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August 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Release Date: 01/30/2025

August 1994 show art August 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

30 years ago: Computer industry booms as consoles slump, Nintendo announces Ultra64 & The internet gets scary These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your...

Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat show art Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 4, we talk about the decade that Graeme spent in the wilderness of the game's industry, during which he worked on titles such as Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary at Crystal Dynamics, tried to salvage projects like Enslaved, Dead to Rights Retribution and Splatterhouse at Namco, returned to sports...

August 1984 show art August 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Commodore buys Amiga Jack Tramiel declares war on  competition Nintendo announces US NES launch plans These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden show art Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 3, we talk about job hunting in the games industry at the end of the 90s and his time at EA's Tiburon subsidiary working on Madden 2001 and 2002 as well as developing the NFL Street franchise. What is life like for a dev living in the crunch of annualized sports games?  How are new franchises...

July 1994 - Part 2 show art July 1994 - Part 2

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops Nintendo goes for cheap VR Commodore bankruptcy gets messy These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

July 1994 - Part 1 show art July 1994 - Part 1

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops, The Game Industry ditches CES for E3 & Nintendo goes for cheap VR These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device:...

Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra show art Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 2, we talk about his time at Dynamix, a Sierra subsidiary. We find out how he met his wife in the early days of online geekdom, finally put down roots in Eugene, OR, ventured into online game development, experienced the gradual fall of Sierra as it changed hands again and again, worked on games such...

July 1984 show art July 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Jack buys Atari Imagine goes belly up Nintendo's Famicom gets Zapped These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios show art Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios.   In Part 1, we talk about his early years, the evolution of the industry, moving from computers at SSI to consoles with Sega and getting up to the boom of FMV games.   Recorded: December 2023   Get us on your mobile device: Android: iOS:   And if you like what we are doing here at...

June 1994 show art June 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Hollywood welcomes Siliwood, Saturn and Playstation begin fight for Japanese consumers & 3DO declared DOA These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in June 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

More Episodes

Commodore buys Amiga
Jack Tramiel declares war on  competition
Nintendo announces US NES launch plans

These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM!

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1984. 
As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events.

Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here:
and order his book here:

Get us on your mobile device:
Android:  https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly92aWRlb2dhbWVuZXdzcm9vbXRpbWVtYWNoaW5lLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz
iOS:      https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/video-game-newsroom-time-machine

And if you like what we are doing here at the podcast, don't forget to like us on your podcasting app of choice, YouTube, and/or support us on patreon!

Send comments on Mastodon @[email protected]
twitter @videogamenewsr2
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vgnrtm
[email protected]

If you don't see all the links, find them here:

7 Minutes in Heaven: Sabrewulf
Video Version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/121098237

July 1984 Ep - https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-1994-116535754
Ethan's fine site The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/

Atari sells Japanese manufacturing to Namco
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-24.pdf   pg. 49

Basketball a hit
    Cashbox august 3 1974  
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-04.pdf  pg. 43

Clean Sweep 1 player
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-10.pdf  pg. 50

Track 10 adds oil slick
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-17.pdf  pg. 46      

Gene Lipken joins Atari
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-24.pdf   pg. 49

Medal Games are spreading
    Game Machine August 10, 1974 pg. 7
Cali SC rules in favor of pinball
    Cashbox Aug 10 1974
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-10.pdf  pg. 48

Coinop on the Price is Right
    Cashbox august 3 1974  
    https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-All-Music/Cash-Box/70s/1974/CB-1974-08-04.pdf  pg. 43

13 year olds simulate life on computer
    Two Youths Turn Computers on to 'Life', Hardford Courant, 11 Aug 1974, Page 3

Silicon Valley proves resilient
    Gloom in the Valley . . . But a Silver Lining, Too, U.S. News & World Report, August 20, 1984, Section: Pg. 38, Byline: By JOANNE DAVIDSON

Warner second quarter losses are massive
    Warner Communications reports huge loss, United Press International, August 2, 1984, Thursday, BC cycle

Jack slashes prices
    Atari's Tramiel Gets Tough With Price Cuts, ADWEEK, August 13, 1984, Eastern Edition,Byline: By Gail Belsky
    Computer Entertainer Vol. 3 Number 5 pg. 1      https://archive.org/details/computer-entertainer-3-5/page/n13/mode/2up?view=theater

Commodore to buy Amiga
    Commodore Deal With Amiga Set,The New York Times, August 17, 1984, Friday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 3, Column 6; Financial Desk

Atari sues Amiga
    ATARI HEAD SUES ALLY THAT DEFECTED TO RIVAL, The New York Times, August 21, 1984, Tuesday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 1; Financial Desk, Byline: By DAVID E. SANGER    
Atari to introduce 16 and 32 bit systems
    Atari To Sell More-Powerful Computers, The Associated Press, August 27, 1984, Monday, AM cycle, Section: Business News, Byline: By STEVE WILSTEIN,

Jack declares war on competition    
    Computer Entertainer Vol. 3 Number 5 pg. 1   
Jack can't collect
    Tramiel Reported Seeking $50 Million in Lieu of Atari Debts, The Associated Press, August 31, 1984, Friday, PM cycle, Section: Business News

Imagine Megagames up for auction    

Coleco unveils new marketing ploy
    Coleco will offer scholarships to some computer purchasers, United Press International, August 22, 1984, Wednesday, BC cycle, Section: Financial       
    Advertising;At Coleco, The Adam Is Reborn, The New York Times, August 13, 1984, Monday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 8, Column 3; Financial Desk, Byline: By Pamela G. Hollie    

VCRs and Action Figures muscle video games out of retail
    The Video Revolution, Newsweek, August 6, 1984 UNITED STATES EDITION, Section: BUSINESS; Pg. 50     
    Media Room, The Associated Press, August 12, 1984, Sunday, BC cycle

Video killed the Video Game Star
    FROM PAC-MAN TO GI JOE, Forbes, August 13, 1984, Section: MONEY AND INVESTMENTS; The Columnists; Psychology & Investing; Pg. 138, Byline: By Srully Blotnick;
    Toys sales boom, United Press International, August 21, 1984, Tuesday, BC cycle, Section: Financial
    Playthings, August 1984.

Video Game tie-ins come of age
    Allan Carr keeps bubbling to the top in a heady world, The San Diego Union-Tribune,August 12, 1984 Sunday, Section: ENTERTAINMENT; Pg. E-2, Byline: David Elliott, Movie Critic    
    ACTIVISION; To develop and market software based on Ghostbusters motion picture, Business Wire, August 28, 1984, Tuesday
    Gregory Fischbach Part 1 - Activision - Acclaim - https://www.patreon.com/posts/46578120
    Jay Balakrishnan - HESWare, Radical, Dynamics, Solid State Software - https://www.patreon.com/posts/jay-balakrishnan-103071267

Nintendo sees coinop sales plummet
    Nintendo anticipates greater sales, profit, The Japan Economic Journal, August 28, 1984, Section: SECURITIES; Pg. 16

Atari sells distributorship
    Replay, August 1984, pg. 3
Coin-op computers a bust
    Campus coin-op computers crash; Good product ahead of its time, United Press International, August 29, 1984, Wednesday, BC cycle, Section: Financial, Byline: By J.B. BLOSSER

3rd parties scrap releases
    Computer Entertainer Vol. 3 Number 5 pg. 11

IBM tries to save the PCJr
    I.B.M. RAISES DIVIDEND, OFFERS A FREE KEYBOARD, The New York Times, August 1, 1984, Wednesday, Late City , Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 1; Financial Desk, Byline: By STUART DIAMOND 
    MICROPRO; Greets enhanced PCjr with WordStar, Business Wire, August 13, 1984, Monday

IBM announces AT
    I.B.M.'S. NEW POWERHOUSE A T ;TWICE AS FAST AS OLD PC'S, The New York Times, August 15, 1984, Wednesday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 3; Financial Desk, Byline: By DAVID E. SANGER
    SHORTAGE OF SEMICONDUCTORS EASES, The New York Times, August 27, 1984, Monday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 3; Financial Desk, Byline: By DAVID E. SANGER

IBM and EC reach agreement
    WEEK IN BUSINESS;BEST WEEK EVER ON WALL STREET, The New York Times, August 5, 1984, Sunday, Late City , Final Edition, Section: Section 3; Page 14, Column 3; Financial Desk, Byline: By Nathaniel C. Nash

IBM announces new business strategy for Europe
    I.B.M.'S NEW ROLE IN EUROPE, The New York Times, August 13, 1984, Monday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section D; Page 1, Column 4; Financial Desk, Byline: By DAVID E. SANGER
MSX to miss XMAS

Amstrad pricing very competitive

Sinclair launches Speccy bundle
Sinclair plans stock flotation

Sinclair wants to get into chip manufacturing

Sinclair earnings miss expectations    

Dragon goes to Espana!
    Spanish take over failed Dragon computer maker, Financial Times (London,England), August 15, 1984, Wednesday, Section: SECTION I; Pg. 12, Byline: BY CHARLES BATCHELOR IN LONDON

Macintosh software still scarce
    Michael Dornbrook Part 1 - Infocom - https://www.patreon.com/posts/44335732

MIDI comes to micros

Pioneer launchees interactive laser disc

Byte profiles 6502 successor
Great space race budget breaks records

Lord British given credit for Questron
    Joel Billings - SSI - https://www.patreon.com/posts/36827469

US games flood UK

Virgin goes for quality

Domark launches with big contest

Sexy Games get activists in a tissy

Computer adoption in schools still slow
    Stumbling into the computer age, Forbes, August 13, 1984, Section: INDUSTRIES; Pg. 35, Byline: By Kathleen R. Wiegner

Computers find their purpose
    Road Warrior' rides again, Computerworld, August 13, 1984, Section: EDITORIAL; LECHT ON SCIENCE; Pg. 47, Byline: By Charles P. Lecht
NABU gets software subsidiary
    "Sets Up Software Subsidiary; WHEELER SAYS HE MISSES 'BULLY PULPIT' BUT ENJOYS PRIVATE INDUSTRY, Communications Daily, August 20, 1984, Monday, Section: Vol. 4, No. 162; Pg. 5"

Tech support goes online
    Telephone hot lines for software problems, Financial Times (London,England), August 29, 1984, Wednesday, Section: SECTION I; Technology; Professional Personal Computing; Pg. 5, Byline: PHILIP MANCHESTER

WH Smith profits surge on computer sales
    RESULTS DUE NEXT WEEK, Financial Times (London,England), August 18, 1984, Saturday, Section: SECTION I; UK Companies; Pg. 17
Radio Shack loses ground
    TANDY'S SHIFTING SALES STRATEGY, The New York Times, August 19, 1984, Sunday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section 3; Page 1, Column 3; Financial Desk, Length: 2350 words, Byline: By PETER W. BARNES

Drug Store Chain sues Mattel
    Drug Chain Sues Mattel For Alleged Discrimination Against Retailer, The Associated Press, August 3, 1984, Friday, BC cycle,   
    No Headline In Original, United Press International, August 3, 1984, Friday, BC cycle, Section: Financial, Length: 188 words, Dateline: SYRACUSE, N.Y.

Data Age sues Mr. T
    HE PITIES THE FOOL, United Press International, August 20, 1984, Monday, BC cycle, Section: Domestic News, Byline: By FRANK SANELLO, United Press International

Pirates go pro
TVs adapt to the new media landscape
    HOME VIDEO; TV SETS: NEW FUNCTIONS, NEW FORMS, The New York Times, August 12, 1984, Sunday, Late City Final Edition, Section: Section 2; Page 24, Column 1; Arts and Leisure Desk, Byline: By HANS FANTEL

Executives get high-tech
    The all-electronic Executive, Financial Times (London,England), August 4, 1984, Saturday, Section: SECTION I; The Information Revolution; Pg. 12, Byline: By Alan Cane

Touch screen system used for tourists
    Touch computer for tourists boon to advertisers, promoters, United Press International, August 19, 1984, Sunday, BC cycle, Section: Financial, Byline: By JOHN J. SANKO

Army introduces joystick controlled rocket
    Technology Today: Fiber-optic guided missiles -- ultimate video game, United Press International, August 20, 1984, Monday, BC cycle, Section: Domestic News, Byline: By WILLIAM HARWOOD,

Gaming Jesus shall bare the mark
    No Headline In Original, United Press International, August 9, 1984, Thursday, AM cycle, Section: Domestic News

Compu-Cruise to set sail

Recommended Links:

The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/
Gaming Alexandria: https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/
They Create Worlds: https://tcwpodcast.podbean.com/
Digital Antiquarian: https://www.filfre.net/
The Arcade Blogger: https://arcadeblogger.com/
Retro Asylum: http://retroasylum.com/category/all-posts/
Retro Game Squad: http://retrogamesquad.libsyn.com/
Playthrough Podcast: https://playthroughpod.com/
Retromags.com: https://www.retromags.com/
Games That Weren't - https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/

Sound Effects by Ethan Johnson of History of How We Play.

Copyright Karl Kuras