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May 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Release Date: 07/22/2024

August 1994 show art August 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

30 years ago: Computer industry booms as consoles slump, Nintendo announces Ultra64 & The internet gets scary These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your...

Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat show art Graeme Bayless - Part 4 - Crystal Dynamics, SCi, Namco, Fierce Wombat

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 4, we talk about the decade that Graeme spent in the wilderness of the game's industry, during which he worked on titles such as Tomb Raider Legend and Anniversary at Crystal Dynamics, tried to salvage projects like Enslaved, Dead to Rights Retribution and Splatterhouse at Namco, returned to sports...

August 1984 show art August 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Commodore buys Amiga Jack Tramiel declares war on  competition Nintendo announces US NES launch plans These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in August 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden show art Graeme Bayless - Part 3 - EA, Tiburon, Madden

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific a career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 3, we talk about job hunting in the games industry at the end of the 90s and his time at EA's Tiburon subsidiary working on Madden 2001 and 2002 as well as developing the NFL Street franchise. What is life like for a dev living in the crunch of annualized sports games?  How are new franchises...

July 1994 - Part 2 show art July 1994 - Part 2

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops Nintendo goes for cheap VR Commodore bankruptcy gets messy These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

July 1994 - Part 1 show art July 1994 - Part 1

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Sega's Saturn premiere flops, The Game Industry ditches CES for E3 & Nintendo goes for cheap VR These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device:...

Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra show art Graeme Bayless - Part 2 - Dynamix, Sierra

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios. In Part 2, we talk about his time at Dynamix, a Sierra subsidiary. We find out how he met his wife in the early days of online geekdom, finally put down roots in Eugene, OR, ventured into online game development, experienced the gradual fall of Sierra as it changed hands again and again, worked on games such...

July 1984 show art July 1984

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Jack buys Atari Imagine goes belly up Nintendo's Famicom gets Zapped These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in July 1984.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile device: Android:...

Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios show art Graeme Bayless Part 1 - Accolade, SSI, Sega, Hyperbole Studios

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Few developers have had as long and prolific career as our guest, Graeme Bayless. From working on mainframes, to selling Kaypros, to playtesting Accolade's launch titles, to producing games for SSI, Sega Technical Institute, Hyperbole Studios, Dynamix, EA, Eidos, and NetherRealm Studios.   In Part 1, we talk about his early years, the evolution of the industry, moving from computers at SSI to consoles with Sega and getting up to the boom of FMV games.   Recorded: December 2023   Get us on your mobile device: Android: iOS:   And if you like what we are doing here at...

June 1994 show art June 1994

Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

Hollywood welcomes Siliwood, Saturn and Playstation begin fight for Japanese consumers & 3DO declared DOA These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM! This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in June 1994.  As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events. Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost.  Check out his podcast here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/ and order his book here: https://www.theycreateworlds.com/book Get us on your mobile...

More Episodes

Sinclair ships QLs,

Atari looks hopeful &

Jack is BACK!

These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM!

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in May 1984.

As always, we'll mostly be using magazine cover dates, and those are of course always a bit behind the actual events.

Alex Smith of They Create Worlds is our cohost. Check out his podcast here:


and order his book here:


or get it in the Humble Bundle here:


Get us on your mobile device:

Android: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly92aWRlb2dhbWVuZXdzcm9vbXRpbWVtYWNoaW5lLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vcnNz

iOS: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/video-game-newsroom-time-machine

And if you like what we are doing here at the podcast, don't forget to like us on your podcasting app of choice, YouTube, and/or support us on patreon!


Send comments on Mastodon @[email protected]


twitter @videogamenewsr2


Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vgnrtm


[email protected]


If you don't see all the links, find them here:


7 Minutes in Heaven: Rescue on Fractalus

Video Version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/108357926



April 1984 Ep - https://www.patreon.com/posts/april-1984-106448718

Ethan's fine site The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/






New York Court rules pinball is a game of skill


Atari opens another Game Center



Bally buys Alladin's Castle



Morgan predicts profitability by July 1

 Atari expects to return to surplus this year. Financial Times (London,England), May 22, 1984, Tuesday, Section: SECTION II; International Companies; Pg. 21, Byline: BY LOUISE KEHOE IN SAN FRANCISCO

 National News in Brief, United Press International, May 22, 1984, Tuesday, PM cycle, Section: Domestic News, Dateline: SANTA CLARA, Calif.

Ross predicts Warner profitability

 No Headline In Original, The Associated Press, May 24, 1984, Thursday, BC cycle, Section: Business News

Atari confirms negotiations with Philips

 Discussions with Philips; ATARITEL TO DELAY ENTRY INTO HIGH-TECH PHONE MARKET, Communications Daily, May 29, 1984, Tuesday, Section: Vol. 4, No. 104; Pg. 2


Atari announces more layoffs and plant closing

 "Computer Giant Furloughs Middle Managers, The Associated Press, May 31, 1984, Thursday, AM cycle, Section: Domestic News, Dateline: SUNNYVALE, Calif.

 Atari to end Hong Kong venture, Financial Times (London,England), ,May 31, 1984, Thursday, Section: SECTION II; International Companies; Pg. 19, Byline: BY LOUISE KEHOE IN SAN FRANCISCO"

Alan Kay goes to Apple


Jack is back


Tramel Technology founded


Commodore exec exodus continues


Gulf and Western sells Sega


No Headline In Original, PR Newswire, May 21, 1984, Monday"

Bally profits plummet


Mattel secures new financing

 Mattel Agrees To Give Up 45 Percent of Its Voting Stock, The Associated Press, May 4, 1984, Friday, AM cycle, Section: Business News


Coleco issues new debt

 Troubled Game Manufacturer Rasing $50 Million With Debentures, The Associated Press,May 9, 1984, Wednesday, AM cycle, Section: Business News

Coleco backlog is enormous

 Toy and Hobby World, May 1984, pg. 8

Coleco gets new ad agency

 Ketchum Scores Coleco; Demands Cash Up Front From Shaky ClientADWEEKMay 21, 1984, Eastern Edition, Byline: By Debbie Seaman

Hasbro buys Milton Bradley


Toys R Us sales grow, but not thanks to games

 No Headline In Original, PR Newswire, May 2, 1984, Wednesday, Dateline: ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., May 2


Japanese Coinop makers go after North American Pirates



Century's CVS gets new lease on life

 Play Meter May 1, 1984, pg. 21



Bankers learn not to finance games

 Selling Repossessed Items Is a Banker's Nightmare; Want to Buy a Trawler, Bordello, or Video Game?, The American Banker, May 30, 1984, Wednesday, Section: BACK PAGE; Pg. 24, Byline: Special to the American Banker, Dateline: ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.

Activision sales collapse

 No Headline In Original, United Press International, May 3, 1984, Thursday, BC cycle, Section: Financial, Dateline: MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.

Video Games aren't DEAD!



Atari announces 7800

 Atari Unveils Video Game Expandable into Computer, The Associated Press,May 21, 1984, Monday, BC cycle,Section: Business News

 ATARI; Unveils advanced video game that is expandable to introductory computer, Business Wire, May 21, 1984, Monday


Adam owner frustration grows


MSX adopts 3.5 inch disks


Activision signs deal with Pony

 ACTIVISION; Signs licensing agreement with Pony Inc. for Japanese markets, Business Wire, May 30, 1984, Wednesday, Dateline: MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.

MSX coming to UK


Dragon to announce MSX machine


 https://tromax.webnode.es/   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_MSX  

Philips and Thompson want to set new standard


Amstrad development fracas revealed


Acorn announces ABM

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acorn_Business_Computer   https://archive.org/details/popular-computing-weekly-1984-05-03/page/n4/mode/1up?view=theater

First QL's go out to customers


Popular Computing Weekly gets their QL!




Sir Clive passes on Delorean plant


Computer games take CES by storm



Mac software arrives


First Origin games get tested


Lucasfilm Games Premieres

 https://archive.org/details/computer-entertainer-3-2   Lucasfilm ''force'' enters video game market, United Press International, May 9, 1984, Wednesday, AM cycle, Section: Domestic News, Byline: By JOHN M. LEIGHTY

British devs embrace C64


USGold launches with Aztec Challenge and Forbidden Forest

 https://archive.org/details/computer-and-videogames-031/page/n15/mode/2up   https://archive.org/details/computer-and-videogames-031/page/n32/mode/1up?view=theater    




Evil Dead coming to the C64


Leisure Games wants you to go to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200



Games Network warns that Bankruptcy is looming

 Computer Taken by Creditor; GAMES NETWORK INSOLVENT, SAYS BANKRUPTCY IS NEAR, Communications Daily, May 17, 1984, Thursday,Section: Vol. 4, No. 97; Pg. 2


Adam Magazine to arrive



Australia recognizes Copyright

 ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC NEWS IN BRIEF, Copyright 1984 Jiji Press Ltd.Jiji Press Ticker Service, MAY 30, 1984, WEDNESDAY

Sanders income booms while royalty revenue dips SANDERS-ASSOCIATES; Financial resultsBusiness WireMay 21, 1984, Monday, Dateline: NASHUA, N.H.


Battlefield Earth gets a soundtrack


Recommended Links:

The History of How We Play: https://thehistoryofhowweplay.wordpress.com/

Gaming Alexandria: https://www.gamingalexandria.com/wp/

They Create Worlds: https://tcwpodcast.podbean.com/

Digital Antiquarian: https://www.filfre.net/

The Arcade Blogger: https://arcadeblogger.com/

Retro Asylum: http://retroasylum.com/category/all-posts/

Retro Game Squad: http://retrogamesquad.libsyn.com/

Playthrough Podcast: https://playthroughpod.com/

Retromags.com: https://www.retromags.com/

Games That Weren't - https://www.gamesthatwerent.com/

Sound Effects by Ethan Johnson of History of How We Play.

Copyright Karl Kuras