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Woman On Fire Friday Five - Who Do You Think You Are?

Woman On Fire Radio

Release Date: 09/28/2018

Woman On Fire Radio Show Episode 25,  Happy New Year! show art Woman On Fire Radio Show Episode 25, Happy New Year!

Woman On Fire Radio

Taylor Swift said, "it's never too late to be brand new". 2022 is the year of big pivots, big changes, and a bold, brand-new way of doing things. Let's get started!

Woman On Fire Friday Five: Living As If show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: Living As If

Woman On Fire Radio

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying that we should “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”  Too often we heart of people being told to live each day as if it were their last day on earth. Personally, I’ve never liked that suggestion, to live as if the end is waiting just beyond the horizon, waiting to trip me up just as I’m hitting my stride. During all of the manic living, are we really taking time to surround ourselves with the joy felt or the pleasure of livin

Woman On Fire Friday Five: Choose To Grow show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: Choose To Grow

Woman On Fire Radio

Being comfortable in our Status Quo is a myth.  We may feel that we are just fine because the status quo remains the status quo. We can just stay in this place, in this way and nothing will ever change.  But change comes, even touching the walls of our comfort zones and try as we might to keep it out, it will prevail.    As human beings, we were made for more. We were not meant to remain the same. We were made to be more, do more, move, live, thrive, grow. It's time to disrupt your Status Quo!

Woman On Fire Friday Five:  Be A Disrupter show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: Be A Disrupter

Woman On Fire Radio

What is the Call for Action on your life that is so large that it would force you to get up, stand up and be counted?

Woman On Fire Friday Five: You Have The Right show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: You Have The Right

Woman On Fire Radio

Nelson Mandela is quoted as saying that to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. Oprah Winfrey has said that the right to vote is like the crown that we get to wear as citizens in this country. 

Woman on Fire Friday Five: Try A Little Tenderness show art Woman on Fire Friday Five: Try A Little Tenderness

Woman On Fire Radio

Self-care is not selfish even though at times it might seem that way. When your calendar is full, when your life is going in a dozen directions, you might find yourself sliding self-care further down on your own to-do list. It’s been said that you cannot pour from an empty cup. We overdo, we overbook and we run out of steam until all we are left with is an empty vessel, our cup has become empty. It's time to disrupt the Status Quo!

Woman on Fire Ask Me Anything Special Number One show art Woman on Fire Ask Me Anything Special Number One

Woman On Fire Radio

Is Life Transformation possible? Life transformation is absolutely possible, but it must begin with a shift in our mindset. We have to want this transformation badly enough to both identify these beliefs that have held us back and understand that we must break through these.  The beauty is that we get to choose how things will be for ourselves. We are not obligated to maintain the status quo in any situation, everything changes when we decide to change ourselves, for ourselves.

Woman On Fire Friday Five: Just Breathe show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: Just Breathe

Woman On Fire Radio

BUSYNESS fills mental space until we feel ready to deal with whatever it is that we are “running away” from. Once we are done running, there it is again, staring us in the face until we deal with it. And there we go again. Filling space with Busyness.  We are so busy taking care of Busyness that we forget to take care of business. Whatever compels us to keep moving, the truth remains that we have to give ourselves permission to slow down, permission to breathe. It's time to disrupt your Status Quo!

Woman On Fire Friday Five:  Surrendering To What Is show art Woman On Fire Friday Five: Surrendering To What Is

Woman On Fire Radio

Eckhart Tolle says saying yes means surrendering to what is, saying yes to life and watching how it starts working for you rather than against you. Surrendering to What Is… Your Life that is happening right now.  We get no replays, no repeats.  If we don’t surrender to What Is Right Now, well, the chances are good that we will never pass this way in the exact same way or time ever again.  What Is is enjoying the moment at the moment. Simple enough.  Being there in the moment.

Woman on Fire Radio: No Place Like Home, Your Life In The Arena show art Woman on Fire Radio: No Place Like Home, Your Life In The Arena

Woman On Fire Radio

What do you think about when you think about your Arena - your life?  The arena is where we go every day to be made or unmade every day. There will be daily jousts, some successful, some not so much.  Foes will be faced, and battles will be won or lost. Any situation that causes a disruption or seeks answers for this situation, any unresolved issues will affect and change everything in your Arena, intentionally or not.  It is time to disrupt your Status Quo!

More Episodes

Who do you think you are:  six words with the power to bring you to your knees or to cause you to soar to heights unknown. Six words that will in one moment bring you immense joy as you consider the possibilities and in the next moment causes you to hide all that you are, all that you’ve accomplished.

Others may ask but, do they really want to know? Mary Manin Morrissey said that “Often we lose our identity trying to please or placate others.”  We try so hard to be so many things to so many people that we lose sight of ourselves, we forget our stories. It's time to disrupt your Status Quo!