte reviews the Mac

Byte bemoans the move to compatibility

Sinclair breaks with Timex

CBM top execs leave

Toshiba to develop "Super Chip"
    "(FEBRUARY 8, 1984, WEDNESDAY). TOSHIBA TO DEVELOP ""SUPER-CHIP"". Japan Economic Newswire. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3SP7-BB50-000F-P04M-00000-00&context=1516831.   
    (FEBRUARY 7, 1984, TUESDAY). 11 AREAS LIKELY TO BE DESIGNATED AS TECHNOPOLISES. Japan Economic Newswire. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3SP7-BB60-000F-P064-00000-00&context=1516831.       
    (FEBRUARY 25, 1984, SATURDAY). MITI STICKING TO ""ARBITRATION"" CLAUSE IN SOFTWARE LAW. Japan Economic Newswire. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3SP7-BB00-000F-P4KT-00000-00&context=1516831.   
    (February 14, 1984). IC production exceeded Y1 trillion in 1983; to rise 30% to reach Y1.5 trillion this year. The Japan Economic Journal. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3S8H-2370-000H-H4KH-00000-00&context=1516831."

NEC introduces image processing chip
    (February 21, 1984). NEC develops high-speed image pipelined processor; World's 1st non-von Neumann type. The Japan Economic Journal. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3S8H-2350-000H-H4DW-00000-00&context=1516831.  

Personal CPM to be included on Z80s

Edutainment is the next big thing

Avalon Hill teams up with Toei
    (February 14, 1984). Avalon Hill to sell simulation games in Japan. The Japan Economic Journal. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3S8H-2370-000H-H4K1-00000-00&context=1516831.

TI 99 4/A software not dead yet!
US eases restrictions on exports to China
    (FEBRUARY 23, 1984, THURSDAY). U.S. TO EASE CONTROL ON TECHNOLOGY EXPORTS TO CHINA. Japan Economic Newswire. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3SP7-BB00-000F-P4NT-00000-00&context=1516831.

Japanese copyright reform debate heats up
    (FEBRUARY 1, 1984, WEDNESDAY). FIRST JAPAN-U.S. DIALOGUE ON SOFTWARE LAW IN FEBRUARY. Japan Economic Newswire. https://advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:3SP7-BB80-000F-P0FP-00000-00&context=1516831.    

Apple loses IP case in Australia
Vectrex RIP

Recommended Links:

The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/
Gaming Alexandria: https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/
They Create Worlds: https://tcwpodcast.podbean.com/
Digital Antiquarian: https://www.filfre.net/
The Arcade Blogger: https://arcadeblogger.com/
Retro Asylum: http://retroasylum.com/category/all-posts/
Retro Game Squad: http://retrogamesquad.libsyn.com/
Playthrough Podcast: https://playthroughpod.com/
Retromags.com: https://www.retromags.com/
Games That Weren't - https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/

Sound Effects by Ethan Johnson of History of How We Play.

Copyright Karl Kuras