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April 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Release Date: 06/18/2024

August 1994 show art August 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

30 years ago: Computer industry booms as consoles slump, Nintendo announces Ultra64 & The internet gets scary These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your...

Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat show art Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 4, we talk about the decade that Graeme spent in the wilderness of the game's industry, during which he worked on titles such as Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary at Crystal Dynamics, tried to salvage projects like Enslaved, Dead to Rights Retribution and Splatterhouse at Namco, returned to sports...

August 1984 show art August 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Commodore buys Amiga Jack Tramiel declares war on  competition Nintendo announces US NES launch plans These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden show art Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 3, we talk about job hunting in the games industry at the end of the 90s and his time at EA's Tiburon subsidiary working on Madden 2001 and 2002 as well as developing the NFL Street franchise. What is life like for a dev living in the crunch of annualized sports games?  How are new franchises...

July 1994 - Part 2 show art July 1994 - Part 2

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops Nintendo goes for cheap VR Commodore bankruptcy gets messy These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

July 1994 - Part 1 show art July 1994 - Part 1

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops, The Game Industry ditches CES for E3 & Nintendo goes for cheap VR These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device:...

Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra show art Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 2, we talk about his time at Dynamix, a Sierra subsidiary. We find out how he met his wife in the early days of online geekdom, finally put down roots in Eugene, OR, ventured into online game development, experienced the gradual fall of Sierra as it changed hands again and again, worked on games such...

July 1984 show art July 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Jack buys Atari Imagine goes belly up Nintendo's Famicom gets Zapped These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios show art Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios.   In Part 1, we talk about his early years, the evolution of the industry, moving from computers at SSI to consoles with Sega and getting up to the boom of FMV games.   Recorded: December 2023   Get us on your mobile device: Android: iOS:   And if you like what we are doing here at...

June 1994 show art June 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Hollywood welcomes Siliwood, Saturn and Playstation begin fight for Japanese consumers & 3DO declared DOA These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in June 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

More Episodes

Acorn and Commodore soar, as Coleco and Atari falter

Software takes center stage in PC clone world

UK game prices hit rock bottom


These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM!


This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in April 1984.

As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events.


Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here:


and order his book here:



Get us on your mobile device:

Android:  https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly92aWRlb2dhbWVuZXdzcm9vbXRpbWVtYWNoaW5lLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz

iOS:  https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/video-game-newsroom-time-machine


And if you like what we are doing here at the podcast, don't forget to like us on your podcasting app of choice, YouTube, and/or support us on patreon!



Send comments on Mastodon @[email protected]


twitter @videogamenewsr2


Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vgnrtm


[email protected]



If you don't see all the links, find them here:



7 Minutes in Heaven: Atic Atac

Video Version:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/7-minutes-in-106323507





March 1984 Ep - https://www.patreon.com/posts/march-1984-104469980

Ethan's fine site The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/




Kefauver hearing puts pressure on comics industry






IBM announces the 360





Sega becomes American




Mirco Games brings freeplay to video



Sam Stern urges industry to go to 25 cent play



David Gottlieb, RIP




Atari losses fall

    Post Net Income of $30.9 Million, The Associated Press, April 19, 1984, Thursday, AM cycle, Section: Business News  

    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, Atari in Trouble Again



Banks cut Coleco credit line


    Coleco reports rebound from last quarter's loss, United Press International, April 17, 1984, Tuesday, BC cycle


Commodore sales skyrocket!


    Toy & Hobby World, April 1984 pg. 12


Acorn revenues soar!



TI turn-around unprecedented

    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, Texas Instruments Update


Milton Bradley returns to profitability

    Milton Bradley Shows Profit in First Quarter, The Associated Press, April 20, 1984, Friday, BC cycle, Section: Business News

    Toy Maker Talking About 'Business Combination' With Another Company, The Associated Press, April 26, 1984, Thursday, AM cycle, Section: Business News, Dateline: SPRINGFIELD, Mass.


Pizza Time Losses continue to mount

    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, In Brief


Atari closes last California factory

    Newsbytes, April 3, 1984, Atari Lay-Off   



Alan Kay leaves Atari

    Newsbytes, April 10, 1984, A week of resignations


5200 Software drought




German court squashe Unimex duplicator




Sinclair misses another QL deadline





Sinclair finds QL workaround!




Hannover Fair sees flood of PCs



Commodore unveils PC clone

    Newsbytes, April 3, 1984, Speaking of Clones   



IBM looks to shut down clones

    Newsbytes, April 3, 1984, More IBM, by Paul Richter



IBM buys  additional Intel shares

    Newsbytes, April 3, 1984, In Brief


PCJr sales still dismal




Apple ][ forever!

    Newsbytes, April 10, 1984, Apple II Forever   


    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, Mac-Update


Apple holds its own with IBM

    Newsbytes, April 10, 1984, Apple vs. IBM


Tomy drops out of US market

    Toy & Hobby World, April 1984 pg. 12


HP introduces the ThinkJet




Moves to Asia continue

    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, Stealing some thunder    



Bill Gates on Time cover




IBM working on GUI




3rd parties abandon Adam




Imagine changes course on  price cut



UK game prices hit 1 pound 99!




PC Write shareware model a success

    Newsbytes, April 10, 1984, Betting on Piracy


Wordstar hits hard times

    Newsbytes, April 17, 1984, Software Snafus


Atari Program Exchange shuttered



Atari introduces AtariLab

    PRESS CONFERENCE, PR Newswire, April 4, 1984, Wednesday    



Broderbund announces Print Shop



HESWare hires Nimoy



Empires redefines pass-and-play




Synapse withdraws from UK market



Random House enters software biz



64er launches



France goes online



Games Network signs up additional franchises




Videotext gone took 'r jawbs!



MITI throws in the towel




CalTech students hack Rose Bowl scoreboard




RCA axes Video disk




Licensing business explodes

    Children's Characters Stir Big Sales, The Associated Press, April 25, 1984, Wednesday, PM cycle, Section: Domestic News, Byline: By ROBERT WADE, Associated Press Writer


Takara pens deal with Hasbro

    US firm permitted to use characters, The Japan Economic Journal, April 17, 1984, Section: SERVICE/LEISURE/FOOD; Pg. 18

    Toy & Hobby World, April 1984


D&D scare hits the UK


Recommended Links:


The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/

Gaming Alexandria: https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/

They Create Worlds: https://tcwpodcast.podbean.com/

Digital Antiquarian: https://www.filfre.net/

The Arcade Blogger: https://arcadeblogger.com/

Retro Asylum: http://retroasylum.com/category/all-posts/

Retro Game Squad: http://retrogamesquad.libsyn.com/

Playthrough Podcast: https://playthroughpod.com/

Retromags.com: https://www.retromags.com/

Games That Weren't - https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/

Sound Effects by Ethan Johnson of History of How We Play.

Copyright Karl Kuras
















chuck e cheese

pizza time











40 years ago:

#Acorn and #Commodore soar, as #Coleco and #Atari falter,

Software takes center stage in PC clone world &

UK game prices hit rock bottom


These stories and more on the VGNRTM!


#c64 #zxspectrum #ql #mastertronic #sega