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Why Successful Men Struggle to Attract The Woman They REALLY Want! (NO One Talks About This)

The Elevated Man

Release Date: 06/03/2024

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The Elevated Man

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Elevated Man Podcast with Apollonia Ponti 

Why Successful Men Struggle to Attract The Woman They REALLY Want! (NO One Talks About This)

Have you ever wondered why you seem to attract women but never attract the woman YOU want? 

Do you often end up dating emotionally unavailable or not a high-valued woman? 

If you're wondering why you're still not getting the women you want despite being successful, this podcast episode is for you! In today's podcast episode, Apollonia Ponti discusses a topic rarely addressed: why successful men struggle to attract the women they truly want. 

Apollonia knows that while successful men find it easy to start dating and initiate relationships, they often face challenges in maintaining these relationships or not recognizing if the woman they are dating is high quality. 

With Apollonia's help, she will help successful men how to approach high valued women and date them successfully, while helping them understand why they are attracting emotionally unavailable woman in the first place. 

So, if you're ready to start attracting the woman you want, instead of settling for a woman that you feel unfulfilled with. Then, this is the podcast episode for you!

Key points in this episode: 

  • 0:51 - Two things men do wrong when dating women.
  • 1:30 - Men with an abundance of women don't mean they're happy. Apollonia debunks that stereotype.
  • 2:07 - Successful men dont choose. High-valued men choose the woman they let in and date.
  • 3:04 - Men ask yourself: Do you truly choose the woman you talk to? Do you pick her because she is interesting to talk to? Or is she just good-looking?
  • 4:01 - Women come to them. A highly valued woman doesn't approach. Successful men are often approached by women; however, when they approach a highly valued woman, it is more challenging to get her attention.
  • 6:29 - To attract the woman you want, you need a clear vision of what type of woman you want. Do you plan on having children? Marriage?
  • 6:51 - A go-getter mentally. Although this mentally is great for their careers, it is detrimental when dating. Attraction is an art, not a race.
  • 8:33 - Highly successful men can destroy relationships by trying too hard; Apollonia gives examples of when a successful man doesn't see clearly when dating a woman.
  • 11:30 - Successful men get fixated on women when trying to attract them. It is the idea of getting the woman to date them; it's like an ego boost they can get any woman.  But never the right one. 

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