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Navigating Loss, End of Life and Grief with our animal companions.

Women Who Run with Horses

Release Date: 10/13/2023

Expanding our Gifts. show art Expanding our Gifts.

Women Who Run with Horses

On our latest episode we are sharing the expansion of medicine from our mare Dharma. We have experienced in the last month another layer to Dharma and what she suppports, we share the journey that she has been on and some messages she has given for perhaps a theme and guided energy for the new year. A beautiful share of expansion of gifts from Dharma as an invitation and reminder that we too are expanding in who we are.

Holding Death show art Holding Death

Women Who Run with Horses

How do you hold the space of death? On our latest episode we are sharing the recent journey we have been on with 3 of our horses as they have transitions from physical form to a spiritual form. How do we hold death when we are in the midst of it?  How do we listen to those that are asking us to tend them in this space? This podcast is a share of the messages, wisdom and teaching received from our beloved horses Aine, Jack and Shiva that all departed their physical form this week. Join us as we share our journey with them and how horses continue to teach us to tend to and hold the space of...

Walking the Path of Ascension with our Gelding Jack. show art Walking the Path of Ascension with our Gelding Jack.

Women Who Run with Horses

We are back with a new episode after a hiatus while we run our busy retreat season. Our first episode back we are sharing how we are holding the transition of our gelding Jack. With each horse that we walk this path with, we gain a different lens of understanding how they hold death and what they want us to learn from it. Jack is holding this as his ascension to being a horse ancestor, as if he is being crowned.  This is his journey of sharing his wisdom and also our process with him. Our hope in sharing is that it continues to support when we ourselves are faced with this journey with...

What it means when we stagnate. show art What it means when we stagnate.

Women Who Run with Horses

It has been awhile since we recorded an episode, and we had some space and wanted to delve into a personal reflection and also a share around what it means when we stagnate. Stagnation doesn't always mean we are failing, sometimes it means we are being invited into re-alignment and shifting. We don't have to fear stagnation, we simply need to be curious to where it is leading us. We also unpack on this episode of what do we do to continue to support ourselves, our business and our offerings when we are also in the midst of change, evolution and stagnation. Hopefully this gives a shift of...

Ostara's Transition and Animal communication with Brittany Ashworth show art Ostara's Transition and Animal communication with Brittany Ashworth

Women Who Run with Horses

On our latest podcast episode, we are sharing the journey of holding transition for our mare Ostara. Joined by animal communicator and horse medicine facilitator, Brittany Ashworth we speak about the messages Ostara shared in prepartion of her transition, and how helpful it is to have someone hold the space for transition. It is also another share of a journey of a horse consciously choosing her transition process and how we have walked alongside of her through it. Our hope is sharing this journey is supportive for anyone navigating the journey of transition and to share some final messages...

Walking the Path of Transition show art Walking the Path of Transition

Women Who Run with Horses

On our latest podcast episode, we are sharing the journey of transition with our equine partners and how that journey and path can manifest with each horse. We were inspired to share this episode while speaking to the story of our gelding Shiva, and his own journey of getting close to transition and then deciding to stay. Transition is a fluid path and it is unique to each journey and being that is walking that path. How do we be present to the space of transition for thte being we are walking and holding space for and also ourselves? We share a few stories of our horses and their journey to...

A story of spirit and reincarnation. show art A story of spirit and reincarnation.

Women Who Run with Horses

On today's episode I am sharing a couple of personal stories of my experience with reincarnation with some animal companions of mine, and also where we get signs of spirit when they leave us. If you have ever wondered about or needed a sign around reincarnation and spirit, perhaps you will receive what you are needing to hear in this episode.

Capacity Vs Burnout show art Capacity Vs Burnout

Women Who Run with Horses

In our first podcast episode of 2024 I share a little bit of wisdom of the difference between stretching our capacity and listening to where we are being asked to grow, versus when we are burning out. How do we know the difference or discern whether we have the capacity for something or not? Why should we listen to our capacity limits? How do we avoid burnout and following every idea or vision that comes to us? Why is it important for us to know the difference? I share some personal stories around my experience with this to deepen into this topic as well. As I mention on the podcast, I will be...

Aligning our Guiding Forces for 2024. show art Aligning our Guiding Forces for 2024.

Women Who Run with Horses

Each year when we approach new years, we perhaps start to think about our new years resolutions, intentions and word of the year. We wanted to share a different process and journey that we have found to be more powerful and perhaps authentic as we approach a new year. Instead of us choosing our intentions and resolutions, what if we were able to receive that energies were showing up to guide us in a new year? This journey has us to be open to what signs from nature, and the energy around us that is showing us and giving us signs as to what we need to partner with in order to succeed with our...

Navigating Resistance and Shifts in our Creations. show art Navigating Resistance and Shifts in our Creations.

Women Who Run with Horses

On our latest podcast we are sharing our personal process and reflection when we are being faced with resistance and invitation to shift in the midst of creation. Over the last couple of months we have been creating a new container, we started to share about it and then felt as if something needed to shift. Instead of pushing through or sitting with this is a failure, we instead are being with the invitation of what do we need to shift to be in greater alignment. Sometimes the things we create are leading us somewhere, can we be with the process of creation and opening without attachment to...

More Episodes

A tender episode for our latest podcast in a share around how we are navigating and moving through both the physical loss of our beloved gaurdian dog Odin and the journey of conversation of transition with our mare Ostara.

It felt important to honor both of these wise beings by sharing their journey and our hopes is it will help provide some comfort if you are also walking this path.

How do we honor the journey of our animals when they choose to leave, regardless of the journey they take?

How do we tend to our own grief?

How do we navigate that inquiry of is it time yet?

Gratitude to Odin and Ostara for offering their wisdom through this process.